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Everything posted by jordie1892

  1. My sisters boyfriend has won 3 tickets to the F.A Cup Final after scoring the fastest hat-trick in the last round of the competition. I'm not leaving him alone until I get one
  2. Do you have any idea what weapon/armour you want to use? Also are you looking at only PvE or PvP? Huge damage or a good defence?
  3. Sorry I'm late to the party, but I feel like I have to chip in. Based off your post, I see a lot of similarities (and some differences) in our situations. I'm 20 and have been in full time work for just over half a year, but I don't see friends from school and very rarely see college friends anymore. I know I've lost contact with friends due to a lack of effort on my part and making excuses not to go out. I can't speak for you but I know I just like the peacefulness of being on my own. I think we all have daily cycles and breaking the monotony can be hard, but I know I'm personally improving. I'm not at all a big drinker, and I know it can be hard to meet up with people when it seems that's all they do on their weekends. Instead I'm trying to force myself into social situations where drinking isn't an option. I'm joining up with a local football team in the coming weeks, and have been coaching kids football for the last year. Both are great ways to break up the week, be social and not have to drink. I know you're into your football so maybe that's an option? As for the gym, it has been the best thing I've done for myself in years. I joined up at the beginning of June and have been 4 times a week every week since. I don't speak to anyone there, just plug in my headphones and workout. If I don't go to the gym, I sit at home bored, stressed, and often angry. I really urge you to try and commit to going regularly. I saw a reddit AMA with The Rock not too long ago and he said you have to form a habit of going to the gym even if you're not working out. If he's not feeling up for it he will sit in the corner and read a book, but at least he's still got himself out of the house. I'm hoping to gain friends through football in the coming weeks, and if you figure out the girlfriend part, let me know Maybe I'll grow some balls and join Tinder Good luck dude, keep us informed, Jordie
  4. I'll ask Rich and Tam when they're next on, we've been playing it a little bit.
  5. Sterling to City for £49 Million! http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/33497488 At least that leaves us with some cash for a striker.
  6. A work colleague has bought an Occulus Rift, joystick and throttle purely to play Elite Dangerous. He spends his weekends exploring space whilst getting high as a kite
  7. yeah, I read the article wrong. It was simply that Inter accepted a bid. I think they are still in talks though...
  8. Shaqiri to Stoke for 12 Million. Unbelievable signing for them! http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/33351432
  9. A lot of what he says is very british humour, I'm not sure how well it translates. Give him a go though
  10. Probably my favourite piece of stand up right there. A lot of people don't realise that Al Murray (or whatever his real name is) is a history major and his comedy takes the mick out of Brits more than anyone else. Very smart man.
  11. I still jump on SWTOR occassionally, good customization and story, and not a badd combat system. Theres a huge lack of endgame content though...
  12. Making Kung Fu Panda eBooks... ignore the messy office
  13. I still get called grey-worm every now and then, not the most flattering name
  14. This. I fear adding multiplayer content would take away from the atmosphere. There's nothing better than walking the wastes listening to Three-Dog wondering where you'll end up...
  15. Cal!! Long time no speak man!
  16. Rafa Benitez has been appointed manager at Real Madrid. Didn't see that coming!
  17. As long as they don't don't do a fallout version of ESO, I'm happy
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