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  1. Like
    Tar-Eruntalion reacted to phil bottle in Bye bye Windows 10   
    I think he was saying there's no noticeable difference or improvement upgrading from 10 to 11.
  2. Like
    Tar-Eruntalion got a reaction from phil bottle in Bye bye Windows 10   
    yeah the options you have kinda suck now, you either stay with windows 10 without security patches and all that entails, pay for the extended support or move to linux and if you are playing comp games with kernel level anticheat or need specific software like adobe, office, autodesk etc you are out of luck
  3. Like
    Tar-Eruntalion got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in Bye bye Windows 10   
    yeah the options you have kinda suck now, you either stay with windows 10 without security patches and all that entails, pay for the extended support or move to linux and if you are playing comp games with kernel level anticheat or need specific software like adobe, office, autodesk etc you are out of luck
  4. Like
    Tar-Eruntalion reacted to MrBiron in Bye bye Windows 10   
    I'm glad I run Linux. Windows sucks.
  5. Haha
    Tar-Eruntalion reacted to J4MES OX4D in You shouldn't laugh..   
    Woman scammed out of £700,000 after believing she was dating Brad Pitt
  6. Like
    Tar-Eruntalion got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Witcher 4   
    It has become pretty tiring, if the game isn't a halo/cod manly men circlejerk then it's woke and DEI, how are we regressing that much as a society? This Ciri is older and has gone through hell to become a Witcher, of course she won't look like a perky teenager like in Witcher 3, that doesn't make her ugly as some call her and with the way the Witcher 3 ended it makes sense for Geralt to live out the rest of his life in peace while Ciri becomes what she always wanted to be
  7. Love
    Tar-Eruntalion got a reaction from Luseth in Witcher 4   
    It has become pretty tiring, if the game isn't a halo/cod manly men circlejerk then it's woke and DEI, how are we regressing that much as a society? This Ciri is older and has gone through hell to become a Witcher, of course she won't look like a perky teenager like in Witcher 3, that doesn't make her ugly as some call her and with the way the Witcher 3 ended it makes sense for Geralt to live out the rest of his life in peace while Ciri becomes what she always wanted to be
  8. Love
    Tar-Eruntalion got a reaction from phil bottle in Witcher 4   
    It has become pretty tiring, if the game isn't a halo/cod manly men circlejerk then it's woke and DEI, how are we regressing that much as a society? This Ciri is older and has gone through hell to become a Witcher, of course she won't look like a perky teenager like in Witcher 3, that doesn't make her ugly as some call her and with the way the Witcher 3 ended it makes sense for Geralt to live out the rest of his life in peace while Ciri becomes what she always wanted to be
  9. Like
    Tar-Eruntalion reacted to phil bottle in CEO assassination   
    Personally I hope it catches on 🤣
    Here's Bill's take 🤗
  10. Like
    Tar-Eruntalion got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Convince me Android is best.   
    In your case since you use the whole ecosystem of apple with all its amenities etc android isn't better and won't be for a while if ever, googles software offerings aren't as much a complete package as apples partly because android isn't a monopoly in hardware like apple is and so every company tries and fails to make its own ecosystem
    but for me that ecosystem and the "walled garden" with the apple knows the best mindset in everything is a prison, so even if I was a millionaire I wouldn't buy an apple phone, even in my android I barely use googles or in my case samsungs software because I don't want to be locked in any ecosystem, the best thing imo with android is that it's not that locked down, you can flash a custom rom if you don't want the stock one, or choose to use programs from other stores like fdroid for example which hosts open source programs with no ads, tracking etc
    the customizability also is unmatched imo, you can replace the stock launcher and make it look however you want and people can make some impressive looking ones and lastly it's the price where the difference is huge outside the newest, top model of any company, if I can find a phone that does 80-90% of what the latest galaxy or iphone does while paying not even a fifth of what they cost why not choose that? I have the samsung galaxy a50 right now which is the most expensive phone I ever bought at 250. I bought it when it came out 5 years ago and it's still perfect and don't plan to change it anytime soon, so what more can the top of the line galaxy or iphone of the time offer me beyond the better camera?
  11. Thanks
    Tar-Eruntalion reacted to James in Convince me Android is best.   
    Good answer.
  12. Like
    Tar-Eruntalion got a reaction from James in Convince me Android is best.   
    In your case since you use the whole ecosystem of apple with all its amenities etc android isn't better and won't be for a while if ever, googles software offerings aren't as much a complete package as apples partly because android isn't a monopoly in hardware like apple is and so every company tries and fails to make its own ecosystem
    but for me that ecosystem and the "walled garden" with the apple knows the best mindset in everything is a prison, so even if I was a millionaire I wouldn't buy an apple phone, even in my android I barely use googles or in my case samsungs software because I don't want to be locked in any ecosystem, the best thing imo with android is that it's not that locked down, you can flash a custom rom if you don't want the stock one, or choose to use programs from other stores like fdroid for example which hosts open source programs with no ads, tracking etc
    the customizability also is unmatched imo, you can replace the stock launcher and make it look however you want and people can make some impressive looking ones and lastly it's the price where the difference is huge outside the newest, top model of any company, if I can find a phone that does 80-90% of what the latest galaxy or iphone does while paying not even a fifth of what they cost why not choose that? I have the samsung galaxy a50 right now which is the most expensive phone I ever bought at 250. I bought it when it came out 5 years ago and it's still perfect and don't plan to change it anytime soon, so what more can the top of the line galaxy or iphone of the time offer me beyond the better camera?
  13. Like
    Tar-Eruntalion got a reaction from Luseth in Convince me Android is best.   
    In your case since you use the whole ecosystem of apple with all its amenities etc android isn't better and won't be for a while if ever, googles software offerings aren't as much a complete package as apples partly because android isn't a monopoly in hardware like apple is and so every company tries and fails to make its own ecosystem
    but for me that ecosystem and the "walled garden" with the apple knows the best mindset in everything is a prison, so even if I was a millionaire I wouldn't buy an apple phone, even in my android I barely use googles or in my case samsungs software because I don't want to be locked in any ecosystem, the best thing imo with android is that it's not that locked down, you can flash a custom rom if you don't want the stock one, or choose to use programs from other stores like fdroid for example which hosts open source programs with no ads, tracking etc
    the customizability also is unmatched imo, you can replace the stock launcher and make it look however you want and people can make some impressive looking ones and lastly it's the price where the difference is huge outside the newest, top model of any company, if I can find a phone that does 80-90% of what the latest galaxy or iphone does while paying not even a fifth of what they cost why not choose that? I have the samsung galaxy a50 right now which is the most expensive phone I ever bought at 250. I bought it when it came out 5 years ago and it's still perfect and don't plan to change it anytime soon, so what more can the top of the line galaxy or iphone of the time offer me beyond the better camera?
  14. Like
    Tar-Eruntalion reacted to RenFengge in Dragon Age Veilguard - Another Failure, yay   
    Just finished this game at 130 hours. @TurboR56Mini mentioned I should post.. even though I have been silent for a good while lol.
    Here's the thing, I loved BioWare.. Dragon Age Origins was a breath of fresh air to me. My enjoyment of the Dragon Age series is what got me to pick up Mass Effect. These two franchises are near and dear to my heart.
    So, the hate that Veilguard gets based on trailers? I get it. It's not what any of us expected or wanted... and it just further shows how much EA continues to destroy game studios. EA is why we got the failures of Anthem and Andromeda. Veilguard being in production for 10 years? That's EA written all over it. The game got rebooted numerous times.
    That said, what was released? Is it good? It is. Is it the same caliber of DAO or DAI? Absolutely not. Remember the nonsense of DA2? Veilguard is probably what DA2 would have been if DA2 wasn't rushed.
    The gameplay is enjoyable (minus the annoyance/QOL issue with respeccing your character outside a boss fight/needing to reload a save to do it). The story is decent. Can the final act make up for the rest of the Veilguard story? Maybe? Depends on how you look at it. I took this as a farewell to Dragon Age. It wraps up so many story threads. I applaud the writers for keeping such major parts of the lore under wraps for so long. I would say, just play it to finish Solas's character arc. The secret ending is an opening to more Dragon Age... if EA allows BioWare to do what they do best... and not meddle in what they do. If you don't get the secret ending, no harm. Treat this game as what it probably was intended to be --> a farewell to the world that BioWare started with DAO.
    The graphics are a bit cartoony.. but don't let it deter you. I had to remind myself that the reason why I never picked up DAO when it was released was because of the terrible graphics, but I ended up enjoying it. Get past the graphics... get into the story. The elves look odd. The Qunari look too nice. But everything else seems to mostly work.
    The writing isn't the quality we expect from BioWare in their golden age. The voice actors do the best they can. I think if they didn't need to keep scrapping the game and starting over because EA would dictate demands, this wouldn't be an issue. The ending was fleshed out long ago, hence the final act being the quality we expected and worth it.
    For those who somehow are pissed about it having a non-binary character and saying "go woke, go broke" about this game... if this bothers you, then you weren't paying attention to everything else going on in Thedas... or fantasy... or comic books. DA has always had diverse characters. And, DA has always had political and social commentary (so has Marvel and DC and Star Trek and Star Wars and numerous other things we all enjoy).
    Bottom line for this game: It's good. Is it GOTY good? Absolutely not. But, it's good. I agree with @Luseth that this is probably a 7.5 out of 10. I will probably replay it to get other interesting tidbits about the lore based on Rook's character and choices... and even the Inquisitor choices.
  15. Thanks
    Tar-Eruntalion reacted to Luseth in Dragon Age Veilguard - Another Failure, yay   
    It certainly does not go back to it's roots in terms of gameplay and such though the game does keep to the lore quite well.
  16. Love
    Tar-Eruntalion reacted to Antpool84 in Alien Isolation 2   
    I loved playing the original and can't wait for this!! I lost count of how many times I jumped out of my skin playing this, was one of the most tense gaming experiences I've ever had! Hopefully this will stay true to the atmosphere and gameplay of the original 🤞
  17. Like
    Tar-Eruntalion got a reaction from Antpool84 in Alien Isolation 2   
    Hell fucking yeah, at last we are getting a sequel to it, the first one was a masterpiece even if it was a bit longer than it should, it's the only game that I have finished on highest difficulty and it was BRUTAL, the hospital level when the difficulty spikes for the first time was insane, I was sweating and trembling the whole time
  18. Love
    Tar-Eruntalion reacted to Luseth in FG Top 10 must play games!   
    So, just wondering if there would be any interest in seeing if we can come up collectively with an FG top 10 must play games list?
    Currently thinking the format along the lines of everyone puts a list down of say 5 games each, we then all have to put them into priority and then each position get's a set number of points i.e. if I put the Witcher 3 top, then Fifa (heaven forbid) second then Witcher 3 would say get 10 points and then Fifa 9 and so on and so on.
    Would that interest people or am I shouting into the wind? 😄
    I would then look at doing a short write up for each game in the top 10 so if anyone has comments to say about any of their nominations, memories and such put them in the post and I could look to use them in the write ups.
  19. Love
    Tar-Eruntalion got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in Alien Isolation 2   
    Hell fucking yeah, at last we are getting a sequel to it, the first one was a masterpiece even if it was a bit longer than it should, it's the only game that I have finished on highest difficulty and it was BRUTAL, the hospital level when the difficulty spikes for the first time was insane, I was sweating and trembling the whole time
  20. Love
    Tar-Eruntalion reacted to J4MES OX4D in Alien Isolation 2   
    It was a horrifying experience! I would literally spend 10 minutes hiding in a locker just waiting for the right time to leave. The alien AI was so good and unpredictable that you had to be on your toes at all times and even the slightest of sounds could get you into trouble. 
  21. Love
    Tar-Eruntalion reacted to J4MES OX4D in Alien Isolation 2   
    Confirmed to be in development 10 years on from the original
    Alien: Isolation 2 Confirmed - IGN
    WWW.IGN.COM On the 10-year anniversary of Alien: Isolation’s release, developer Creative Assembly has confirmed that a sequel is in development.  
    A good watch after IGN's infamously terrible 5.9/10 review
  22. Haha
    Tar-Eruntalion reacted to J4MES OX4D in PS5 Pro   
    $700 LMAO

  23. Haha
    Tar-Eruntalion reacted to J4MES OX4D in Concord   
    Concord taken offline after two weeks with refunds to be issued.
    Concord: Sony pulls shooter from sale two weeks after release - BBC News
    WWW.BBC.CO.UK Concord reportedly spent eight years being made but it is being taken offline soon after launch.
    Probably the biggest failure in gaming history and a very expensive one too with it costing an estimated 9-figures and taking 8 years to produce. Absolute catastrophe for Sony and you have to wonder how the game made it this far. LawBreakers was a warning back in 2015 and with many massively established games pre-pandemic being F2P, a £40 hero shooter in 2024 in a over-saturated genre was never going to have any widespread appeal especially with barely any marketing and very unappealing design. They were never going to drag people away from the likes of COD, Overwatch, Valorant, Apex and even Destiny 2 especially with such a steep entry fee.
    They made no attempt to liaise with the community until a month before release which was fatal and anyone with a functioning brain could’ve told them in 2019 that this would be a bad idea and to give it up. Feel a bit sorry for the devs but they’ve really failed to assess the market in the last 6 years but this is all on Sony for allowing it to happen and taking such a backseat.
  24. Love
    Tar-Eruntalion reacted to TurboR56Mini in FG 1.0 Dedicated Server   
    Hi friends, 
    The new FG server is up and running as of now! I posted the PW; if someone takes the time and effort to find this post, find us on the server and grief us: 1. I'll be impressed, 2. we will kill them, 3. I'll just change the PW 🙂. 

  25. Like
    Tar-Eruntalion got a reaction from TurboR56Mini in Holy Shit 1.0   
    well from what they said it's 1.0 in name only pretty much, but I am always down to be killed by some zombies
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