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Everything posted by Teenwolf25

  1. Ajay knows the rules. And he has the chest piece now
  2. There’s an update which I had no idea about. Mines at 6% copying.... Make sure everyone’s updating or it could be postponed
  3. To be fair @Mazzer66 said she wanted to run it too
  4. Davey Dave said last night he only had till 9pm to do it which isn’t it enough time so if there’s anyone else that can take his place when he has to go off then it’d be good
  5. Davey Dave wants to learn DSC so I’ve said we can teach him, even if it’s just the easy roles for him to start with, so it would be appreciated if the usual experienced people could help him too to make it a semi faultless experience.
  6. Coulda just done share play and I could’ve just finished it for him
  7. We have to remember that Ajay is young and therefor shouldn’t be still raiding at 10pm to be fair. The raids do end up taking a massive amount of time. When I was watching the stream there must’ve been like 30mins of messing around on the jumping bit 😂
  8. It’s all good @slamminbones it’s my own fault half the time for being too cautious into the first corner, people don’t expect it. I just feel bad for taking phil out. I’m just happy that when I watched my onboard replay I was braking and steering away from him the whole time rather than towards him and accelerating.... Ive got an old school mate that plays F1 and GT Sport so I’m trying to get him to join Tuesdays too.
  9. Wtf, I got proper benched 😂
  10. I just left as I realised it was set up for Dave Graves, I’m down for another one on a different day @Baabcat if you guys are about
  11. Teenwolf25

    DSC Raid

    Was a good run to be fair. I do think some people (no names ) should go in solo and learn the sparrow race bit legit to save let’s say 30+mins 😂😂🙈
  12. Race 3 was too late for me so had to bail out. Shame as it looked like fun
  13. Awesome write up. In my defence of hitting Lee though I saw he out braked himself so I braked early to give him some space but someone behind me wasn’t expecting it so rear ended me into Lee anyways 😂🙈 Sorry Lee 🙈
  14. Personally I loved it. There was a moment for me when Lee was out breaking himself at one of hairpins so I lifted early to give him space etc but someone behind rear ended me into Lee anyways. 🙈. I think it was a pretty clean race with no issues. When going into the pits I didn’t know you could stop the fuelling early to suit how many laps were left so ended up losing a lot of time refuelling for 2laps 😂😂
  15. I went for the foldable one to see how I get on first and for storage reason. I love the way it folds up with the wheel etc still attached
  16. I’ve loved getting back into GT. used to play it years ago with some mates. Haven’t played it for probably over 10years. Getting back into it no doubt is gonna be a long hard slog again getting upto speed and getting used to the wheel but looking forward to it. I’d be happy around the mid pack, that’s my aim. I’ve been trying to practice a couple of circuits to get the feel for them but as soon as you switch cars or tyres the whole game changes again😂😂
  17. Sorry @GazzaGarrattive only just seen this. I’ve already got him the PSVR one now ready for his Bday, it came with 5 games and I’ve got him Iron man and Beat saber aswel
  18. Greboth that’s one hell of a write up, fair plays to you for taking the time to explain it. I see what you’re saying about the PC VR compared to the PS VR, that’s makes complete sense. I think the main thing for me is if the oculus is the best option, is it useable on a PS?? Or if it is compatible is it worth the extra money if his PS can’t output the spec needed to run it crisp if that makes sense. Ie there’s no point in buying a 4k tv if you’re using a scary lead still.
  19. He’ll be 12yo, I’m stuck between the PS4 VR or ive seen the Oculus Rift setup but not sure on compatibility etc which is why I’m asking here. I’m not bothered about what’s cheaper etc I just want what is the best of what’s available and what offers more in versatility if that makes sense
  20. So it’s my sons bday in a couple of months and he’s asked for the PS4 VR. What’s peoples recommendations and opinions on the VR systems available?? He has the PS4 slim if that’s makes any difference. Thanks Clive
  21. if you don’t have 14secs on the heart then don’t drop down otherwise you’ll struggle to make it. If you can turn your character towards the stairs and orientate yourself whilst floating then you can but don’t risk it unless your the only one left. Drop the heart at the top for the final person then they can drop straight down. There is an easier way to do the heart run but it’s rng based on who’s picked and the person soloing it needs to be experienced
  22. Last wish is awesome. We’ve been doing it daily as it’s actually a raid and not a strike. I can’t help you guys with it but if I’m about when you run it I can help with the Vault call outs if needed as that’s what people struggle with. No doubt though Charlie has you guys covered tho but the offer can be there if needed.
  23. From my point of view I think they have ruined the raid seals. They removed the flawless triumph from Garden of salvation and now they haven’t even introduced it on the DSC.. It makes it more achievable for more players but I think a raid seal should be hard to get like the Last Wish one.
  24. Event Title: Garden of Salvation Divinity Run Event Author: Teenwolf25 Calendar: Destiny Calendar Event Date: 10/22/2020 12:00 AM I want to try and set an event for Forty and Lee to run the divinity puzzle. It will require the people with the most experience in the raid to help if they can. I appreciate that a few people need it so if we can run again for others we will but it will be hard running it with too many inexperienced at a time if that makes sense. Ignore the date and time as we’ll sort that out when we get the team together. There’s no player limit so we can see what people still need it. Garden of Salvation Divinity Run N.B. If viewing this via the FG App, please visit the Calendar event via browser to RSVP. Thanks.
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