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    tronic44 reacted to burnfitbillyboy in London Meet Up 2014 (former Eurogamer Thread) - pg 29   
    What Stretch said, I still feel like shit so can't be arsed writing alot.
    Love you all <3
  2. Like
    tronic44 reacted to Stretch616 in London Meet Up 2014 (former Eurogamer Thread) - pg 29   
    How many meme things can Euan get into one thread about Rich's burger incident!
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    tronic44 got a reaction from Stretch616 in London Meet Up 2014 (former Eurogamer Thread) - pg 29   
    Aww stretch lol damn you! Never gona live this down lol
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    tronic44 got a reaction from Madjonny in London Meet Up 2014 (former Eurogamer Thread) - pg 29   
    Lmao! It wasn't a zinger it was that supercharger thing and after consuming twice my body weight in alcohol, it was a little spicy.
    But that picture's real
  6. Like
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    tronic44 reacted to Plumbers Crack in London Meet Up 2014 (former Eurogamer Thread) - pg 29   
    EUROGAMER 2013
    Well, that was good!!
    Met up with Dave Cator at London Liverpool Street and travelled to Earls Court quite quickly, getting there about 10 minutes after opening to be met by a queue of approx 2 - 3,000 people! but it moved through fairly quickly
    No sign of Rich, Cal and the others with all day tickets and a quick call revels they're waiting on bacon sarnies
    Earls Court is a big place and it quickly developed into a big place full of queues!
    Upstairs in the 18+ are we started of with Battlefield 4 (queue time approx 1 hour) played on XBones - amazing even on those gimpy XB controllers!! well worth the wait to play one battle and I think this will be on my Crimbo wish list if not earlier. Queue wait was also livened by being lucky enough to catch a BF4 T-shirt being lobbed out randomly to the hordes
    Still no sign of the rest of the "all dayers"
    Back down stairs to CoD Ghosts (QT just under an hour). This was not quite so impressive and also played on the dreaded XBone. This time I couldn't figure out how to start the bloody game and the alloted time was for a TDM so, with a couple of guys on the otherside who knew what they were doing it was all over very quickly. From what I saw and the action I managed to get I think that Ghosts is probably run and gun and BF4 is more a thinking man's game
    Still no sign of the guys with all day tickets (they're waiting for Tam to get out of the shower) so we stopped for a pizza then on to the Sony PS4 (QT about 40 mins to get into the area) to try out the next gen console
    CELEBITY ALERT!!! - spotted Jason Bradbury from The Gadget Show in the PS4 area
    Once you got into the PS4 area you're given two tickets to try different games and each one was valid for about 6 different games. Reasonably good idea to keep the waiting times down so we decided first of all to try DriveClub. Stunning graphics especially when compared to the PS3 drive game (Gran Tourismo 6) being shown outside of the area. All I can say are my memories are correct and I can confirm I am worse at driving games than FPS but it gave me a good laugh
    The we queued for another FPS, Backlight I think which was letting you play a complete round of the game but my legs were shot so it was "Dave, gimme your bag. You queue for a go " and I sat on the floor. 10 minutes later Mister C had done the maths and had worked out with 6-7 people in front of him taking 8-10 minutes to complete a go on the game.....naah!
    Still no sign of the others so we go for a wander around the smaller stands which were quite interesting and the retro area bringing back early computing memories - Doom anyone? Loads of the old machines as well
    Then, just before 5.00.....text "We're here and getting our wristbands!"  then "we're at the bar" (naturally!   )
    and so we have....

    Cal, Tam, Jenna and Rich

    Rich Euan and Stretch

    Dylan, Kyla (Diddum's better half) and Rich......anyone spotted Rich's plan yet?

    Dave C, Dave (Didds) and....Rich
    Having taken refreshments and worked out who was who we gave them the low down on what we'd seen etc and the agreement was "try BF4" which was upstairs.....in the over 18 section. We tried but withou age ID it was no go for Dylan so while the others went off he and I wandered around the main hall and got a photo opportunity for him

    I can't for the life of me work out why he wanted his picture taken with this young lady!!
    Reunited with the others we mooch around the rest of the show, Didds buys a graphics card, we mooch, Didds pre-orders BF4 to get some free stuff then at 6.55 the PA gives out that the gig is over and please leave. So what shall we do?......
    You got it!!

    Dave and Rich in an intense debate, about Lego I think

    Apparently Jenna was the only one to remain sober the previous evening

    Someone comments that Euan and Dylan look like they're from the same family rather than Dylan and Tam being brothers. They didn't think much of this for some reason......

    ...but it all ended amicably!!
    And so it ended, the first real Forum Meet-Up and we found out that we're all a pretty likeable bunch who seem to get along well. This is obviously sanitised sober version from the show. What went on back at Diddums flat I just don't know and will wait to see the photos which they'll hopefully post when they eventually wake up!
    We gotta do it again!!
  8. Like
    tronic44 reacted to Diddums in Diet, Exercise and Nutrition   
    Wish you were here you fuckin' weirdo.
  9. Like
    tronic44 reacted to Dr Diamond in Diet, Exercise and Nutrition   
    im most offended by the ginger hair .

    dont be jealous now
  10. Like
    tronic44 reacted to burnfitbillyboy in London Meet Up 2014 (former Eurogamer Thread) - pg 29   
    Am on ma way bitches!
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    tronic44 got a reaction from Plumbers Crack in London Meet Up 2014 (former Eurogamer Thread) - pg 29   
    Oh yeah you gota wine and dine!
    I'm sure there's some nice places in Brixton, does your misses like chicken?
  12. Like
    tronic44 reacted to Diddums in London Meet Up 2014 (former Eurogamer Thread) - pg 29   
    What's "nice"? What sorta budget you looking at for you and the lady? Are you driving?
    Chris: Budweiser in Europe is made in the Czech Republic, it's a billion times better than the crap in the States. It actually contains alcohol, for a start.
  13. Like
    tronic44 got a reaction from Diddums in London Meet Up 2014 (former Eurogamer Thread) - pg 29   
    Oh yeah you gota wine and dine!
    I'm sure there's some nice places in Brixton, does your misses like chicken?
  14. Like
    tronic44 got a reaction from NCA-Paendrag in How to Enter Fort Zancudo.   

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    tronic44 got a reaction from Just Cal in How to Enter Fort Zancudo.   

  16. Like
    tronic44 got a reaction from kylebees in London Meet Up 2014 (former Eurogamer Thread) - pg 29   
    Bees I'll jump on for a morning run around but it'll probably be on the Sunday as I'm hoping will be somewhere near eurogamer lol
    Me and cal do have a little something planned for the new channel
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    tronic44 got a reaction from Palle in How to Enter Fort Zancudo.   

  18. Like
    tronic44 reacted to Baabcat in London Meet Up 2014 (former Eurogamer Thread) - pg 29   
    Reminds me of one of my favourite Viz jokes,
    What's French and comes in buckets?
    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
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    tronic44 got a reaction from Baabcat in London Meet Up 2014 (former Eurogamer Thread) - pg 29   
    Awww Bob man!! You should take at least one of our mobile numbers just in case you do find time for a quick pint but if not man, we'll meet next time. I can already tell they'll be a next time
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    tronic44 got a reaction from Diddums in How to Enter Fort Zancudo.   

  21. Like
    tronic44 reacted to kylebees in Out of Context   
    That almost sounded like it could have been in a Dr. Seuss book!!!
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    tronic44 got a reaction from Baabcat in London Meet Up 2014 (former Eurogamer Thread) - pg 29   
    Mine was at least a buckets worth
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    tronic44 got a reaction from Just Cal in London Meet Up 2014 (former Eurogamer Thread) - pg 29   
    lol well we'll head back to yours not too long after we pick him up a imagine, unless you're planning on making him carry around his bag even when he's at yours? (this is a good idea)
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    tronic44 reacted to Just Cal in Community channel artwork   
    So we still need some artwork for our community channel. This includes the background, avatar and intro video implementing the forum logo.
    The avatar I can try sort out here and now by just minimizing the logo we're using here if that's what Diddums wants.
    So does any kind forumer want to throw their expertise in?
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