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LordBaguette last won the day on June 24

LordBaguette had the most liked content!



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    Inferno Tom
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  1. Monday Night Football - FIFA 21 Pro Clubs - F.G.F.C.

    The reigning champions!! Lets go and see if we can get the double with The King of the Hill Cup and then maybe another season in Div 1!





  2. Monday Night Football - Fifa 21

    This Monday night the FGFC team face the fiercest opponents yet, as a discombobulated team fight to regain they're rightful place in the 1st division of virtual football. 


    Many regular players have been away injured, resting or supporting their euro team, but this week they come together again. 


    Come on FG! 

  3. FG Friday

    Ohhhhhhh FG!!!!!!! 


    Don't you dare be sour! 


    Clap for your Euro finalists and feel the power! 🔥🔥🔥🔥


    Anyway back to gaming! Looks like the poll winners are Wreckfest and then a little Fall Guys/Bomberman 😁🤟😁🤟


    If at some point during the night people get in mood for some old school GTA we can always switch over to that too! 😉😁


    Get your name down guys! 


    It's gonna get messy! 


    Now give me 2 claps and Ric Flair





  4. FG Friday Bitches!!!

    So Ladies and Gents! 


    I regret to inform you this is an FG Friday without our leader Mr Garratt who has better things to do! 


    Soooo... I suggest we cause as much chaos, anarchy and trouble as possible! 


    Let's all get in the FG game room chat around 8pm, then just decide what we shall play then. Can be Battlefield, Can be Wreckfest, Cod Remastered, Fall Guys, GTA Races, what ever the fuck you sexy bastards want! 


    Let's go all out and just fuck shit up! 


    Let's show that traitor that we can cope without him 😁😂🤣 (Highly doubt it but we can try) 


    See you tonight guys! 

  5. Monday Night Football - FIFA 21 Pro Clubs - F.G.F.C.

    Monday Night Football is back once again, so lets see if we can return to be double Div 1 champions over the next few weeks.


    RSVP as soon as you can so we knows who's coming. 👍



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