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Everything posted by spectre

  1. Out of all the main characters (not including new ones added this season) at this point, I think Hershel will die next. Just a hunch though. At some point, they should probably have a change of scenery away from the prison. Time to move on. Perhaps in the second half of the season. It would have been cool to have a winter setting and watch the struggles through that instead of just fast forwarding during the downtime between seasons. Carl definitely going to go bat shit crazy. Like father like son. Looks like we are on for the love triangle between Daryl, Beth and that old chick with the lesbo hair.
  2. LOL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-G4Y8JtT1j0
  3. LMAO nice!
  4. Aren't we all...
  5. I agree with Diddums. You should use this opportunity to discover yourself. Alot of the things you have said really resonated with how I was feeling when I was 26. Especially the wanting to be alone all the time and feeling overwhelmed just going out in public. I felt lost. I didn't know how to fit into the world. I thought something was wrong with me. I even overdosed on a particuarly potent psychedelic by the name of 5-meo-Amt. You haven't heard of it. I tripped out of my mind for 24 hours and checked myself into the hospital because I thought I was dying. Having a background in the medical field, I knew there was nothing they could do but the rational part of me knew that I needed medical professionals there to monitor my vital signs just in case. After this incredibly taxing ordeal in which I imagined all sorts of crazy delusions including my father coming to see me there, I said to myself, I gotta get my shit together. Probably the single best thing that started me on the path to salvation was discovering myself and my personality type. I'd recommend you first go take this test and read about the results that you get. "Temet Nosce" = Know Thyself. Knowing is, afterall, half the battle. http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes2.asp
  6. It wouldn't make sense for Daryl to die of this new sickness, because, as the finger licking implies, he would be patient zero (after the pig) but the boy died first. You could still be correct that he would die this season for some other reason but I doubt it, since Daryl is full of all kinds of merchandising. Then again, we all know that no one is safe. If I had to guess which main character would die next, I'd say Hershel. I really like that guy though.
  7. You got it! I thought that him licking his fingers seemed odd. Nice catch.
  8. I noticed they did show that same zombie twice. I'm not sure why. I think the dead pig was just to show that even though they are getting civilization going again, its still a tough way to survive.
  9. I thought it moved along pretty well and set up a lot back story for the missing months. I'm confused how the kid died at the end though. Was he already bitten? Did he die of natural causes? Also, what's up with Carl the Slayer backing down from Story Knife Time? You would think he'd be down for murdering folks, dead or alive.
  10. I'll look for it on argh matey bay. A cat getting machine gunned to death is hilarious. Remember on Boondock Saints when the cat gets shot. That was some funny shit.
  11. Epic Name for a Dog! referencing The Thing? He's a cool dog.
  12. that's the nature of business these days, all that matters is the bottom line. So do we think this is going to make a huge difference or be barely noticeable that its improved?
  13. I'm surprised. I'm happy. But, this just proves they could have done it in the past and chose not to. And even lied saying it was impossible.
  14. yeah dude, that show is the shit isn't it. It keeps getting better with each season until a freaking crazy ass climax.
  15. @drifter - once you get used to lifting, you know when you have reached your muscle failure and know when to rack it. Plus the smith machine has several slots to rack it where you're at. ps - they call it "The loneliness of the long distance runner" for a reason.
  16. If you have the funds, I'd recommend getting a smith machine. That way you can use it for leg press, squats, deadlift and bench press. It works out good for me since I lift alone. That way you are much safer too. The set I bought was 300 and it has a low and high pulley as well.
  17. cool, sounds like you have enough equipment to do a lot of different exercises. Enough variation to make it count, anyway.
  18. I'm nervous about posting pics now, thanks diddums.
  19. saw the pics, looking good man (no homo). Curious, what are the size of your arms? I'd ask everything else, but I know you're in proportion, so just know the arms gives me a good idea of the rest. I'm slowly making progress. Went from 14" to 16" in 8 months, and now its slowly creeping up to 16 1/2" - my goal is 18"
  20. dropping a line to subscribe. Don't know how I missed this thread. Keep up the good work man. You start those weights yet? I know you said you had some stuff in your garage. You'd be surprised how much you can do with so little equipment. What have you got?
  21. @Drifter - that's what I'm saying man. For most people that are overweight, they can do something about it. And you did something about it. IT takes a lot of time, dedication, energy and personal fortitude to stick to it and kudos for that. This woman IS pure lazy. Which is the point. She is overweight probably by choice (laziness). Those are the type of people that I think Dangle is disgusted with. As I am too. We can't just give a sweeping generalization about obese people that they are ALL lazy, but you have got to agree, that this obesity situation is a product of the current age we live in, not because of some reasons beyond most of their control.
  22. For most of them there is absolutely no excuse. Period. It only takes 4 hours of exercise per week to stay in shape. Unless you have some serious handicaps that prevent you from exercise, you should not be overweight. Sure there are a certain percentage of the population that cannot help it, but for the most part, Obesity is a product of Modern Times. I started getting overweight myself, and when I started noticing stretch marks on my belly, it was time to take care of that shit. A person knows when they are starting to let themselves go and they better damn well do something about it or serious health consequences will result.
  23. I'm surprised she even got out of the truck, honestly. She's even too lazy to put on a uniform.
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