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  1. Like
    Dattebayo reacted to Jason in Mortal Kombat X   
    Scorpion vs Sub-zero trailer
    This looks like it's going to fairly epic, it appears the fight is in game footage and looks spectacular.
  2. Like
    Dattebayo reacted to spectre in The Zombie Apocalypse is here.   
    lol, this video is funny as hell. This does seem to be increasing in regularity. Research Chemicals are nothing to play around with if you don't know what you're doing.
    I especially enjoyed the naked man through the sun roof.
  3. Like
    Dattebayo got a reaction from kylebees in So...how many Australians around 'ere?   
    She can wrap me up and suck my blood any time of day.
  4. Like
    Dattebayo got a reaction from spectre in The Zombie Apocalypse is here.   
    Oh God, spectre, you scared the sh*t out of me...
    I was already freaking out, thinking what I should do, as I'm no where near ready to put my plan into action....
    It seems that this is simply a drug thing.
    Bath salts again, probably. I've also heard that people on meth can have crazy-a$$ immunity to pain, tasers, and makes you generate excess body heat.
  5. Like
    Dattebayo got a reaction from Plumbers Crack in Well, sh*t.   
    As some of you may or nay not know, I'm currently making a Dead Space/MLP crossover comic, which is nearing 160 pages and is still no where near completed.
    It's very well received, and am getting tons of fan art for it.
    I'm working on making a fully-voiced, fully-SFX'd, fully-soundtrack'd video version for YouTube, and for that, I needed the pages to be digitilized ('sos the viewer's eyeholes don't have to be assaulted by plebby hand-drawn junk).
    You see, im restricted to the traditional format. Always have been, probably always will.
    I try my best to achieve a balance between "ease to make" , "ease to understand" and "ease to enjoy", but my colored pencils and paper can only do so much. That's why I asked a ton of friends to help, and they all agreed.
    This particular page, though..
    Satan, jack me off with a fistful if hellfire. It's...Well....

    For comparison, have my sh*tty page.

    I need to save up money for one of them fancy drawing tablets, I gotta get in on this sh*t xD
  6. Like
    Dattebayo got a reaction from Palle in Well, sh*t.   
    As some of you may or nay not know, I'm currently making a Dead Space/MLP crossover comic, which is nearing 160 pages and is still no where near completed.
    It's very well received, and am getting tons of fan art for it.
    I'm working on making a fully-voiced, fully-SFX'd, fully-soundtrack'd video version for YouTube, and for that, I needed the pages to be digitilized ('sos the viewer's eyeholes don't have to be assaulted by plebby hand-drawn junk).
    You see, im restricted to the traditional format. Always have been, probably always will.
    I try my best to achieve a balance between "ease to make" , "ease to understand" and "ease to enjoy", but my colored pencils and paper can only do so much. That's why I asked a ton of friends to help, and they all agreed.
    This particular page, though..
    Satan, jack me off with a fistful if hellfire. It's...Well....

    For comparison, have my sh*tty page.

    I need to save up money for one of them fancy drawing tablets, I gotta get in on this sh*t xD
  7. Like
    Dattebayo got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in Well, sh*t.   
    As some of you may or nay not know, I'm currently making a Dead Space/MLP crossover comic, which is nearing 160 pages and is still no where near completed.
    It's very well received, and am getting tons of fan art for it.
    I'm working on making a fully-voiced, fully-SFX'd, fully-soundtrack'd video version for YouTube, and for that, I needed the pages to be digitilized ('sos the viewer's eyeholes don't have to be assaulted by plebby hand-drawn junk).
    You see, im restricted to the traditional format. Always have been, probably always will.
    I try my best to achieve a balance between "ease to make" , "ease to understand" and "ease to enjoy", but my colored pencils and paper can only do so much. That's why I asked a ton of friends to help, and they all agreed.
    This particular page, though..
    Satan, jack me off with a fistful if hellfire. It's...Well....

    For comparison, have my sh*tty page.

    I need to save up money for one of them fancy drawing tablets, I gotta get in on this sh*t xD
  8. Like
    Dattebayo got a reaction from Madjonny in Well, sh*t.   
    As some of you may or nay not know, I'm currently making a Dead Space/MLP crossover comic, which is nearing 160 pages and is still no where near completed.
    It's very well received, and am getting tons of fan art for it.
    I'm working on making a fully-voiced, fully-SFX'd, fully-soundtrack'd video version for YouTube, and for that, I needed the pages to be digitilized ('sos the viewer's eyeholes don't have to be assaulted by plebby hand-drawn junk).
    You see, im restricted to the traditional format. Always have been, probably always will.
    I try my best to achieve a balance between "ease to make" , "ease to understand" and "ease to enjoy", but my colored pencils and paper can only do so much. That's why I asked a ton of friends to help, and they all agreed.
    This particular page, though..
    Satan, jack me off with a fistful if hellfire. It's...Well....

    For comparison, have my sh*tty page.

    I need to save up money for one of them fancy drawing tablets, I gotta get in on this sh*t xD
  9. Like
    Dattebayo got a reaction from Jason in Well, sh*t.   
    As some of you may or nay not know, I'm currently making a Dead Space/MLP crossover comic, which is nearing 160 pages and is still no where near completed.
    It's very well received, and am getting tons of fan art for it.
    I'm working on making a fully-voiced, fully-SFX'd, fully-soundtrack'd video version for YouTube, and for that, I needed the pages to be digitilized ('sos the viewer's eyeholes don't have to be assaulted by plebby hand-drawn junk).
    You see, im restricted to the traditional format. Always have been, probably always will.
    I try my best to achieve a balance between "ease to make" , "ease to understand" and "ease to enjoy", but my colored pencils and paper can only do so much. That's why I asked a ton of friends to help, and they all agreed.
    This particular page, though..
    Satan, jack me off with a fistful if hellfire. It's...Well....

    For comparison, have my sh*tty page.

    I need to save up money for one of them fancy drawing tablets, I gotta get in on this sh*t xD
  10. Like
    Dattebayo reacted to J4MES OX4D in Call Of Duty survey...   
    When I do it; I'll just say; SACK INFINITY WARD! I'm pleased with what Treyarch have done for the franchise and I have high hopes of Sledgehammer but I don't know what the fuck IW were thinking with Ghosts. As if the core game wasn't bad enough, the DLC has gone beyond barmy. The game has somewhat killed the COD identity and as a fan of COD since day one before it hit mainstream; I just feel they've dumbed it down to the easily pleased and younger gamers. There is nothing in the game that oozes the image or spirit of what Call of Duty is about and it's become in my eyes this commercialised fantasy spin-off. 
    It's kinda tarnished the brand for me now to the extent AW will really have to do something special. I am also a bit concerned that this game might derail itself from COD too much with its futuristic setting but to be honest; as long as it's a good game; I couldn't care less. COD is now a last gen game for me now and a happy memory so a fresh start could be a good idea. 
  11. Like
    Dattebayo got a reaction from JsinOwl in Datte's Art   
    16-bit versions of the horror comic so popular, hardly anyone knows about it

    Barely saw this :s
    I dunno...I mean, the basic skill is there, but not the technique.
    Know what I mean?
  12. Like
    Dattebayo got a reaction from kylebees in Lightning struck tree in my front yard   
    Lighting saw it was Doc's house and said "naw, f*ck that sh*t", so it went for the tree instead
  13. Like
    Dattebayo got a reaction from deterioration in Ethiopia's Blue Volcano   
    Shshshsh, enjoy the blue volcano...
  14. Like
    Dattebayo got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in Favela Remake   
    You hear that?
    That's the sound of IW grasping at straws.
  15. Like
    Dattebayo got a reaction from techno in Favela Remake   
    You hear that?
    That's the sound of IW grasping at straws.
  16. Like
    Dattebayo reacted to tronic44 in Ethiopia's Blue Volcano   
    Saw this yesterday and thought it was pretty amazing so wanted to share it. 

    IT'S a volcano, but not as we know it. This cerulean eruption takes place in the Danakil Depression, a low-lying plain in Ethiopia. The volcano's lava is the usual orange-red – the blue comes from flames produced when escaping sulphuric gases burn.
    French photographer Olivier Grunewald creates such images without using colour filters or digital enhancement, which is no simple task. To get this shot he had to wait until dusk, when the electric blue flames were visible, but before all the daylight had ebbed away. Then the wind had to be blowing away from him so he could get close enough. Photographing the similarly sulphurous Kawah Ijen volcano in Indonesia, where he worked inside the crater, was even more treacherous. "We have to take care when the winds push the flames close to us," he says. "In Danakil it is easier to escape as the land is flat."
    Grunewald works in a gas mask to avoid breathing in the deadly fumes – but photographing Kawah Ijen still left him with peeling skin and clothes smelling of rotten eggs for weeks afterwards.
    Another drawback of Grunewald's subject matter is that the acidic gases don't agree with his cameras. But it's worth it, he says. "The phenomenon is so uncommon – we really feel like we are on another planet."
  17. Like
    Dattebayo reacted to Palle in Lightning struck tree in my front yard   
    *Evil laugh*
  18. Like
    Dattebayo got a reaction from Palle in Datte's Art   
    16-bit versions of the horror comic so popular, hardly anyone knows about it

    Barely saw this :s
    I dunno...I mean, the basic skill is there, but not the technique.
    Know what I mean?
  19. Like
    Dattebayo reacted to J4MES OX4D in Elliott Rodger   
    I see the conspiracy theorists have jumped on the bandwagon around the net bang on time with some very flamboyant claims whilst hiding behind their keyboard stirring up theories despite not having concrete knowledge of the events. It only takes one speculative comment and suddenly everything gets twisted and misconstrued as it multiplies and spirals into more outlandish tales. Seems to be the same people who said the Boston bombing was a performance of a smoke grenades, fake blood and a cast of paraplegic actors.
    Whilst there is a lot of bullshit in the world and things we don't know and are within our rights to be suspicious about; I find some of these remarks online extremely disrespectful and offensive. Even the father who spoke bravely after hearing his son got gunned down was branded an actor as his son was taken into hiding.  Can't people just accept this happened the way it did and there is no ulterior motive behind the tragedy? I don't even want to mention the tragic events of Sandy Hook and what was spoken about that.  
    It may be early days in the investigation but this wasn't some upper echelon farce to manipulate and engineer laws. It's a common tragedy and this happen in this day and age around the world every day. 
  20. Like
    Dattebayo reacted to Docwagon in Elliott Rodger   
    They are the same, and it won't change.  Gun control won't change, either.  The gun debate is fueled by emotion and a fantasy world on both sides.  The hard core gun rights people will obstruct any true attempt to get hands out of crazy people's hands with the "what part of shall not be infringed do you not understand" mentality and because they see conspiracy and police state in their own shadow, they'll slipperly slope it to death as "the government will just declare us all crazy" type bullshit.  The hard core anti-gunners will pretend guns will just disappear if more laws are passed and ignore the huge population of gun owners who aren't murderous assholes.
    A prime example is the irresponsible assholes who leave guns out where children can find them because "if someone breaks into my house, I don't have time to unsecure the gun..." thinking.  They'll claim the statistics about it being more dangerous to have an unsecure firearm in the house are lies, manipulated, include suicides, etc.  They aren't, from my experience.  I'm so sick and fucking tired of seeing children shot because of people leaving their guns out.  You know how many home invasions I've had stopped with a firearm in the last year?  One.  You know how many children I've had shot?  Four, one fatally, two permanently disfigured (missing a finger and a thumb, respectively), and one that will heal up ok.  All 6 and under.  But if you suggest mandatory trigger locks, gun safes, or keeping it in a holster, you are anti-2nd amendment and against safety.  If you're really worried about a home invasion, under the sofa is a stupid fucking place for a gun, on your hip in a holster is the smart play.
    After Newtown, all we heard was "we don't need gun control, we need better mental health laws, etc."  Go to a gun forum now, and that's forgotten.  No, its all tyranny and blood on the tree of freedom if you try to disarm the suicidal or mentally ill.
  21. Like
    Dattebayo reacted to Palle in Lightning struck tree in my front yard   
    One summer when I was in 6th grade we went on a field trip in Stockholm. After a while the sky we saw black clouds coming pretty fast and it started to rain within minutes, the most rain I've ever experienced in Sweden...
    So we started leaving because we heard thunder and all our clothes were soaked. After walking 20 meters from the plain were we had been I just turned my head to look back and when I did, lighting struck the ground at just that particular spot were we sat. The sound was terrifying, like a bomb going off and you could instantly feel the air pressure changing... Closest I've ever been to lightning.
    It was about as close as the tree in the background in your pic.
  22. Like
    Dattebayo got a reaction from Chookes in Wasting Money   
    Next time the wife hassles you for buying something unnecessary, yell "BITE MY TINY DICK".
    If she flinches, then you get to keep it.
  23. Like
    Dattebayo got a reaction from Jason in The Beard Thread   
    Finally...a few start hairs are turning into the close I've seen waiting for for years...
    It's taken weeks without shaving at all, but yolo:

    Also, a close-up on the white stress hairs in my 'stache and beard. :ph34:
  24. Like
    Dattebayo reacted to Drifter in Modern Family   
    You're not the only one Dattebayo, I've tried watching it a few times and I personally would rather have a root canal than sit through that show again. I know everyone has different tastes in what they like, but for me I just don't think that sort of comedy is funny at all. What passes for comedy these days is just appalling imo.
  25. Like
    Dattebayo got a reaction from Drifter in Modern Family   
    Really, fellas? I'm the only one that dislikes it?
    It's all cringe humor, laughing at social faux pas and sh*t. Like The Office, but somehow less funny.
    The only good parts are when Al Bundy is being a d*ck (which is what he does best, that marvelous man).
    Other than that, It causes me actual, physical pain to watch. I get all kinds of squirrely.
    Countless critics have hailed it to be the funniest TV show ever made...apparently Always Sunny In Philadelphia, Everybody Loves Raymond, Seinfeld, and countless other, more worthy shows never existed, ya f*ckin' Elf sympathizers.
    That's my crusty 2 cents.
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