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  1. Like
    TurboR56Mini got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Pax Dei   
    Watched a few videos on this new MMORPG being developed. Seems pretty legit and could be a massive time suck 🙂. I personally like the "low fantasy" style vs some more of the crazy ones out there. I love idea of player made gear and stores etc. Lots of really neat things I'm seeing here. The most impressive for me is that PLAYERS will build everything including towns and all buildings. This gets my juices flowing and I'm really a digital architect as many know. 
  2. Like
    TurboR56Mini reacted to NCA-Paendrag in Happy Birthdays!   
    Thanks I guess 😄
  3. Like
    TurboR56Mini reacted to Tar-Eruntalion in Happy Birthdays!   
    Happy birthday to @Diddums and @NCA-Paendrag hope you have a great day!!
    Also, sorry if I have forgotten anyone but in the past site layout I could easily see birthdays, with the new one I don't know where they are at all😥
  4. Love
    TurboR56Mini reacted to Tar-Eruntalion in Pax Dei   
    OK that looks very promising, and I wonder how can they give the players freedom to build anything they want and run the world and keeping it balanced not derailing the whole thing, I have never been an MMORPG guy, but I could see myself trying this if I ever get a new pc even if it is just for the building aspect, me and carl could make some pretty awesome stuff if we are given the tools
  5. Like
    TurboR56Mini got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Pax Dei   
    This is the super helpful video about all the possibilities that have been shown/talked about etc.
  6. Love
    TurboR56Mini got a reaction from Tar-Eruntalion in Pax Dei   
    Watched a few videos on this new MMORPG being developed. Seems pretty legit and could be a massive time suck 🙂. I personally like the "low fantasy" style vs some more of the crazy ones out there. I love idea of player made gear and stores etc. Lots of really neat things I'm seeing here. The most impressive for me is that PLAYERS will build everything including towns and all buildings. This gets my juices flowing and I'm really a digital architect as many know. 
  7. Like
    TurboR56Mini reacted to Greboth in The big FG Photography thread   
    A few from my day out yesterday














    Any finally, my favourite of the day 😄

  8. Like
    TurboR56Mini reacted to Addryn in Cycling - New Bike   
    Great advice about the saddle! This thing is very important for comfort ride. For several years I rode on a high saddle, and I thought that it should be so! ..
  9. Like
    TurboR56Mini reacted to J4MES OX4D in *FG'ers Screenshots Thread*   
    Resident Evil 5

  10. Like
    TurboR56Mini reacted to phil bottle in Pax Dei   
    A video I watched last showed a very good looking game but the combat looked a bit weak.
    I've not seen the video above but will check it out 👍
  11. Like
    TurboR56Mini got a reaction from Riff Machine in Do you want to learn to play modded Minecraft? - FTB Academy   
    I'm learning! I completed the basic bitch page, found out I can teleport, have a nice shaft 🙂 of the mine variety... then I realized there are like a bunch more pages...
  12. Love
    TurboR56Mini got a reaction from Tar-Eruntalion in Pax Dei   
    This is the super helpful video about all the possibilities that have been shown/talked about etc.
  13. Like
    TurboR56Mini got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in Pax Dei   
    Watched a few videos on this new MMORPG being developed. Seems pretty legit and could be a massive time suck 🙂. I personally like the "low fantasy" style vs some more of the crazy ones out there. I love idea of player made gear and stores etc. Lots of really neat things I'm seeing here. The most impressive for me is that PLAYERS will build everything including towns and all buildings. This gets my juices flowing and I'm really a digital architect as many know. 
  14. Like
    TurboR56Mini reacted to Luseth in Pax Dei   
    I like the initial look of it, tend to reserve judgement with mmos until they are out as when they dont do so well it can be a real shame.
    one of my favourite mmo’s was probably wildstar and that ended fairly abruptly
  15. Like
    TurboR56Mini got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Do you want to learn to play modded Minecraft? - FTB Academy   
    I'm learning! I completed the basic bitch page, found out I can teleport, have a nice shaft 🙂 of the mine variety... then I realized there are like a bunch more pages...
  16. Like
    TurboR56Mini got a reaction from Riff Machine in Do you want to learn to play modded Minecraft? - FTB Academy   
    If you are just doing the install folks, make sure you still choose 1.3, not the latest! Cheers. 
  17. Like
    TurboR56Mini got a reaction from techno in Destiny 2 - FG, What would bring you back to play?   
    It was fun for a few years, and I even got platinum on D2, thanks to FG. My problem is all the content, like raids, are only fun if you can actually contribute. To contribute, you must play a lot to reach the proper level or obtain the meta a.k.a. the unbalanced bullshit weapon of the week/season. I can't be asked to grind the same old shit day in and day out as it really is FOMO. If you don't keep up, you miss it, and I don't need that kind of extra stress in my life. I'm really happy that I've grown to know many of FG from D2 but that nostalgia trap is just that, a trap. I'd rather just chill and build cool shit in Valheim or 7 days. Hell, I've even recently started the Minecraft FG academy thing where I can build to my heart's content. 
  18. Like
    TurboR56Mini got a reaction from SWAINEY84 in Destiny 2 - FG, What would bring you back to play?   
    It was fun for a few years, and I even got platinum on D2, thanks to FG. My problem is all the content, like raids, are only fun if you can actually contribute. To contribute, you must play a lot to reach the proper level or obtain the meta a.k.a. the unbalanced bullshit weapon of the week/season. I can't be asked to grind the same old shit day in and day out as it really is FOMO. If you don't keep up, you miss it, and I don't need that kind of extra stress in my life. I'm really happy that I've grown to know many of FG from D2 but that nostalgia trap is just that, a trap. I'd rather just chill and build cool shit in Valheim or 7 days. Hell, I've even recently started the Minecraft FG academy thing where I can build to my heart's content. 
  19. Like
    TurboR56Mini got a reaction from Riff Machine in Destiny 2 - FG, What would bring you back to play?   
    It was fun for a few years, and I even got platinum on D2, thanks to FG. My problem is all the content, like raids, are only fun if you can actually contribute. To contribute, you must play a lot to reach the proper level or obtain the meta a.k.a. the unbalanced bullshit weapon of the week/season. I can't be asked to grind the same old shit day in and day out as it really is FOMO. If you don't keep up, you miss it, and I don't need that kind of extra stress in my life. I'm really happy that I've grown to know many of FG from D2 but that nostalgia trap is just that, a trap. I'd rather just chill and build cool shit in Valheim or 7 days. Hell, I've even recently started the Minecraft FG academy thing where I can build to my heart's content. 
  20. Like
    TurboR56Mini reacted to GazzaGarratt in Destiny 2 - FG, What would bring you back to play?   
    Thanks for the views so far @Luseth @SWAINEY84 and @TurboR56Mini.
    @Luseth Matt, its difficult to explain how it used to be for quite a while. Most nights would be a one game thing through the week, as it was with CoD right now. However it used to be Destiny most of the time and then Overwatch other nights. I think the game is in a far better shape where we can chill and talk and not have to feel like we're miles apart becase the game doesn't have FOMO or any grind. Its more about learning techniques on how to play, build a armour set which even i need help with but its far better bouncing off you guys than just looking at a YouTube video. And FG Fridays, i've slacked tbh. They were never normally the same game like the past 6 weeks. You'll find some games can be on one night whereas others, just from experience I know that its easier just to stick up one game. I'll commit to getting the other Fridays up...although we need all round support to get people's butts online to have a laugh. They are still legendary so won't go away from here.
    @SWAINEY84, you hit some of the feelings I have. I know this game has actually helped people more in their own life than just playing, like yourself. There's now plenty of options with the Dungeons, Raids and now even the Strikes getting a facelift, that I think just running a few things together would be nice to do as a group.
    @TurboR56Mini, thanks for being honest. I think luckily, with raids and Dungeons there isn't really much you need before you go in that needs a heavy grind. FOMO is literally down to how we 'used to play' imo. We used to play so much that it felt like we couldn't have a day off! Now, I've missed so much that I don't care about getting everything, I just want to have the experiences together. In fact even back to Destiny 1, the stuff we remember isn't getting everything, its more the memories of epic laughter whilst doing a raid, or even just crucible together. I'm actually with you on wanting to build cool stuff on Valheim, the point should be we play this alongside other stuff, not to make it feel its the only game that exists at FG. Theres so much to talk about in the game that if all of us played it would give us a different perspective to what we had before now we have most of us starting from scratch or for the first time in ages.
  21. Like
    TurboR56Mini got a reaction from Tar-Eruntalion in Destiny 2 - FG, What would bring you back to play?   
    It was fun for a few years, and I even got platinum on D2, thanks to FG. My problem is all the content, like raids, are only fun if you can actually contribute. To contribute, you must play a lot to reach the proper level or obtain the meta a.k.a. the unbalanced bullshit weapon of the week/season. I can't be asked to grind the same old shit day in and day out as it really is FOMO. If you don't keep up, you miss it, and I don't need that kind of extra stress in my life. I'm really happy that I've grown to know many of FG from D2 but that nostalgia trap is just that, a trap. I'd rather just chill and build cool shit in Valheim or 7 days. Hell, I've even recently started the Minecraft FG academy thing where I can build to my heart's content. 
  22. Like
    TurboR56Mini got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Destiny 2 - FG, What would bring you back to play?   
    It was fun for a few years, and I even got platinum on D2, thanks to FG. My problem is all the content, like raids, are only fun if you can actually contribute. To contribute, you must play a lot to reach the proper level or obtain the meta a.k.a. the unbalanced bullshit weapon of the week/season. I can't be asked to grind the same old shit day in and day out as it really is FOMO. If you don't keep up, you miss it, and I don't need that kind of extra stress in my life. I'm really happy that I've grown to know many of FG from D2 but that nostalgia trap is just that, a trap. I'd rather just chill and build cool shit in Valheim or 7 days. Hell, I've even recently started the Minecraft FG academy thing where I can build to my heart's content. 
  23. Like
    TurboR56Mini got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in Destiny 2 - FG, What would bring you back to play?   
    It was fun for a few years, and I even got platinum on D2, thanks to FG. My problem is all the content, like raids, are only fun if you can actually contribute. To contribute, you must play a lot to reach the proper level or obtain the meta a.k.a. the unbalanced bullshit weapon of the week/season. I can't be asked to grind the same old shit day in and day out as it really is FOMO. If you don't keep up, you miss it, and I don't need that kind of extra stress in my life. I'm really happy that I've grown to know many of FG from D2 but that nostalgia trap is just that, a trap. I'd rather just chill and build cool shit in Valheim or 7 days. Hell, I've even recently started the Minecraft FG academy thing where I can build to my heart's content. 
  24. Like
    TurboR56Mini reacted to GazzaGarratt in Destiny 2 - FG, What would bring you back to play?   
    Hear me out for 2 minutes please. I'm really wanting to have a good discussion about it because I honestly feel like there is a game to be played that fits right into our fun happy place without the need to be having to grind or play multiple hours of it and feel 'left behind', etc.
    I look at the past feelings about CoD over the years, even money wise, but we keep coming back to that, paying the money and this time round its proven (generally here) that the latest one has been a success. I think a significant part of that is many of us here playing it and having others to group together on it - although I see many here too play solo and be fine with that also.
    So, being there still feels no superior competitor to Destiny 2, and given thats it had a pretty big overhaul of the game again just now, what would it take for you to come back? Or even, start playing for the first time? With Discord integrated with Xbox and PS5, we're even closer to crossplay feeling pretty simple now as the chat was the only major blocker for me (now its just PS4s ffs Sony). I'm just really interested in whether or not we could create that buzz and talk again about the game, given there is still loads of different activities to do and especially at Endgame where most here haven't completed any Dungeons (3 players) or Raids (6 players).
    So don't hold back, lets chat about it and be open. I feel an FG hole waiting to be filled in 👀 Lets try and be positive and constructive about what we could do together as a community. It could be Guides we could write together, open group up nights, videos, private matches, etc. And the existing ones that still play, give ideas on what you think we could do too!
    Looking forward to seeing what we all come up with.
  25. Like
    TurboR56Mini reacted to Luseth in Destiny 2 - FG, What would bring you back to play?   
    I think for me at the momenI I am a still expansions short of the latest one so I need to pick them up first!! I am not against getting back on to it and time permitting will do at some point, I just limit my multiplayer game time because if I didn't I would be neglecting so many other good games. The problem with limiting mp game time is that often when I jump on to play with FG it is just on whatever game everyone is already playing. 9 times out of 10 that is COD and I don't think I have ever heard anyone suggest mid COD session shall we go and play something else.
    I find that after 2 hours of COD i'm getting a bit burnt out by it now and tend to stay on just because I'm chatting to FG people and not because I am really into the game.
    Why does an FG Friday for example have to commit to a single game? Can't it be COD for an hour or 2 and then Destiny for an hour or 2 or Fifa or whatever else. In fact looking at the last few FG Friday's it has been mostly COD for quite some time (even the among us night turned into COD from memory) and whilst it's a good game I imagine there are a few of us playing it just because it is where FG is at and for some chat, I imagine that could be done on any number of games ^_^
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