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Everything posted by Macca89

  1. It's time to get the band back together! Not putting any game out there, we can decide later! Let's all just get on and have a crack boys!
  2. Get your names down guys! Pass and move tonight!
  3. Right.....let's stop messing about and get a good turn out tonight. Was great to see so many of us on wreckfest other week, I was thinking that...or even to throw one out there, what about a private cod game, maybe private Prop Hunt? Get your names down and let's have a cracking Friday evening! GGFG!
  4. Happy birthday to the man, the myth, the legend! @GazzaGarratthope you had a great day bro
  5. Last film I saw was die hard at cinema just b4 Christmas, yearly tradition of mine, last movie I watched though was Kraven The Hunter, wasn't the shit heap I thought it would be, wasn't amazing but the action was fantastic.
  6. I've given a few of each a go! DPS - I've tried a few, Black widow isn't bad as I do enjoy sniping and seem to be quite accurate, bucky I'm slowly trying to get the hang of, same with wolverine, however whilst playing ranked I've settled on Punisher, I think people massively underestimate his smoke bomb and zipwire, yes his guns are class but when team mates die and your up against it maybe 2 v 6 for a limited time, smokescreen then zipwhire to get the hell back to wait for your team. Also linking up with rocket or a good healer who gives you increased damage or bullets and your near unbeatable! Tank - Sorry but I will only stick with one on this and that is Groot, the guy is a legit cheat code, using your larger walls to help block damage, staying close to them helps heal you, then using your smaller walls, try if you can to put them above your enemies so they can't see and won't shoot them down, so then when activated will deal out some decent damage whilst using combination of R2 and right analog, his grenade bomb is pretty good also, going back to the walls, they can really help get you those extra seconds needed on the point, blocking off certain entry points for the enemy. His Ult is perfect for setting up a team mate who can deal some damage, grabs multiple enemies at a time and delivers some great damage, keeping them still for around 5 seconds which is more than enough time for someone to dish out some destruction. To sum up....GROOT IS KING! Healer - I have tried using Jeff and if used correctly can be an irritating little shit to the opposite team, especially if they are all occupying the point, his ult can take the whole team if needed and launch them clean off the map, his healing process via bubbles and water gun are good but you have to be accurate with that. My go to for healer though is Adam Warlock, I don't he's best being used as a more defensive healer, keeping out of site if possible, don't get me wrong, he can deal damage, if you build up his L2 beam and nail it, easily capable of nearly eliminating someone, combine that with his regular R2 move and it's pretty decent combo, his healing is fantastic though, constantly being able to pick which team-mate to heal via R1 then also using L1 to share the damage throughout your whole team which if used properly is a God send, his ult if timed right is perfection, I think if you use it within 5/10 seconds of team mates dying, can all be revived instantly! So yeah my go to guys are DPS - Punisher Tank - Groot Healer - Adam Warlock Favourite Player - Groot!
    I'm so sorry @slamminbones🤣🤣🤣
  7. So I've golded 6 AR's with 1 to go for Diamond! GPR and it's easily the worst one to do.....my god it's like slapping your dick on someone's forehead. Already folded 2 SMG's, Tanto and C9 and 1 LMG which I think is the XMG, close with the default LMG. (PU...) Yeah loving the grind on this, really entertaining, just about to hit prestige 5. KD - 1.49 W/L - 1.89 Happy so far
  8. Forget the camo process! Just got my first nuke since mw2 (first time round) I think.
  9. Yeah I must have this!!! 🤣🤣🤣 don't know why but I need it!!!! Screams to me
  10. Hi guys. Recently did a rating of all the MCU films and ranked them in order of my personal favourites. Let me know what you think and your personal opinions. Link is below https://boxd.it/yjBRw
  11. All I can say is wow! Went with my mate last night, did a double feature and watched Twisters first, which btw is a solid movie, a great tribute to the original. Now onto Deadpool & Wolverine, I honestly don't think ive smiled so much in a cinema theatre in so long, one of the funniest films I've seen. Ryan Reynolds throws so many one liners out there, his performance as deadpool in this film is probably his best one to date, Hugh Jackman balances the film out with a more serious role sprinkled with the odd funny moment. I won't give anything away but there are so many fucking cameos, some of which will have you buzzing. The storyline isn't Oscar worthy but it's great for the film itself, for me....it was the perfect Deadpool film and ill deffo see it again, 9.5/10 for me!
  12. Yeah I've been paying £10 a month too so happy to continue! 💪
  13. Actually played against the 6th best player in the UK on PlayStation last night. 40th in the world. 3-0 down and managed to get a 3-3 draw and probably should of won, had @GazzaGarrattwatching and cheering me on. Makes me think if I should start entering a few tournaments.
  14. I'll laugh at Chelsea anyway 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  15. OK, so you see where AWB foot ends which is at the end of the blue line, well if you find a pic of Hadji Wright, his foot was partly in the red line so he was off. The law for handball states that if he moves towards the ball which he didn't, then its a pen, he moved his arm away and had his arm tucked in so never a penalty. Yes Cov played well, but they were played off the park for 70 mins, they were literally non existent until then, played well for the rest of the game. They weren't robbed at all. It was just a questionable call which I would of said should go towards the striker. And as much as anthony is a dick, Hadji Wright is too, as shows the pic below, that's why Anthony did what he did 👍🤣
  16. Yano something, I'm actually getting sick of it now, I couldn't care less anymore. Yes I felt for Cov, to have come back from 3-0 down and to have been so close and go out the way they did. I can't imagine the heartbreak. However, I have none stop seen posts on social media the last few days saying they have been cheated, blah blah blah, plastic utd fans this. First of all, if you actually look at the offside, where the blue line ends, is where AWB foot ends, then Hadji Wright's foot is slightly in the red line so therefore he is just off, however I still agree with Lee that advantage should go with the striker. But in the eyes of the law, he's off. 2nd of all, Coventry shouldn't of even got to extra time, the penalty that was awarded against AWB was absolutely shambolic, he was less than 2 yards away with his arm behind him and to his side, wtf was he meant to do, awful decision but nobody talks about that, if that was given against coventry there would be all out chaos. (Pic attached is 2 similar instances from this weekend which weren't given, yet nobody says a thing) 👀 Also, I'm absolutely sick of everyone labelling Utd "Plastic Fans", pretty sure I've seen about 10 people who I know who are Arsenal, Utd, Chelsea fans, all went down supporting Cov yet we are the plastics 🤣🤣🤣 On to the final 💪🤣
  17. Due to lack of numbers for GTA and others might nor have it downloaded, think Among us would be a nice crack! Get your names down!!!
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