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Everything posted by spectre

  1. haha touche
  2. I'm not sure why, but you're right, people who play snipers are the biggest assholes, it seems. lol
  3. Recon = "I'm the baddest 1337 muthafucka on the team"
  4. they forgot the E-I-E-I-O at the end.
  5. yeah that itchy stage sucks. I guess you can use lotion and it makes it feel better
  6. lol, its starting to get to me just a bit. Im looking forward to trimming it back, but I'm still going to December first. It will be nice to keep trimming it up until its all the same length.
  7. 9 months
  8. haha nice pic! I'll update in a few
  9. holy hell its Tom Hanks from Castaway, lol This guy is right, you do get treated differently with a beard. Hey Jsyn, have you noticed that at all?
  10. That book Average is over sounds right up my alley. But I haven't been in a reading a book mood in a long time. It really sounds like it would just be more "preaching to the choir" for me since I read about that stuff all the time online. Something has got to give eventually. Things can't keep going "business as usual" forever and the cracks are already starting to show.
  11. argh, I couldn't stand Zachariah. Question about Cass though, wouldn't losing his Angelship mean that his Vessel consciousness should return? Poor guy living life as a meat suit.
  12. I'm really excited to see Bobby again and especially Death! He's probably the most interesting supernatural character. Abaddon - sexy red head? Yes please.
  13. well damn, guess it wasn't as great as usual. Maybe this will make up for it
  14. yes! Gag Reel Season 8, these are always good.
  15. Sorry, I have no ideas. But I can give a mini review of Rosetta Stone, just in case you hadn't used it before. When I went to Iraq, they selected some of us to learn Arabic. We used Rosetta Stone. At first it was really easy, you had to figure out what was being referred to (choice of 4 pictures). But eventually it started getting tough and there wasn't any feedback as to what the correct one was. I didn't get to use it very much so I might have missed an important feature or something. But it would say a word, there would be 4 pictures. You had to guess the picture, then it went to the next one. But it never told me what the specific english word was for what was being pronounced.
  16. It's a good show. What I find interesting is that it's so popular. It surpassed Walking Dead with 12 million viewers or something; set a record. There may be hope yet for the next generation, meaning it's not all about sex all the time. It's sort of related, but I watch Swamp People too. Although its starting to get repetitive. Mountain Men is a good one as well.
  17. man dude, that story is a bummer. Sorry to hear about this. Outside cats have a much shorter life span (5-8 years if I recall) as opposed to 12-16 years indoors. But which one has a more fulfilled life? It sounds like yours has gone on some adventures and probably some where she even came out on top that you were unaware of. We have a couple strays that show up from time to time for dinner, looking even more war weary every time.
  18. lol, it was in the comments section of that video. Still funny. I love that show but that's not why I'm growing a Yeard. I am getting ancy about trimming it back but I'm committed to making it to December (one year mark). I'm going out to the bars in a couple weeks and that should make for an interesting night. I'm always amused being around people watching their reactions.
  19. I just came across a funny quote. "Is growing facial hair a long-time family tradition?" "What kind of question is that? Growing facial hair has been a long-time tradition since, oh, I don't know, the dawn of man. Is scraping your face with sharp metal blades a long-time family tradition of yours?"
  20. Nice and Brooding Do you keep your natural cheek line or shave it? I always shaved mine because it grew in uneven, but if you just let it go, the symmetry catches up. Is that your bar behind you or your hall of fame collection of top shelf brews?
  21. lol, yeah kind of. I thought it was humorous in an "Office Space" sort of perception.
  22. ^ nice, I really enjoyed the John Wayne perspective.
  23. oh, you know you beat your meat more than 5 times a day.
  24. My interpretation ^ - You never know until you try. If you don't try, you fail anyway. A great example of this is when you see a beautiful woman and decide against approaching her. What have you got to lose? We shouldn't care what the consequences of certain actions bring us, such as the perceived social miscalibration. We should pounce upon those opportunities and at best, we can learn from our mistakes.
  25. The Man in the Arena from the speech, Citizenship in a Republic, 1910 by Theodore Roosevelt It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat
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