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    IRaMPaGe reacted to Luseth in MW3 FG Updates and Stories!   
    Oh thank you Rampage! I will give those 3 a try and see which hits the mark for me and let you know how I get on 🙂
  2. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to Lurchzy in MW3 FG Updates and Stories!   
    Awesome! Definitely going to put this on my guns!
  3. Love
    IRaMPaGe reacted to techno in Share your FG Mastery Camo Challenge Escapades!   
    Honestly no idea I never look at game time deliberately so what I have seen has mw2 time included. However I did grind the shit out of it over the extremely wet holiday period.
    I think I did priceless to interstellar over 2 sessions and in most cases priceless was easier than forged.
  4. Thanks
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in MW3 FG Updates and Stories!   
    @Luseth I just went in a private game with bots to test a few out.
    The best 3 with a 2.5x zoom are. 
    1-FSS Spectre Microtherm
    2-SZ Holotherm 
    3-TOS Nightfall 2.5x Thermal Optic
    All work with smoke really well. 
    1 and 3 are the most clearest. I don't like the reticle 3 comes with. It has that Draganov kinda cluttered lines on it, a bit like a measuring jug with markers etc. 
    I picked the microtherm number 1, for me personally it's the best. 
    They only slightly affect ads. 
    The other options are all 5.5x and over.
    They will give you Sniper glint, even slower ads penalties and also a slower aim walking move speed. 
  5. Thanks
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from Luseth in MW3 FG Updates and Stories!   
    @Luseth I just went in a private game with bots to test a few out.
    The best 3 with a 2.5x zoom are. 
    1-FSS Spectre Microtherm
    2-SZ Holotherm 
    3-TOS Nightfall 2.5x Thermal Optic
    All work with smoke really well. 
    1 and 3 are the most clearest. I don't like the reticle 3 comes with. It has that Draganov kinda cluttered lines on it, a bit like a measuring jug with markers etc. 
    I picked the microtherm number 1, for me personally it's the best. 
    They only slightly affect ads. 
    The other options are all 5.5x and over.
    They will give you Sniper glint, even slower ads penalties and also a slower aim walking move speed. 
  6. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from techno in Share your FG Mastery Camo Challenge Escapades!   
    Congrats Gary, I'm still doing golds and forged ones. 
    Was doing the Sidewinder recently, still not gold. 
    Probably the worst gun in the game, the stinger Pistol is a bit rubbish as well. 
    How much gametime did it take you Gary? 
  7. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in MW3 FG Updates and Stories!   
    Yeah there are a few that really don't help with smoke for some reason. 
    It almost goes cloudy, sounds like bad design. 
    Altho some of the Thermal scopes really go weird through windows and glass. 
    If the glass isn't broken you literally can't see a thing. Regardless of smoke. 
    I take it you want a shorter scope? 
    Yeah some are hybrids and you can toggle with a normal scope as well. 
    Like a dual scope kinda deal. 
    I'm sure there is a schlager one that sucks ass. 
    I assume the main criteria is on an AR with working smoke, and not too slow or rangey or too much glint. 
    It's got to be a 2.5x, 3.5 or 4.
    Also sounds like the Holotherm one you had. 
    I used it on the Desert Eagle on MW2 for laughs. It was actually really good. 
  8. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to Luseth in MW3 FG Updates and Stories!   
    Ah thanks @IRaMPaGe, if there any others I would appreciate it 🙂 There was an orangey one I was using and in general combat was really good (you could switch it on and off too) but when it came to smoke I just couldn't see through it, not sure if it is a badly tested scope or just intentional with COD.
  9. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in MW3 FG Updates and Stories!   
    I've used most of the Thermal sights from MW2, which carry over to MW3. 
    Some are really good, depends on the zoom you want. 
    A short 2.5x, 4.0x, 5.5x, 6 or 7 etc. 
    Remember the bigger the zoom, the bigger the glint. 
    I used Thermal for most of my longshots for Orion camo. 
    1000+ longshots or something, can't remember but it was a lot. 
    Some of the best ones were.
    SZ Holotherm (for shorter ranges). 
    Drexsom Prime 90, Teplo-OP 3.
    There are others I can't remember the name. If I see any when I'm next on I will recommend. 
    Avoid the ones with a white lens, they tend to be harder to see especially with smoke. 
    Always go for the greenish/orangey ones. 
    If you go for a 2.5x Thermal you won't get a glint. 
    I think it's under 3.5x won't give you any. 
    But you obviously won't get the range potential. 
  10. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to GazzaGarratt in Share your FG Mastery Camo Challenge Escapades!   
    It really is the worst - however, change it to Single Shot mode and with a few attachments I was actually doing far better with it, and far more stable that way.
  11. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to Luseth in MW3 FG Updates and Stories!   
    The one I was using didn't, it was no different to using any of the other holographic sights
  12. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to Lurchzy in MW3 FG Updates and Stories!   
    Does it not massively increase ADS time? Otherwise, I might have to try this!
  13. Love
    IRaMPaGe reacted to Plumbers Crack in MW3 FG Updates and Stories!   
    With my crap eyes, a thermal scope is the first thing I slap on when available. I definitely helps me see things clearer.. even when it stops raining 🙂
  14. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to Luseth in MW3 FG Updates and Stories!   
    No, I found it good for seeing through smoke but it also mitigates some of the skins, there are a few I find a bit difficult to see on some maps so it just makes players a little bit easier to spot from distance. When I’m running a knife it doesnt matter as I am so close to them
  15. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to Lurchzy in MW3 FG Updates and Stories!   
    Is the thermal scope for a camo?
  16. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to GazzaGarratt in MW3 FG Updates and Stories!   
    Good point, I need to find one for me too. I may look at a few more gun camos before I do though so I have 3-4 loadouts I can just go to whenever I need to. I feel like I only have 1-2 I can use when I need to pull my ass out of the shit zone 😅
  17. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to Luseth in MW3 FG Updates and Stories!   
    Ah no did you really? I was on 31 when I left and it had you on the same winstreak, I even sent a photo to Greboth as I was well chuffed I had caught you! I think I am still on my winstreak so I might actually do what Macca said I do and wait till we have the best team on so I can try and sneak a few more wins 😄
    Smoke grenades are great, the only gripe I have, I was trying to find a thermal scope that I liked, there are a couple of variants with different colours and the red one's that I liked couldn't even see anyone through the fekkin smoke. There was a white one that was good but a little too zoomed in for my liking during general combat.
  18. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Share your FG Mastery Camo Challenge Escapades!   
    Congrats Gary, I'm still doing golds and forged ones. 
    Was doing the Sidewinder recently, still not gold. 
    Probably the worst gun in the game, the stinger Pistol is a bit rubbish as well. 
    How much gametime did it take you Gary? 
  19. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to techno in Share your FG Mastery Camo Challenge Escapades!   
    Yep final skin, there is others I need to do if I can be bothered but there will be the new weapons in the seasons.
    I will do the emp gun when/if they fix it.
  20. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to GazzaGarratt in Share your FG Mastery Camo Challenge Escapades!   
    Whaaaa?! Is that the ultimate final skin Gaz?? @techno
    Fair play mate, thats class going on that. I wonder how easy it is to work towards others at all? Are there unique challenges you can do for more camos and calling cards?
  21. Love
    IRaMPaGe reacted to techno in Share your FG Mastery Camo Challenge Escapades!   
    Interstellar unlocked😳

  22. Love
    IRaMPaGe reacted to techno in Share your FG Mastery Camo Challenge Escapades!   
    You have to use the boots or you can't do it as it goes into tac stance when you slide, the boots make it ads
  23. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Share your FG Mastery Camo Challenge Escapades!   
    Yeah there is definitely a pair of boots that help. Not got there yet, but heard it helps. 
    Fair play Gary, sounds like your almost done. 🙂
  24. Like
    IRaMPaGe reacted to Macca89 in MW3 FG Updates and Stories!   
    Loved this mate! Class stuff! 
  25. Love
    IRaMPaGe reacted to Middle Class Caveman in What are your top 3 movies of all time?   
    For me it’s:
    1. Aliens
    2. The 13th Warrior
    3. Django Unchained
    tell me yours!
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