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Everything posted by IRaMPaGe

  1. Just noticed your clips Cal, nice shooting. The game doesn't look all that bad to be fair. It's just a lot slower than what I'm used to, never really played much or got into Battlefield. As long as your enjoying it that's what matters. I'm sure it will keep improving as time goes on, sad it wasn't in better nick at launch.
  2. No worries, just helps with timezones and arranging times to play with people. I'm from Scotland myself. 😀
  3. So playing Hardcore on Das Haus with the Gewehr 43 Marksman Rifle.  Get a really nice quick 10 Kill Streak, then whip out the flamethrower and proceed to toast the enemy like marshmallows and get another 11 kills. Sadly the game ends, oh well. 🙁
  4. Gung Ho on this Assault Rifle is a bit silly. Lol! 
  5. It sucks when a game is delayed, however I would rather more time given to hopefully sort things rather than the half baked release. Especially these days with the likes of Cod, BF, Cyberpunk etc.
  6. Welcome! I'm sure you will enjoy it here. Yeah many of us are experienced in the limited play time on games due to being a parent. There is a lot of people here who play Destiny so you will fit in just fine. Where are you from? If you don't mind me asking.
  7. Happy Birthday Dan!
  8. I just completed this quiz. My Score 58/100 My Time 174 seconds  
  9. Welcome, hope you enjoy it here!
  10. Thanks a lot Sam, I like to try do both. Doesn't always work out, but when it does. 😎
  11. Join a match in progress on the map Diesel. DM Ultra Tec-9 R.I.P other team. 🙃
  12. On the map Collateral using the Grav/Akimbo Marshalls     
  13. Cooper Carbine Kill Feed Respawn Hardcore On Shipment. 😈
  14. Yeah they look amazing. I don't have a use for them, but man do they look absolutely sweet.
  15. It's probably better to give the developers a bit of breathing room to make a solid game. Every year it's a mad push to send out a game that's unfinished and full of bugs and content being drip fed. I would even say the last 3 Cods were problematic, MW19 wasn't right at launch either. There was very little maps at launch and we had 3 or 4 in the beta which accounted for half the content. Not everyone wants to play 10v10 or 2v2/3v3. The Ground war was ridiculous and very buggy for the majority of it's life cycle. All these Cods recently have gotten better as time goes on, but we expect and deserve more as a consumer. Especially at launch. It seems that it's a common running theme amongst games these days. Cyberpunk/Battlefield, *insert other buggy examples here* Deadlines need to be met and shareholders paid etc. Sad but true.
  16. Surely not a series of it? That's scrapping the bottom of the barrel that is. I dread to think what they could do with it. I'm not sure how they could improve that masterpiece. 😂
  17. I've watched Macgruber, it's not a fantastic film. I think if you don't expect much from it going in it's somewhat funny. Such a silly movie, would never watch it a 2nd time. It has no replay value to me. 😂
  18. IRaMPaGe

    Feed Me

    Using The Owen Gun On Shipment, best respawn ever! 
  19. Omg I couldn't stop laughing, it's edited so well. Absolute perfection!
  20. Thanks for the info James! I had ideas of the multipurpose uses to make it somewhat worthy, but yeah it's hardly much of an attraction to tourists and the like. It looks iconic, it seems an expensive tent like you say. A lot of money has gone into it, not just for building but also running costs and maintenance etc.
  21. Wow that's wild, and how much did this cost to build initially? Seems like it wasn't enough.
  22. Is there a mastery badge for ranking everything? In all seriousness you have done an amazing job with this. Must have took yonks to do.
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