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    tronic44 reacted to TigerBurge in Left 4 Dead 2   
    I think I have it Rich. I'll have to see. Its packed up somewhere
  2. Like
    tronic44 got a reaction from Dattebayo in Left 4 Dead 2   
    Oh yeah they do! They are on some next level shit! They're almost like the bots on blops2 when they're turned up to the highest difficulty, aiiiiiiimbooooot!
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    tronic44 reacted to BO7H B4RRELS in Street Fighter Documentary   
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    tronic44 got a reaction from phil bottle in Oi! Oi!   
    You're close to Hommerton Hospital? Cuz i live just around the corner lol
    It was well misty this morning on the way to work, like something out of a horror film
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    tronic44 reacted to JsinOwl in Your DVD/Blu-Ray Collection   
    You don't like Up? Love that movie, probably my favorite Pixar film.
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    tronic44 got a reaction from phil bottle in Oi! Oi!   
    Don't listen to anyone on here, everyone sucks, barr me of course but i'm from Hackney and people who live there are quite obviously kewl! Mainly cuz we spell cool, kewl.
    Hope you enjoy your stay dude
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    tronic44 reacted to Diddums in Drifters "Get off my lawn" thread   
    A headteacher here in London was fired a while back because he expected the kids in class to stand up when he entered the classroom.
    This blew my mind. When I was at school, I had to have my shoes polished, my shirt tucked in, my tie done up, and when the bell went, we had to line up outside the classroom against a wall and await inspection. If your shit wasn't up to standard, you weren't coming in. Upon entering the classroom we'd have to stand at our desks, behind our chairs and wait until our teacher greeted us. Only then did we greet him or her and then he or she would allow us to be seated.
    Those were the days. None of this bullshit that kids get away with now. Don't get me wrong, I was still a naughty fucker and took the piss at every opportunity, but at least we learned respect. If only when the teachers were looking.
    Kids nowadays have more power than the teachers do. It's fucking ridiculous.
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    tronic44 got a reaction from TigerBurge in London Meet Up 2014 (former Eurogamer Thread) - pg 29   
    I also agree with Bee's but i think my video might be slightly different
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    tronic44 got a reaction from Just Cal in London Meet Up 2014 (former Eurogamer Thread) - pg 29   
    He's coming!
  10. Like
    tronic44 got a reaction from Plumbers Crack in I changed a light fixture!!!   
    Na a bulb's a bulb and a light fixture is everything but the bulb, that's at least what i was taught but then knowing where i worked that's probably wrong lol 
    There's nothing worse than pulling a fixture down and seeing wires hanging about everywhere :/
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