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Everything posted by Lurchzy

  1. I'm quite frustrated that Scott Parker looks like he's joining Bournemouth when Tottenham were linked to him yet it 'feel through'... Personally I can't see Nuno succeeding but we can only keep the faith!
  2. @GazzaGarratt can't say I'm happy as he definitely wasn't one Tottenham planned to get, but hopefully he'll help improve some of our younger players and get them into the team a bit more (got to look on the bright side). Noticed that very rarely Jose would start or feature a youth player unless it was a early cup match, and it's a shame because we have some really fantastic talent such as, Tanganga, Rodon, Sessegnon, Winks, Skipp, Clarke and many more! Otherwise I'm not overly pleased on the appointment, not a big fan of his playing style or his choice of transfer targets, but we'll see how he does!
  3. @Greboth and @GazzaGarrattthanks for taking the time to make these for us, can't wait to start making our liveries now for the Summer League. They're going to look ace!
  4. Back again with more exciting football! With the Euros we'll ahead and everyone so excited for England let's bring that energy to FG and get back up the leagues!
  5. This Monday night the FGFC team face the fiercest opponents yet, as a discombobulated team fight to regain they're rightful place in the 1st division of virtual football. Many regular players have been away injured, resting or supporting their euro team, but this week they come together again. Come on FG!
  6. I've been consistently hitting 1:15 in mediums, not sure if that's a good time or if I'm doing something wrong. Keep struggling with the last long corner as well.. Do you take it as two apex or one?
  7. CDM Playing style: Deep-lying playmaker Height: 6'0 - 6'4 Weight: 120 - 150 Highest Stats: Interception, tackling, passing, strength, heading Instructions: When in defense stay central keeping attacking play wide and intercepting central passes from midfielders to forwards. When in attack only make short, safe passes to wingers, defenders or alternative midfielders, don't attempt long passes or crosses to attackers. When against goal kicks attempt to win any midfield battles and play it to teammates. When in corners use height and strength to win headers and if attacking stay in the box until loss of possession or regroup.
  8. 11. Striker (Target Man) 10. Left Winger (Inverted Winger) 9. Attacking Midfielder (Bombardier) 8. Right Winger (Wide Playmaker) 7. Central Midfielder (Box to Box) 6. Defensive Midfielder (Deep Ballplaying) 5. Left Fullback (Heavy Overlapping) 4. Left Centerback (Long Crosses/passes) 3. Right Centerback (Sitback) 2. Right Fullback (Defensive Fullback) 1. Goalkeeper (Sweeper)
  9. I think it's a fantastic game, very chilled out. Haven't tried co-op yet but I'm sure that's even more fun!
  10. Lurchzy

    Denmark - Lurch

    Tier 3 team for James @Lurch

  11. Anyone could win this! Some absolutely fantastic goals there!
  12. I'll go for 5th again then next race, make it even again haha. Think I was helped by my pit though, might not be as lucky!
  13. I was happy with 5th place until now.. 11 points? Why the odd number? 😭
  14. My builds include; - ST, RM, CDM, RWB, CB I primarily play CDM/CM or CB however I do enjoy playing up top, especially when we've got a shorter CAM or CF to assist in the running part (Kanye and Rodders). My builds are slightly different from the other more meta players because I only use a tall build for all of my players, this is because my gameplay is heavily based on positioning (which is why even when I'm playing ST you'll see me coming back deep to cut passing lanes to the middle CM to stop 1-2 plays). Something else my game is based around is heading and aerial duels. I love the attention to the meta builds however I think a good variety of different style players is more beneficial to our team and how we play. For example @Findmartin pointed out that we should be thinking how we link up in positions and how partnerships should be something we think about more. Having a tall, strong CB and a ballplaying, quick CB partnership would be better in my opinion than two generic meta builds. And the same goes to the ST setup and even the CM position, I think if we had a speedy CAM which can overlap the ST as well as a more controlling strong, and passing based CDM/CM which can help recover the ball from outside the box, we would be able to make up a more interesting looking team which can work with a range of plays, essentially making our play not only more fun but also more dynamic. Unfortunately I think my opinions are quite opposite to @jordie1892 and @Macca89 and I think a range of different positions can make for different style of play. LM and RM positions would be great for people that like crossing in the ball, I personally think after Tony's recent performances moving him up into a RM position and having him put in some of his beautiful crosses to a tall ST would be a fantastic idea. I also think this would make room for someone more defensive to cover the CB position often left open when we play with two wingers. Similar to the other side of the pitch I think having a LW that works more like a 3rd striking option can cut in and leave room behind for @GazzaGarratt who can overlap and also produce some amazing crosses or passes inside to a CM like Macca who has a great shot from outside the box. Height for me is a big issue and I think be addressed. Being tall (6ft+) isn't a disadvantage in this game if you know how to play with it. I personally don't enjoy being the only tall player on the pitch, it makes me the prime target in the box and if the opposition have even one giant on their team they'll make me instantly their bitch. I think we should have one tall player in every section of the pitch. One tall attacking option (for aerial threat in slower build up play through the wings), one tall midfielder (for strength and intercepting goal kicks) and one tall defender. Therefore all of these players can also get into the box for corners and make it more difficult to mark all of us. If anyone is willing to try a taller build I can also produce a video on how to head the ball from a corner and how to make runs into intercepting positions without having the added pace. #TallGang4Life
  15. Managed to do a few practice runs on Tsukuba and Mount Panorama, found both of the tracks to be quite difficult to get started on, but I think I've got the hang of them now. 1:02.7 on Tsukuba (Opt 1:02.5) 2:11.7 on M. Panorama (Opt 2:09.4) Let me know if I can do any better or if that's not bad for my first attempt. Look forward to seeing you all soon!
  16. Hi, I'm James but people call me Lurch (I'm 6'4 and don't talk much). I enjoy playing Fifa, Rocket League and Call of Duty. Nice to meet you all!
  17. Fantastic run of games, even against some difficult opponents!
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