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  1. Just picked this up on PC, guessing I can still play with PSN people as it wanted to link my steam with my PSN?
  2. Just picked it up as an early birthday treat to myself. Will be on it this evening if anyone else has it? Can stream it in the discord
  3. I've just gotten to that section of the Rangers questline so I'll let you know how I get on! --- New updates coming soon to Starfield! Good news for you and your resolution Karl! Brightness and Contrast controls HDR Calibration Menu FOV Slider Nvidia DLSS Support (PC) 32:9 Ultrawide Monitor Support (PC) Eat button for food! Starfield Updates and Mod Support – September 13, 2023 BETHESDA.NET Thank you to all of you playing Starfield and your support. We are absolutely blown away by the response and all you love about the...
  4. Tell me about it. I am burnt.
  5. I've been told off for my lack of Starfield discussion, sorry daddy Garratt 😔😂 @TurboR56Mini @phil bottle No review yet because I honestly feel like I've not played the game enough at... *looks at Steam* nigh on 70 hours! As always with a BSG game, the UI on PC is absolutely gash, but there's been mods coming out to fix the massive inventory items taking up all the screen space etc already. On the whole, I'm enjoying it! I had always tempered my expectations with regards to the 'space' part of the game, knowing that it was still running on Creation engine, and it's pretty much what I expected (you load into a 'cell' in orbit, and fast travel into a different planet's orbit 'cell' if you go to another planet etc). There have been some people playing around and it does look like that the cells on the planets are linked together at least, but from all accounts it's literally a cell per PIXEL of the planets surface and the game does not like it when you start going past boundaries, probably floating point errors the further you get away from the centre of that starting cell. Not played too much of the main story, but the sidemissions are very good in terms of writing/quality. Having fun with some of the individual location ones but have also just started the Rangers storyline, so I'll report back with wot I think later. I've actually been genuinely interested in finding out about companion's backstories (just the people at Constellation so far from what I can tell), which is rare in a Bethsoft game! They're not just pack mules after all (Well they are, because inventory management is awful in this game at the moment but I digress). As Karl said, the outpost building is bloody annoying. I've been absolutely raging at not bring able to place smaller items on the right rotation that I want (apparently there's an option to turn down the speed in menus @TurboR56Mini!). And then we get to stuff like the storage containers that are massive, only being able to store 75 units worth of material. Bizarre. Also those like to snap to everything but where you're trying to put them. The way the transfer of items between outposts works is a bit opaque at the moment too, I need to have an experiment with those but I keep running out of storage space for materials because building in your base only considers resources in your personal inventory OR in the big storage containers. Ship inventory or anything in small storage chests etc do not count, which is bloody annoying when you had to dump everything into them only to find the titanium that you needed to build more containers is in a bloody chest on your outpost but not part of the accessible inventory AUGH 🤬 There's also a strange lack of choice with hab modules and air locks, and even stuff like a lack of foundations to put stuff on (maybe I need to put points into outpost building to see them, but odd they wouldn't be a basic item if so). The game itself looks beautiful, despite running everything on a GTX1070 and all settings on Low. I just can't wait until I can splurge on a new card and I can finally see this and CP2077 in their full glory. I have noticed the game is very CPU demanding, as a few mates of mine have been having issues with stutters with their older CPUs (4th gen i5s etc). Luckily I had upgraded earlier this year to an i5-12600k (from the venerable i5-3570k no less, godspeed 🫡), so I've not been having any issues.
  6. I'd been waiting for a new Armored Core title for the past 10 years, suffering as they kept releasing more Soulslikes 😂 Pleased to say it's a true return to form of the likes of Armored Core 4/for Answer, and good god it's absolutely nails hard at times. Runs exceedingly smoothly on PC, very impressed!
  7. Yep, as Lee said, DLC are platform specific so you'd have to buy for both if you wanted to play Lightfall on both. I think Bungie wanted to do DLC tied to account, similar to how season passes work but IIRC Xbox and Steam were for it but Sony vetoed it.
    The amount of disrespect in the arse shot I got infuriated me. Great quad!
  8. Thanks Lee! That vid never fails to make me crack up. Funny thing is I had actually completely forgotten about it until you reminded me of it at the meet!
  9. Yeah, one of the main differences to get your head round between DF and RW is the verticality. For example, doing stuff like routing water into your fortress (usefull access to fresh water for hospitals, irrigation, etc without having to go outside), suddenly becomes a lot more complex when you have to consider traversing up and down. Not to mention the unexpected challenges/benefits that may bring... (Dwarves enjoy watching waterfalls. They do not enjoy a torrent of pressurised water instantly flooding their fortress and drowning them all)
  10. Had my spare pickaxes stolen by monkeys and then all my dwarves got depressed from having to drink water because I forgot to set up a brewing still. Compared to the OG version it's a lot more user friendly out of the box (and visually appealing, although that could be solved with tilesets for the original). While we have seem to have lost some fuctionality on minor parts (possibly overlooked), and some keyboard shortcuts no longer work fully as mouse selection is required, it's still the same old Dorf Fortress I've loved the past decade or so, just so very much prettier. Honestly I was just happy to fling 25 quid to the Adams brothers.
  11. If Clive said I came in clutch, does that mean I can brag about it?
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