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Everything posted by jordie1892

  1. Are you locking on to enemies? Either way I've found that guns are only useful (so far) at interrupting enemies. The dodging system feels really nice and it's been a noverall enjoyable experience. I feel like the character I made focusing on bloodtinge is quite innefective at this point. I'm going to restart with a skill build tonight.
  2. It definitely feels clunky. The removal of stoppages by the referee, the fact that leg kicks are useless and a lack of game modes all make it sub par in my opinion.
  3. I'm on the last part of The Last of Us and it's unquestionably one of the best story modes I have ever played. As it happens I've also been playing EA Sports UFC and it's been pretty disappointing if I'm honest.
  4. I love that last line. "As much as I think he's a nob, I quite like working with Jeremy..."
  5. I've only played the first 2. The first wasn't much better than a regular mission, with the exception of the payout. The second is significantly better, though it seems communication would make it a lot more enjoyable.
  6. You can go online after you complete the first mission and join in on other peoples heists. I'm not sure if there is a level you have to be before you run your own heists, but I've had no problems.
  7. I've been playing heists on the PS4 and am having a pretty good time. It would definitely be better playing with mates though.
  8. When I was little there was an eclipse,we were only allowed to look with these weird glasses haha
  9. I have no idea if it is linked with the eclipse, but driving home from work yesterday the moon was bright red and pretty big. I wish my phone hadn't died or I'd have taken a picture.
  10. You can break up your city into districts to help manage everything. If a residential area isn't happy, you can exclusively tax them less. If you want to specialize an industry, you can create a district for forestry. The level of details for these districts is pretty nice.
  11. I've put a few hours into the game and am loving it so far. There are a few features I would have liked such as the ability to plan your city first, but overall its been pretty great.
  12. I was amazed when I went to L.A that after a program finished there would be adverts, followed by the credits and then adverts again. I don't know how I'd cope without Sky + and Netflix.
  13. I live in Towcester and work in Northampton, only been to the Saints once though At my sisters graduation:
  14. I've got to start watching Worcester play more haha. Very entertaining stuff!
  15. Ballo had the right to ask to take the penalty, and his is our best penalty taker. With that being said he should NEVER have grabbed the ball of Hendo. Showed complete disrespect for the captain and I hope he got a complete bollocking for it.
  16. I should warn you that I have been getting a few crashes, particularly after ending a turn. It should all be ironed out pretty quickly though.
  17. I'm personally loving it. The new horde and migration system is meaning the campaigns are a lot less predictable. The battles are very fast paced due to the high number of cavalry so it's taking a bit of time to get used to. In my first campaign I took the Visigoths from Thracia over to southern Spain. The West Romans managed to overpower me and I eventually lost due to famine. I'm going to try a standard viking faction next to learn the game a bit better.
  18. I've been wanting to play Stalker for a whilesince I saw Gopher play it. Thanks man
  19. ^^ That line cracked me up too Episode 2 was awesome!
  20. I'll have to rewatch the series, I must be recalling what happens incorrectly. I was sure that the program showed the Vikings discovery of England? There had been trade routes between Scandinavia and England for a long time be fore the raids started.
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