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phil bottle

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    phil bottle reacted to Beck in DayZ Meet up?   
    Bringin' the army.
  2. Like
    phil bottle reacted to Harrison in DayZ Meet up?   
    So here's how far I ran today  
  3. Like
    phil bottle reacted to Diddums in DayZ Meet up?   
    Wow, you must be starving!
    //T'was great playing with you lot again. I'll be honest and say I had no idea where I was most of the time, but thanks to you lot I'm now pretty well decked out and even combat ready, should it come to that.
    I hope Dean expands on the game a bit more. We really need the ability to build a base, even if it's just tents. Vehicles would be great, as would hunting, but a base gets priority for me. I love the spray cans everywhere. It's be awesome if you could actually tag stuff so others know you were there, although this would probably add quite a bit of strain to the server/client comms. 
    Still gotta say that Dean and Co have done an excellent job on this. It's not perfect, but it certainly blows any other alpha I've ever played right out the water. 
  4. Like
    phil bottle reacted to jordie1892 in DayZ Meet up?   
    Yeah, it was good playing with you guys, even if I was only on a short time. Harrison you need to take on marathons...
  5. Like
    phil bottle reacted to Harrison in DayZ Meet up?   
    Was lovely playing with you lot
  6. Like
    phil bottle got a reaction from BO7H B4RRELS in You Are Here   
    To help people meet up thought I'd start a rolling thread so people can declare what part of the map they're on.
    I'll start by stating where I am and then I'll update my location next time I log off after moving somewhere else.
    PM me and I'll add your location.
    Hope that makes sense
    Forum name: Phil Bottle
    Name in-game: Wat Tyler
    Location: Dubrovka
  7. Like
    phil bottle got a reaction from jordie1892 in Svetlojarsk   
    We could all head that way, it's a good location and an easy trip to NEA. I just moved east to Dubrovka but can start heading north...
  8. Like
    phil bottle reacted to jordie1892 in You Are Here   
    Forum Name: jordie1892
    Name in-game: jordan
    Location: Svetloyarsk
    I know you said to PM you but I figured it'd be easier if we all updated our own location, otherwise you'd have a lot of work on your hands.
  9. Like
    phil bottle reacted to Harrison in You Are Here   
    Forum Name: Harrison
    Name in-game: Harrison
    Location: Green Mountain area
  10. Like
    phil bottle reacted to Diddums in What to expect?   
    Cheers Jordie, I'll give it a proper go next time I'm near a lake / pond.
    A few more observations:
    I was hungry and thirsty, and I found a can of "spite" (lulz). Cured my hunger, not my thirst. Dean could get rich off that. 
    Zeds are a bastard to lose. I had a few tracking me for ages, lost them eventually but bloody hell, they're like sniffer dogs!
    The inventory system is very clever, and that alone is worth upgrading from the mod. I love that different garments have different amounts of pockets and whatnot, very good. 
    The combat... oh dear. If you've ever fought a zed, you'll know exactly what I mean. 
    The game at present feels like a case of wait for server restart, rush rush rush to get stuff, then... erm... nothing. no vehicles, no tents, nothing to try and achieve. Once you're all gunned up and have decent kit, the only form of entertainment I can think of is hunting players, which might explain some of the KOS mentality some of you guys are experiencing (and I'll no doubt experience at some point too). 
    The game feels like the basis of something very good, something excellent, and a game which will probably suck me in for hours and hours on end, but as it is now, it's lacking content. I maintain my opinion that Dean needs to focus on getting stuff to respawn inbetween restarts. Once that's sorted I'd start looking in to storage, the lack of ability to hoard stuff is brilliant for a lone wolf like myself, but I still think it's an awesome goal to work towards. And vehicles. We need vehicles, badly. 
    Excellent game, needs improvement. Yes, it's an Alpha, I know this, but I felt like blabbering so meh. 
  11. Like
    phil bottle reacted to Diddums in What to expect?   
    Wow, this is pretty damn good!
    Running with everything maxed out, it looks really sweet. I love that many buildings are enterable, and the atmosphere really takes the DayZ franchise to a whole new level. I find the scarcity of food and supplies a bit concerning, I'd say a priority for Rocket is to get resources to respawn without the need of a server restart. Some ambient sounds freaked me the fuck out at first. There's a sound which sounds like a rusty gate which had me cowering behind a bar for a few minutes until it repeated itself enough times for me to establish that it was in fact an ambient sound and not a player. 
    Zombies are rarer than hen's teeth, yet to see one. I also miss the location announcement when I log in, so I literally have no clue where I am, and I can't find a sign to give me an indicator (it's also been a while since I've been in Chernarus so fuck knows). I'm currently sitting in a block of flats somewhere overlooking a small town, in the dark, dying of thirst and unable to find anything. 
    I have a pink beanie and a working flashlight, that's it. 
    Time will tell where this adventure takes me...
  12. Like
    phil bottle reacted to Dattebayo in Titanfall   
    Already announced. x)
  13. Like
    phil bottle reacted to J4MES OX4D in Titanfall   
    Ex COD devs + EA cash whores = a game once a year for sure
    Also expect a string of DLC before the year is out too!
  14. Like
    phil bottle reacted to J4MES OX4D in DayZ update next week   
    Branch: Experimental
    ETA to Stable: 5-7 February 2014
    Version: 0.33.114782
    Known Issues:
    - Spawns: Loot is not spawning in military tents
    - Spawns: Some structures in Svetlo currently do not spawn loot
    - Server: Servers under load can delay actions from the client
    - Only 4 dynamic light sources will be rendered at one time currently
    What are experimental/stable branches?
    In your steam application settings, you can choose a “beta branch”. This allows you to opt in to our experimental branch to try it out.
    Does my saved character get affected in experimental branch?
    No. It runs on a different database, so any changes will not affect your character on stable branch.
    I can’t find a slot while on experimental branch!
    Only a small number of servers run this branch. You will need to change your game back to the stable branch and play on a normal server
    Can I join a stable branch server wil experimental branch client?
    No, you would need to change your client back to stable.
    When will this be in stable?
    We expect stable to be updated before the end of that week (by 7 February 2014).
    Why has not been fixed yet when there is new content coming in?
    While priorities are very important when assigning work, there is a limit to how many people can work on a complex task without making it even more complex. Also, many of the team are focused purely on content/design so while the important stuff is being fixed, they continue to provide content and design updates.
    Is mouse acceleration being fixed?
    It is not fixed in this update, but we plan to make control changes. It is not as simple as turning it “off” as the speed your character turns is not dictated by the mouse itself, but your movements combined with the type of weapon you have, how tired you are, etc.
    - Actions: chambering SKS round from pile, loading 10 rounds from pile
    - Actions: You can uncuff other players with the hacksaw
    - Actions: Cannot use an item (e.g. drink/eat) if it is “Ruined”
    - Actions: Interactions with items reworked. Drinking/Eating/etc… more robust and user-friendly
    - Actions: Restrained players cannot use inventory or action menu
    - Animations: Player now can take and hide rifle in crouched run
    - Animations: SKS reload animations
    - Crafting: FNX45 pistol can be chambered with single round
    - Crafting: Opening cans with combat knife added
    - Crafting: Opening cans with machete added
    - Crafting: Painting Motorbike Helmets to Black and Green
    - Effects: Magnum revolver ejecting shells when reloading
    - Effects: Magnum revolver sounds – gunshots, reloading
    - Effects: Mosin ejecting shells when cycling
    - Effects: New Mosin sounds – gunshots, cycling, reloading
    - Gear: Improvised courier backpack added
    - Gear: Machete added
    - Gestures: Clapping Gesture added, default F5 key
    - Gestures: Pointing Gesture added, default F6 key
    - Login: Player queuing system introduced. Penalty waiting time added for switching server or disconnecting a server quickly.
    - Server: Player spawns now cached by engine directly, increasing performance
    - Spawns: Added Bubble goose jackets into the loot spawns
    - Spawns: Added SKS rifle, speedloader, ammunition piles and boxes and SKS bayonet into the loot spawns
    - Systems: Hunger and Thirst slightly modified.
    - Systems: Notifications added to UI for hydration and high energy
    - Zombies: Different types of Military zombies now have tougher attack values and improved durability
    - Zombies: Engine dynamic obstacle checking (zombie, another player)
    - Zombies: Svetlojarsk zombie spawns added
    - Action: morphine injection can be used on other player effectively fixing his broken legs and item correctly positioned in hands
    - Actions: Keys won’t disappear after uncuffing
    - Actions: loading ammo works for sprayed Mosin variants
    - Actions: Read/Writing notes with paper and pen now works again
    - Actions: reviving with epinephrine or defibrillator works also if player blood is below 500 units of blood
    - Animations: fixed an issue where reload in prone would leave some residue sound clutter at the end of the reload animation
    - Animations: Weapon reloading for magazine was not working properly when no magazine fitted
    - Animations: Rifle Aimed Walk Updated, diagonal animations fixed
    - Animations: sidesteping through doorway with rifle while crouching should not cause the player to get stuck now
    - Config: Berries have more nutrition now
    - Crafting : You can no longer saw off sawed off shotgun
    - Crafting: Can spraypaint M4 to green or black
    - Crafting: Damage is now transferred when items are painted
    - Crafting: Improved Backpack creation only possible when Courier Bag is empty (previously items accidentally deleted)
    - Crafting: Weapon cleaning kit can’t be used when it’s “Ruined” and won’t reduce condition of a gun
    - Effects: Dazed effect plays again when a player is hit/damaged/shot
    - Effects: Some effects were not active locally when a player was restrained
    - Fixed: Missing texture error dz\weapons\data\weapons_damage_metal_smdi.paa
    - Fixed: Popping up texture error for beret models
    - Gear: Spraycans won’t deplete after relogging
    - Gear: Book, radio, pot, pan, gas canisters, matchbox, paper, firewood and stone can be placed in hands
    - Gear: Headlamp beam raised slightly
    - Gear: Painted items now retain their previous quantities (i.e. Magazine ammo won’t reset)
    - Gear: Various item descriptions and notifications fixed for grammar, typos, more detail
    - Gear: ZSh-3 Pilot helmet fixed and updated
    - Gestures: Taunt defaults correctly to F4 key
    - Graphics: “god rays” could cause overloaded post-processing and graphical corruption
    - Graphics: fix of removing shining object from hand (switch off)
    - Graphics: Roads have per pixel lights
    - Graphics: Dynamic lights should be now defined with “radius” value which is maximum radius of light in meters
    - Loot: Splint position in hand was wrong now corrected
    - Spawns: Drastically lowered chance of backpacks spawning on the construction site
    - Spawns: Loot spawn tweaks in some civilian structures
    - Weapons: Mosin recoil increased
    - Weapons: Sawed-off shotgun can be loaded with ammo (was broken due to changed inheritance)
    - Weapons: Sawed-off shotgun: reduced size in inventory, reduced spread
    - Zombies: Better filter/check of attack hits directly in engine
    - Zombies: Military zombies made tougher
    - Engine: Irregular crash of server in corpse garbage collector consequence of this is that the bodies will not disappear if other player is in vicinity
  15. Like
    phil bottle got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in What to expect?   
    Agreed wholeheartedly.
    The server hopping I had never really noticed in the Mod but it appears to be endemic in the SA right now.
    Don't trust anyone. I've only been KoS'd once in the SA but that was a server hopper while I wwas looting a barracks.
  16. Like
    phil bottle reacted to J4MES OX4D in What to expect?   
    Also I may add that loot only spawns after server restarts usually every 4 hours so you see quite a few people 'server hopping' whoring items. It's best to select a low populated servers and focus on niche areas to pick up decent items for your inventory. So many players find a good area, scavenge everything and then find a different server, spawn in at the same place and resupply the same items. They really need to address the loot spawns and a server-hopping prevention method. Some players get their character wiped through this but others can build a good amount of items from this exploit.
    Also a fair few people of the community are a bunch of fucking wankers - more immature than the COD lot
  17. Like
    phil bottle got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in What to expect?   
    My thoughts on DayZ standalone currently.
    It’s still fairly basic and so:
    No vehicles yet
    Not place to store items/loot yet
    No hunting yet
    There aren’t a lot of zombies at the moment and once they die they do not seem to respawn until a server restart
    There’s a lot more attention to food and particularly water if you’re running a lot, which you will be
    As loot (like Zeds) only spawns once, scavenging is a lot more important
    The map has new features and building and most of the buildings are now enterable
    New features like handcuffing people, needing certain items to open cans of food
    Towerblocks are cool, as is the abandoned ship…
  18. Like
    phil bottle got a reaction from TigerBurge in DayZ Meet up?   
    Bosh, the mini clan starts here and it's a vengeful clan  but righteous
  19. Like
    phil bottle got a reaction from Diddums in DayZ Meet up?   
    Chernarus beware, we're a comin! And we're drunk
  20. Like
    phil bottle got a reaction from Diddums in DayZ Meet up?   
    Yep old Sanity Clause was a little late this year but better late than never
  21. Like
    phil bottle reacted to Diddums in DayZ Meet up?   
    Might need a load of beer for this.
    It's been a long, long time since I've been excited to play a game, I think this is exactly what I need to reignite that flame.
  22. Like
    phil bottle got a reaction from Diddums in DayZ Meet up?   
    ^^ Just make sure you're well hydrated
  23. Like
    phil bottle got a reaction from Diddums in DayZ Meet up?   
    Just thinking too, we should decide on a location to meet. I'm near Berezhino and Harrison is right over the other side of the map...any suggestions?
  24. Like
    phil bottle got a reaction from Diddums in DayZ Meet up?   
    I can record too, not sure whether to use Fraps or to try out Shadowplay for the first time...
    Saturday is looking good and it's possible if a Mr Diddums is about he may be joining us
    Dave, log into Steam
  25. Like
    phil bottle reacted to Diddums in DayZ Meet up?   
    Can't log in to Steam at the moment, on nights :/
    I'm off tomorrow and Friday, working days on Sat & Sun, then on mon-thurs days, then off for a whopping 6 days. Can't fucking wait.
    Phil, if you've done what I think you've done, I'm going to really have to meet up and buy you a beer or ten
    I'll try get on for Saturday night. Make some space for FRAPS and get my gashnizzle on. I'm shit though, bring a stretcher.
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