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Everything posted by AtomicGhost

  1. I keep hearing it's like Witcher 3 but with Vikings, ofc. So I am really hyped for it, although I never really played any AC games
  2. Sony XA2, got it as a present. Wouldn't be my choice of phone although for a while i quite liked Sony phones. The phone is decent though, since i don't have high demands. But do plan on switching to Xiaomi after this one retires
  3. Robocop. Love the religious symbolism of death and resurrection realized in a science-fiction setting. I also like how Robocop / Alex Murphy liberates himself from his programming and redeems his humanity. It's a true psychological parable transmitted as an action flick with satire and social criticism.
  4. I agree it may not be worth the money at all, i think the psychology lies in the series being quite a huge franchize among gamers. I mean, the series itself seems good, cause i never played it but read a Resident Evil timeline blog article, so seems really like an interesting story with loads of potential.
  5. Gwent for strategic games lovers - it has witcher lore too
  6. Oh then you will love the third book The Prisoner of Heaven since we get to see more of the Spanish war time! The second book at first have mislead me in thinking what things are about, but after reading the final book of the series, all was explained and it left me speechless. That was one remarkable journey, i'll tell you that
  7. Much recommending The Cemetery of the Forgotten Books and The Book Thief for those who love books and words
  8. Doing exercise, but not going overboard with it - each evening some push-ups and sit-ups
  9. Never played Assassin's Creed, but the VIkings might actually get me into the series, so waiting for it eagerly
  10. The Snow White and the Huntsman. Much appreciating the villain 👌
  11. I always loved cycling and it's a great way to keep you fit if you go pretty far with your bike (used to ride about 16km per day), but for the last two years i seem to have trouble getting on the bike, although i do remember with affection my rides
  12. At the moment rereading The Cemetery of the Forgotten Books series and INDULGING myself in it
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