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Everything posted by slamminbones

  1. Mostly pretty chilled to the point I'll find a quite spot for s power nap that is if I've not got any training that needs doing or orders that need placing.
  2. Can't remember if it was theps plus I got or the non ps plus as if it's only ps plus then the 10 pound upgrade isn't available but either way I'm getting it.
  3. Was looking forward to this but meh not really that impressed now.
  4. As compensation we get 5 days free PSN.
  5. View this video Description Thought I shared this here but seems I may not have.  
  6. Thought I shared this here but seems I may not have.  
    I can't think of any more excuses but when I do I'll let you know.
  7. Watched the beach last night still an enjoyable film after all these years.
  8. When it's core that's when the real profanities come out 😂
  9. If I'm on my own it's hardcore with FG core. I play what ever map Is on.
  10. From what I've seen and read silent hill 2 gets my vote. I'm hoping bops 6 doesn't get top can't have cod twice in a row.
  11. That's both rocket launchers and assault rifles diamond so moving on to SMG'S now.
  12. I tend not to venture of hardstyle or masters of hardcore very often should really change that 😆
  13. It's not very often a song out sidenof EDM style catches my ear but dam this one really did and wow pretty dark lyrics aswell. I think hes from Bangor up north Wales so will definitely be checking his other songs out.
  14. What the actual fuck.
  15. There's the goblin mk2 gold which I did quicker than expect but shit that was not fun.
  16. .This will show how long it's been since I did camos. Since when did they change it that you don't need to get all guns in that class gold to get diamond as last time indid camos was BOPS 2. That's the HE-1 and cigma diamond. The goblin mk2 only need 13 head shots the rest of the camos to diamond should pose much of an issue.
  17. Finished the GRP 91 and working on the gremlin mk2 and wow this gun is causing me all kinds of shit.
  18. Welcome gary. What console/games you play?
  19. I'd be up for this could be quite fun could even throw fuel and tire wear on aswell.
  20. Somewhere I still have a Walkman that I use for tape packs I have.
  21. Wasn't really going to pay much attention to the camos as the last cod I did was BOPS 2 but as it's trophy related thought why not get back to doing them. XM4 AK-74 AMES 85 CIGMA 28 Above are gold working on GPR 91 which is almost done and working on HE-1 which is not really causing an issue but I'm on 4 out of 10 where you have to destroy 3 scorestreaks or vehicles in a single match but trying to hit a UAV with it is challenging on my end.
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