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    tronic44 got a reaction from Plumbers Crack in The Reverend returns...   
    Hey dude, long time no speak. Sorry to hear how much you’ve been through but glad to hear you’re on the mend! We’ll make sure we get some games on the go! What you playing at the moment?
    Good to have you back dude, there’s a lot of new faces in this place but plenty of people to get games in with.
  2. Love
    tronic44 reacted to el Capitan in The Reverend returns...   
    Alright you lot. I have been talking with an old friend in Gazza and we've both decided it'd be good for me to return. I was once a part of the old MW2 forums way back when under the handle of The Reverend. A lot has changed since then.
    I'm a competitive call or duty player (search and destroy is my bread and butter) but I also scrim hardpoints and whatever the 3rd comp game mode will be this year. I'm an oldhead unfortunately at 32 but I like to think I can keep up with the young guns haha.
    My life has recently been turned upside down with suffering 4 heart attacks! 1 which nearly took my life. But I'm fighting back in my recovery and gaming is an outlet for me to keep focused and positive.
    So I'd like to say hello to the old frens and henlo to the potential new ones.
    Peace and love x

  3. Love
    tronic44 got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in The Reverend returns...   
    Hey dude, long time no speak. Sorry to hear how much you’ve been through but glad to hear you’re on the mend! We’ll make sure we get some games on the go! What you playing at the moment?
    Good to have you back dude, there’s a lot of new faces in this place but plenty of people to get games in with.
  4. Haha
    tronic44 reacted to phil bottle in 7 Days - a new chapter   
    I'll repurchase you darling for manual labour down my tunnel, if you know what I mean...
  5. Love
    tronic44 got a reaction from el Capitan in The Reverend returns...   
    Hey dude, long time no speak. Sorry to hear how much you’ve been through but glad to hear you’re on the mend! We’ll make sure we get some games on the go! What you playing at the moment?
    Good to have you back dude, there’s a lot of new faces in this place but plenty of people to get games in with.
  6. Love
    tronic44 reacted to TurboR56Mini in Useful Items to Collect & What They're Needed For   
    Done and in your chest. 
  7. Love
    tronic44 reacted to RenFengge in Useful Items to Collect & What They're Needed For   
    Ah. I thought you liked the bow! I made you explode-y arrows for it.
    @TurboR56Mini  is making you a compound crossbow. It will be in your chest. 🙂 
  8. Love
    tronic44 got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Useful Items to Collect & What They're Needed For   
    Hi all, i thought i'd start this thread for people to be able to add items that are needed, what they are needed for (will be in brackets) and any other info. These items are one's that will always be needed brass, food etc
    - Scrap polymer (Robotic drone, Robotic Turret, SMG auto turret, Shotgun auto turret, steel crossbow bolts) It's needed for many other recipes but these are the main one's for now....i think 
    - Brass (Bullet Casings) This can also be obtained via candlesticks, doorknobs, faucets & trophies. Important to note that you shouldn't scrap them to brass but put them straight into the forge and it will give you more brass
    - Sewing Kit (First aid kit)
    Canned Food:
    - Can of chili (Chili dog)
    - Can of dog food (Grandpa's Learn'n Elixer)
    - Can of pasta (Spaghetti)
    - Can of Peas (Tuna fish gravy toast, gumbo stew, shepards pie)
    - Can of salmon (Fish tacos)
    - Can of sham (sham chowder)
    - Can of stock (Gumbo stew)
    - Can of tuna (Tuna fish gravy toast)
    - Lamb rations (Shepards pie)
    - Large beef rations (Gumbo stew, Spaghetti)
    Raw Food:
    - Old sham sandwich (Antibiotics)
  9. Love
    tronic44 got a reaction from Plumbers Crack in Useful Items to Collect & What They're Needed For   
    Hi all, i thought i'd start this thread for people to be able to add items that are needed, what they are needed for (will be in brackets) and any other info. These items are one's that will always be needed brass, food etc
    - Scrap polymer (Robotic drone, Robotic Turret, SMG auto turret, Shotgun auto turret, steel crossbow bolts) It's needed for many other recipes but these are the main one's for now....i think 
    - Brass (Bullet Casings) This can also be obtained via candlesticks, doorknobs, faucets & trophies. Important to note that you shouldn't scrap them to brass but put them straight into the forge and it will give you more brass
    - Sewing Kit (First aid kit)
    Canned Food:
    - Can of chili (Chili dog)
    - Can of dog food (Grandpa's Learn'n Elixer)
    - Can of pasta (Spaghetti)
    - Can of Peas (Tuna fish gravy toast, gumbo stew, shepards pie)
    - Can of salmon (Fish tacos)
    - Can of sham (sham chowder)
    - Can of stock (Gumbo stew)
    - Can of tuna (Tuna fish gravy toast)
    - Lamb rations (Shepards pie)
    - Large beef rations (Gumbo stew, Spaghetti)
    Raw Food:
    - Old sham sandwich (Antibiotics)
  10. Love
    tronic44 got a reaction from RenFengge in Useful Items to Collect & What They're Needed For   
    Hi all, i thought i'd start this thread for people to be able to add items that are needed, what they are needed for (will be in brackets) and any other info. These items are one's that will always be needed brass, food etc
    - Scrap polymer (Robotic drone, Robotic Turret, SMG auto turret, Shotgun auto turret, steel crossbow bolts) It's needed for many other recipes but these are the main one's for now....i think 
    - Brass (Bullet Casings) This can also be obtained via candlesticks, doorknobs, faucets & trophies. Important to note that you shouldn't scrap them to brass but put them straight into the forge and it will give you more brass
    - Sewing Kit (First aid kit)
    Canned Food:
    - Can of chili (Chili dog)
    - Can of dog food (Grandpa's Learn'n Elixer)
    - Can of pasta (Spaghetti)
    - Can of Peas (Tuna fish gravy toast, gumbo stew, shepards pie)
    - Can of salmon (Fish tacos)
    - Can of sham (sham chowder)
    - Can of stock (Gumbo stew)
    - Can of tuna (Tuna fish gravy toast)
    - Lamb rations (Shepards pie)
    - Large beef rations (Gumbo stew, Spaghetti)
    Raw Food:
    - Old sham sandwich (Antibiotics)
  11. Love
    tronic44 got a reaction from RenFengge in Server Rules!   
    I haven’t seen trees planted near the base for a while, it was just to have it marked down in case we get anyone new on the server.
  12. Like
    tronic44 reacted to Plumbers Crack in Server Rules!   
    Wall of chests is a great idea Rich...next one on sorts it out!
    we don’t need to build a big hall and jail...there’s plenty of room on the first level down in the new build..it’s all cavernous and foreboding at the moment as well 😂😂
  13. Love
    tronic44 reacted to GazzaGarratt in Server Rules!   
    Just keep on ensuring the FG 7 days megathread for this server is kept upto date with our escapades and any support/help required and that way we'll all know what each other are doing 👍
  14. Love
    tronic44 reacted to Diddums in Server Rules!   
    Well, none of us thought it'd come to this but here we are, so read, obey, or face the music (Diddums will be fed extra alcohol on punishment night, pick your battles carefully).  
    1: You WILL stick to these rules. They are not negotiable, don't embarrass yourself with ifs and buts (lol butts). Failure to stick to these rules will result in consequences.
    2: Respect other players and their property. If you destroy someone else's stuff intentionally, you will suffer. If you destroy something by mistake, then apologise and make it up to them. Or... you know, suffer. 
    3: Questing - When questing on someone else's quest, they get priority over loot and stuff. This means no dashing to the fancy boxes and nicking everything for yourself. If it's your quest, then have at it, both barrels. 
    4: When other people are placing blocks, you will not upgrade them unless asking for permission. Upgrading blocks is a lot of XP for those who do it, which is why we do it. Want the XP, build your own blocks you utter blockhead.
    5: Logging off - No logging off right before horde night, it's not fair on others to log on and instantly have to tool up. 
    6: You MUST post in the 7 Days Discord channel that you're a big fat turkey looking for a fight. This will mean you've read the rules and we all get to laugh at you.
    7: Contribute to the server. If you can make something that nobody else can't, then share it. You'll be given all that you need to craft it, but offer to help others and spend a few minutes hooking your fellow survivors up.
    8: No robbing chests. Leave enough stuff for others, or ask if you can take it. This applies primarily to consumables like ammo, food and drinks. 
    9: No planting trees close to any bases, this ruins peoples' framerates and you'll be sick to death of me and my chainsaw before you know it.
    10: If someone says they're looking for stuff, then keep an eye out. No need to go on the actual hunt, but keep your eyes peeled whilst looting / trading.
    11: Looting - When looting stuff, then loot EVERYTHING. Loot will not respawn in containers that have been semi looted, so take everything and drop the stuff on the floor if you don't want it so it can despawn, and the container can respawn more loot. 
    Have fun, have gun, shoot zombie, collect bacon, the end. See you online you naughty little scamps you. 
  15. Love
    tronic44 reacted to Diddums in Server Rules!   
    Because none of us can be arsed to track strikes or any of that bollocks and quite frankly we shouldn't have to, the consequences system will be quite simple:
    For every infraction, you will face the Council of 7 Days. We will build a specific courthouse with chairs and whatnot, and you will attend an actual hearing which will be scheduled and free for all to attend. The host will be decided on the day, and the jury will be formed out of whoever could be arsed to log on and laugh at you. The punishment will be to either drop you 10 miles from the base with basic supplies so you have to find your own way back (and no cheating with beds, don't even think about it) or you'll be stripped of all your assets apart from food and drink, and locked in a jail which we will construct out of the toughest blocks known to man, where you will serve a predetermined sentence. These sentences can be shortened with good behaviour, such as great jokes, epic compliments or a surprise bribe by Uber Eats. 
    It's simple  - don't fuck up, don't face the Council. 
    The end. Behave yourselves you evil little chimps.
  16. Like
    tronic44 got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Anyone remember good ole LampCity??   
    Great to have you back dude, it’s been far too long! How’s life been treating you?
  17. Like
    tronic44 got a reaction from MuzzLiteYear in Anyone remember good ole LampCity??   
    Great to have you back dude, it’s been far too long! How’s life been treating you?
  18. Love
    tronic44 got a reaction from SavageDavo in Hey Everyone Im New!   
    Welcome to the forum dude, always great to see new faces around here. Enjoy your stay!
  19. Like
    tronic44 got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in 7 Days - a new chapter   
    I’ve upgraded my chef skills, so I can now make spaghetti, gumbo stew and Shepard’s pie. All of them give you 100+ food, a lot of health and max stamina of 40. For us to be able to cook these, we need a lot of tinned food, so when ever you see a vending machine please grab what you can. 
    Im also going to start making Grandps learn’n elixir, it gives you an extra 20% xp so will be very useful on horde nights.
    I’m going to be away for 2 weeks from the 6th but I plan on taking a laptop with me, I won’t be on British time but will try and jump on and do the odd thing when I can. 
    From Mr Vague 😄
  20. Like
    tronic44 got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in 7 Days - a new chapter   
    Managed to max out physician yesterday which means we can finally make antibiotics! We really need to start collecting shamsandwiches or mouldy bread (think that’s what they’re both called)
    Started looting the city we’re in, only made it through 3 buildings as they were so big but got some decent stuff.
    @Grebothi’ve made a cheat on the wall by your farm and chucked some things in there that I think you might like. There’s two special ones which I don’t think you can do at the moment.
    Horde night was exciting, the zombies just don’t stop. The one thing I has shown us is that we need our own base. Otherwise there won’t be many buildings left 😄
  21. Love
    tronic44 reacted to RenFengge in 7 Days - a new chapter   
    Soooo.. lol.
    @TurboR56Mini  and I tried this one on our 2nd horde night, and it failed miserably as the zombies took out the columns below instead of going up the stairs. Good times. Hahah.
    Also, fantastic! I am also trying to upgrade my food skills and at the third level... so you don't feel completely burdened with it.
    Same for Physician skills. I can make first aid kits, which require Beer, Blood bags, and Sewing Kits. The regular bandages we can make from scrap cloth.
    Carl and I have been having a blast dropping so many hours into this game. It's been a blast playing with everyone. I hear that even @FallenDark200  will join in!
  22. Like
    tronic44 got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Hey Everyone Im New!   
    Welcome to the forum dude, always great to see new faces around here. Enjoy your stay!
  23. Love
    tronic44 got a reaction from RenFengge in 7 Days - a new chapter   
    I’ve upgraded my chef skills, so I can now make spaghetti, gumbo stew and Shepard’s pie. All of them give you 100+ food, a lot of health and max stamina of 40. For us to be able to cook these, we need a lot of tinned food, so when ever you see a vending machine please grab what you can. 
    Im also going to start making Grandps learn’n elixir, it gives you an extra 20% xp so will be very useful on horde nights.
    I’m going to be away for 2 weeks from the 6th but I plan on taking a laptop with me, I won’t be on British time but will try and jump on and do the odd thing when I can. 
    From Mr Vague 😄
  24. Like
    tronic44 got a reaction from Plumbers Crack in 7 Days - a new chapter   
    I’ve upgraded my chef skills, so I can now make spaghetti, gumbo stew and Shepard’s pie. All of them give you 100+ food, a lot of health and max stamina of 40. For us to be able to cook these, we need a lot of tinned food, so when ever you see a vending machine please grab what you can. 
    Im also going to start making Grandps learn’n elixir, it gives you an extra 20% xp so will be very useful on horde nights.
    I’m going to be away for 2 weeks from the 6th but I plan on taking a laptop with me, I won’t be on British time but will try and jump on and do the odd thing when I can. 
    From Mr Vague 😄
  25. Like
    tronic44 reacted to phil bottle in 7 Days - a new chapter   
    Day 100 and something.
    New base is slowly starting to take shape and that's all I'm really focused on. Carl and Ajay have been helping get it going and hopefully we'll get more people working on it as just the digging is taking an eternity. Fortunately, I believe Carl found the Auger schematic, so that's pretty awesome 🤗
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