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Everything posted by spectre

  1. I agree. I was in line at the grocery store the other day, and I heard a girl talking about miley cyrus and how she couldn't wait for her new album. I turned around and she was only 12 years old. People in show business should have a moral responsibility to portray themselves professionally and not promote sexuality like she has.. ARGHH!
  2. Luckily Bieber is just pranking everyone because he won't be in the movie.
  3. as usual and
  4. lol I'm telling you guys. They might tease you about it, but that means they love it.
  5. lol@doc, good one.
  6. Wide.
  7. I'm telling you, women love the beard. Mine is 4" now. I was trimming up my mustache at the lip line and Jessica came running in "You're not cutting your beard are you?" hahaha
  8. lmao, love the combover too
  9. well I meant he was dedicated to grow it so long in the first place and then he was dedicated to look like a tool.
  10. wow, dedication
  11. I was looking for epic beard pics and stumbled across this meme of an old white dude with a big beard and then went to see what the video was all about. hilarious
  12. I found out where Drifter's been hiding out!
  13. lol
  14. just a rumor currently, but I'll watch anything with Erin White, damn she's hot
  15. yep, I don't understand either, I need a little bit of
  16. you should add that you became one person out of millions of sperm that combined with one of hundreds of eggs from the two people that found each other in a sea of billions of people. What are the odds? And yet, here you are.
  17. dang, total bummer on that news.
  18. AMC Announces "Walking Dead" Companion Series - New Characters, New Stories http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=47918 AKA "Let's Milk the shit outta this while it's gold!" I'm looking forward to it though.
  19. Keep up the good work dude! Keep us posted. You should definitely take before and after pictures. At least for yourself, so you can see the transformation.
  20. damn thats huge
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