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Everything posted by MrBiron

  1. Nice to have another Yorkshire man on the forums.
  2. The first games we saw of it had ridiculous QSing again. So there's that bullshit. And it's Activision not EA. But both are cunts.
  3. But then I'll cancel when I get the code, obvs.
  4. No doubt it'd be a laugh but I just can't justify paying what they want. I have no interest in Zombies or a battle royale mode so I'd be paying £50 just for MP. Plus they also then want me to pay another £40 for the season pass.
  5. I might pre-order just to play the beta. But I ain't buying the game at launch. Via the FG App
  6. All you need is myself, really 😁
  7. Any update on when this will be happening?
  8. Maybe that's because all you lot play is Overwatch 😜
  9. Probably a smart move. They were never going to win.
  10. Post of the year! Bravo, Sir. 😎 As for the OP: What the fuck is point if it doesn't even come with the game?!
  11. I'll be getting it. Origins was a great game.
  12. Although people are asking for this, why would/should Sony do it? They're the current market leaders and it won't benefit them at all. Or maybe the real question is: Would MS do it if they were currently winning the console race?
  13. Apparently it's hacked to shit like all other CODs on the 360. Funny how MW2, please let this franchise die already, hasn't been released. My guess is we're getting a MW2, please let this franchise die already, Remastered. Either that or Activision know that nobody would buy their new COD if MW2, please let this franchise die already, was available on the Xbone.
  14. There was a 50 minute gameplay demo at E3 for some people. No idea why they haven't showed it to everybody.
  15. Why do your weapons shoot numbers rather than bullets? 😕
  16. Eurogamer has published an article about the fact that Activision are still charging for maps. Hopefully more big gaming sites will put pressure on them to change their decision.
  17. Exactly what I'm doing. Via the FG App
  18. That's my opinion as well: Why should I spend money on this game? You get half the content of BO3 and BO3 is currently free on PSN! This was the last chance to save the series for a lot of people and Activision have blown that chance. Via the FG App
  19. And it's only 12 maps instead of 16! Via the FG App
  20. Activision have well and truly fucked it with this game. Free maps could have made up for the missing campaign but the fact they're actually charging for maps is utter bullshit. It's like they actually want to kill this franchise.
  21. So 4 of the launch maps are just remade old maps. Activision are proper taking the piss with this game. No campaign and now just chucking in old maps and yet they're still charging full price! Cheeky fuckers. And just what in the fuck is going on at Treyarch?! 3 years to make this game and they can't make enough new maps for the games release?
  22. Hell yeah to WMD! Possibly my favourite map from Treyarch. They should have brought it back for BO3 as the verticality would have worked with all the jumping. As for these maps: I hope we get them all at launch. But I can't help thinking we'll get 10-12 and the rest will be "FREE DLC. Praise be to Activision for they are kind and giving"
  23. They should have it like that in Ranked but in casual play there's no need for it. It's almost like the developers don't know their player base.
  24. I'm not awkward. I just work til 11pm 3 days a week 😛
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