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IRaMPaGe last won the day on January 13

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  1. MW19 - CoD Multiplayer Night

    I've spoken to a few people around FG ad we were thinking of having a Multiplayer night as its been so long trying it out. I think the latest game most FGers have currently is MW (the newer version 2019) so lets get it installed and have a few hours trying to get to grips with it all again. RSVP if you can make it.


    We can use FG Game Room 1 on Playstation but if we have others that want crossplay then i'm open to having to use that in-game chat (or Discord if we can find a way).


    See you next week!

  2. CoD MW2019 Multiplayer Night

    This has gathered some pace of late and been quite enjoyable to get a few of us back on and grouped together. Means we can actually try and win a few games....and also get battered together too 😅


    I'll put a few of these up across some nights so keep a look out, RSVP and most likely join FG Game Room 1 on the PlayStation so people can jump in together.

  3. CoD MW2019 Multiplayer Night

    And another one up to group up with FG!


    I'll put a few of these up across some nights so keep a look out, RSVP and most likely join FG Game Room 1 on the PlayStation so people can jump in together.

  4. Call of Duty Modern Warfare - Late Night Session

    Jumping on some MW for some good old Team Deathmatch action.

  5. CoD MW2019 Multiplayer Night

    It keeps on giving so lets get another MW2019 Multiplayer evening up for anyone that wants to group up with FG. It's definitely helped me not lose as many games now!


    Keep RSVPing please and everyone can join one of the FG Game Rooms on the PlayStation so people can jump in together.

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