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The Imaginarium Studios Live Stream
GazzaGarratt and one other reacted to tronic44 for a topic
Join us today, for another Doom VFR special, from 4pm till 6pm!2 points -
old face saying hi
BO7H B4RRELS reacted to XxJTG5xX for a topic
hey everyone! old Alliance member here. Names Josh some of you might remember me. Got burnt out and sold all my ps3 gear never to be heard from again. I was watching some vids of WW2 and got that itch to play back. Bought a PS4 around Thanksgiving and im happy to be playing again. Would be real cool to party up with you guys again. CapnUnderpants still around? just wanted to pop in here and say hi the site looks great and hopefully see you guys soon. psn is XxJTG5xX1 point -
I found a video of Lee on a trumpet! Thank you go Pro!1 point
Politics and Boobs!
BO7H B4RRELS reacted to phil bottle for a topic
So long as we can all call each other cunts I won't have a problem. We've got Adam partcipating on the forum so it's been useful for something at least 🤣1 point -
Politics and Boobs!
BO7H B4RRELS reacted to Sennex for a topic
T&A Section has been nuked Lee and I are discussing modifying the Politics section to have more clearly defined Guidelines/ Rules1 point -
OW Championship league/clan tournaments
GazzaGarratt reacted to crispymorgan for a topic
It's the idea of getting better that appeals. I've been a gnats todger away from diamond. I'd just like to see how far I can push, but with the guys I usually play with. If that means reading up, practicing, then I'm cool with that. I also get that people might not want to, that's cool too. Via the FG App1 point -
OW Championship league/clan tournaments
GazzaGarratt reacted to Mikepjbell for a topic
Sure, but I think it's circumstantial. When I talk of someone actively managing the team, I'm only on about pre-booked comp play. I don't want to detract from the fun of this game, and I do agree people need to be able to go and do their own thing. However, in the circumstances where we want to see if we can push ourselves as a team, during times we've booked specifically to do so, then much more tighter controls and tactics must be enforced. All other times, by all means, it's shits and gigs.1 point -
Streaming For Forever Gaming
GazzaGarratt reacted to tronic44 for a topic
In Twitch's words... Twitch Affiliate Program Streaming is fun and games, but it’s also hard work. We recognize our streamers’ dedication and talent, and we’re taking another step forward to ensure Twitch continues to be the best streaming platform in the world for everyone. Introducing… the Twitch Affiliate Program. The Twitch Affiliate Program puts qualified streamers one step closer toward the dream of making a living from their passions. Twitch Affiliates can start earning income on Twitch while they build their audience and work toward the coveted status of Twitch Partner.1 point -
OW Championship league/clan tournaments
tronic44 reacted to crispymorgan for a topic
Our biggest downfall is lack of control. Lots of enthusiastic people pulling in different directions. How about a captain? Via the FG App1 point -
OW Championship league/clan tournaments
GazzaGarratt reacted to Mikepjbell for a topic
You know, the thing about this game isn't knowing so much what your own character is good at or needs support in, but actually knowing the details of every single character. Only then can you properly support your whole team both in what you're doing to survive, and also what you're doing to ensure that you use your own character powers to provide the service your teammates need to fully utilise their own abilities and quirks. That's a lot of reading. A lot of fucking reading.1 point -
OW Championship league/clan tournaments
GazzaGarratt reacted to Mikepjbell for a topic
Yeah Winston is my go-to, but I'd like to still get good at Genji. This is really what I'm aiming for when I jump - just to generally cause chaos without dying. My problem is at the moment with Winston is I'm not getting back out quick enough to stay alive.1 point -
OW Championship league/clan tournaments
tronic44 reacted to GazzaGarratt for a topic
I just think its still early for you to work out who are your main players. If you have had some success with one or two of them then stick it out a little more. It takes time to know if it feels the right player and even harder to work when the team lose a lot! Also, don't go by medals. Yes, its nice to get some but its how you feel with the player and judging if its helping the overall balance. I personally think you're getting better quickly with Winston.1 point -
OW Championship league/clan tournaments
tronic44 reacted to crispymorgan for a topic
We don't have enough zenyatta. Might do some quick play.1 point -
Destiny Developer Updates 2018
GazzaGarratt reacted to The3rdWalker for a topic
Bright engrams and other things in Bright engrams will be easier to earn. Iron Banner and Faction Rally will have better rewards 6v 6 mode back Private matches and competitive pvp: Valor which you keep moving up as long as you play and Glory which is based on skill. Also said they will add Rumble Mayhem will be back for limited time (nothing on Nova Bombs) No they aren't removing eververse but they say the balance has tipped towards Tess at some point. Will have direct buy for Eververse Bright Engrams (Can select what to buy instead of engrams?) May mean can buy emotes in Bright Engrams for straight money Masterwork armor Clarified the difference in DLC and seasonal stuff supported by Eververse Looking at ways to improve the end game so people actually want to come back Tower chat to PC (text my bad) Admit there are some problems with leveling and will look at them Can see fireteam members on patrol Will add in 50 more vault spaces soon Completely redoing mods at some point Mods for raids now as well, including old ones will have a ghost added Say they are making more raid encounters in the future Strike scoring, highscores incentives to actually do strikes Can dismantle multiple shaders, still not one use for all Looking at Matchmaking for guided games and pvp fireteams pvp fireteams as in not matching solo players against them EMOTE WHEEL Exotics are receiving a design pass to make sure they are unique and stand out (not clear if it means new and old or just new) Crimson Days event beginning February 13 is when some of these changes take place. Would not get hopes up for more than 30% if you do all weekly events during Crimson Days will receive three exotic cosmetics emblem ghost and emote Half of this stuff was in Destiny 1. Why wasn't it in Destiny 2 at launch?1 point -
Destiny Developer Updates 2018
GazzaGarratt reacted to Riff Machine for a topic
https://www.bungie.net/en/Explore/Detail/News/465671 point -
Fortnite Quick Tips
Dan94 reacted to ghost_freak72 for a topic
Probably a different type of tip, but it will make you better in this game beleive me. 1. Try to learn every place where a chest can be, especially in towns and places like the flush factory, jail, acres etc. 2. Once you are fully loaded or enough for a fight, engage in fights. If you hear gunshots near you, just rush to them and try to get atleast 1 kill. Beleive me that you'll die ALOT of times at first but after some time, you'll ace it. 3. Try to land at places like The flush factory and the jail cell whenever you can, you'll get enough stuff to get you through the whole map. There are like 5-7 chests at the flush factory and around 5 chests at the jail cell. 4. Whatever you are doing, always keep track of the1 Storm. If you thunk you cant make it, just run. Keep running and forget that legendary scar on the ground. 5. If you're not good with shotguns, try to use the Auto AR in close combats(You'll have to be pro at it+headshots). Use the micro uzi's more often as they have a huge fire rate. 6. Be ready to build a wall right away if you get shot once. Building cover is a major thing in this game. Also dont be an idiot and build a high ass ramp coz you'll die right away. 7. Play in squads matches first to know how the game works, but watchout for teamkillers as they'll kill you for nothing. Enjoy Via the FG App1 point -
1 point
1 point
Politics and Boobs!
BO7H B4RRELS reacted to tronic44 for a topic
I don’t think we need a boob section, as amazing as they are, the conversations that are had in the politics section are very interesting to read. I know it’s not to do with gaming but it’s nice to so we have other sides to us. Another thing about the boob section is that it might put off any females that are looking to join up, I’d think twice if there was a dick section.....although we do have the PPR section 😂😉1 point -
Politics and Boobs!
BO7H B4RRELS reacted to ChaosGladiator for a topic
We have a boob section? Convert it to a booty section and I'll frequent it all day every day.1 point