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Everything posted by Dattebayo

  1. My stove was making a very loud high-pitched beeping noise, so I punched it really hard and it went back to normal. /swag
  2. Film that ish, yo. Add Guile's SNES theme to it.
  3. Oh sh*t, what a site!I had to refine in to Spring Valley (San Diego is too broad), but still, this will be useful. I can see myself as a security guard... Just need a guard card and I know where I can get one. Yeah..this can work. I mean, I used to tar roads and do landscaping, fending off punk kids will be a zinch. Thanks Tiger!
  4. Understandable. I'm 100 percent certain you guys would do the same in a game versus pros when a million bucks is at stake. Hell...maybe worse. I sure would. And not just with CoD, either. I've heard LoL matches get intense, imagine a million on the line? Besides, in my Football days, sh*t got WAY more heated than this. /playing the devil's advocate
  5. Alrighty then, back OT folks. If you feel the need to discuss this, you're welcome to my ppr. Mind the cobwebs though.
  6. It's certainly better for me. I wonder how the hardcore BF fans feel about it though...
  7. Hm. Sobering. I'll see what I can do. I've been job searching like crazy, no one is hiring. I think I can try Wal-Mart again. Then again...theres always college. I do have a 3.5gpa.
  8. Yeah, Right Click is to knife, B is to crouch/prone...Very CoD-like. The ground vehicles control like Halo though.
  9. Nothing I can say can really express my reasoning adequately...it may be stupid and sound like a 1-way street, but that's just the person I've shaped up to be. I'm no enabler. I help those in need and do so with a smile, even if deep down I know I havent really made a difference in the long run. The thing is...my mom is no deadbeat. As much as I complain, she works 12-hour shifts to care and feed 4 other people. What am I supposed to do if she DOES have cancer? Just clean my hands of the situation and take care of myself?
  10. It's a sand trap, really... The average 1 bedroom apartment here is 900-1000 bucks (CA is an expensive place to live), so I would have to find a job and save up measly paycheck by measly paycheck while living at this house. But I was never one to deny a request for help, if my mom needs rent money or groceries or etc., I'll sacrifice whatever I have saved up to keep our heads above the water. With my mom possibly having cancer, it's only going to get worse as I have to take care of everything if she gets treatment. And Its not that I WANT to stay...its that I have an instilled need to help everyone no matter the cost. You know what they say... Needs of the many>Needs of the few
  11. Yeah, but it would be simpler to just party up in the main menu.
  12. I got a job and attempted to move out, but I had to keep dipping into my fund to help keep eveveryone afloat.Recently, I got fired because the guy I was replacing came back. So now...back to square one.
  13. Those roach's asses are grass! The bastards are illusive, I'll give them that.I have a few guesses of where they might be, but they dont scurry out when I spray it down. Against my better judgement, I'll have to avoid killing a few and track their movement.
  14. Yeah, like squadding with friends.AON, you have to join a game and quickly invte your party to your squad. lol true. Just wait until the full game, you'll be looking at Siege of Shangai and thinking AUGH THIS MAP. I call it Operation Metro Syndrome. xD
  15. God damn it Doc, stop winning at everything you do. xD And smart kids youve got there, Cyber.
  16. Oooo...I just read up on it, seems like just what I need... How would one go about aquiring some?
  17. Okay. The servers were much more active and I proceeded to join a game of Conquest (isnt it weird there isnt a party-up option in the beta? ). It was fun. The TTK was alot shorter and the action arguably more fast paced (I love jumping off of B while singing "Secret Agent Man" ). I also prefer the new vehicle controls, they're more Halo-like (which, to be frank, is where I used vehicles often). I was a good 5 minutes into it... Then my game muted and then froze. This happened to any match I played. >:| Its BF3 all over again! To test out an aching suspicion, I played consecutive rouns of DOM, and sure enough, not a single freeze. Now that I think of it..BF3 only froze on CO. So I'm restricted to small map modes on the beta. Yipee. Overall... Fun game when it works properly. I might get it, but its on the very bottom of the list for me. Theres just too many good games this year. x) Sounds like Battlefield, alright!*laugh track*
  18. No, just the Xbox. I have the tablet my mom got for Christmas, but she's very protective of it.
  19. A 2- stage plan...seems easy enough.Easy enough for roaches, anyway. Is there an ingredient soap that repels roaches? I've heard the residue of bleach and boron-based cleaning fluids can kill them when they walk over treated surfaces, but Im not sure F*ck it, I'll buck up and call him.If he tries to give us sh*t for the damage, we'll give h im sht for the cracks and overall disrepair we moved in on. For now, I'll just make my own trap and bait until everyone comes to an agreement. --- Thanks guys.
  20. I CANT EVENASDFASDFASDD /excited Can I watch the new episodes on the CW app by Xbox?
  21. Oh, that was directd at Diddums.--- Crike, even more reason to get rid of them. Thanks a bunch for that link. Turns out I was doing several things wrong in the roach-killing department. I pick up my last paycheck on Monday, I'll buy a vast arsenal of the affromented things (powder, traps, etc.) with it. Again, thanks.
  22. The roaches were already there when we moved in. We keep a clean house, we clean after ourselves...yet there they are. We even keep our stuff in ziploc bags. /My sister is a touchy subject. I get chewed out for lecturing her and she takes advantage of it. There isn't much to do on that front. //landlord is lazy and money grubbing btw edit: yeah, I'm getting the feeling you think I live in a trash heap. I'll post pics tomorrow.
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