Tonight is my last night shift for now. I've got the next four days off, and I go back to work on Monday.
Last week I did 84 hours.
This week I've done 72 hours.
All my world consists of right now is work and bed. Today before I went to work, I drove my wife to the shop to grab some chips and dinner, not because she was hungry, but because I needed to be somewhere that wasn't work or home, if only for a few minutes. I'm knackered. Not just tired, but actually fatigued, to the point that I questioned my situational awareness when driving to work this evening.
I can't fucking wait. I can finally get my PC fixxored again, play some games, and maybe even do a vid or two for my channel.
Tomorrow night I shall be getting drunk. Very, very drunk. If you have the teamspeak server details, then make sure you hop on tomorrow night for some shenanigans, maybe some BF3 or DayZ or summat.
I'm happy.