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    J4MES OX4D


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/05/2014 in all areas

  1. I will definitely pick that up. I really hope they redo 2&3 I remember the first time I played this game it was late at night. All lights were off in my room and those damn crawlers or whatever they were called came crashing through the window. Scared the shit out of me.
    3 points
  2. So here we go again folks. Register yourself on the official FA Premier League website and tap in the following code to join our little league. Can't remembwr who won last year, but i'm just hoping i don't come bottom again!! 1066968-255684 Good luck to everyone that has a bash
    2 points
  3. http://uk.ign.com/articles/2014/08/05/resident-evil-1-getting-remastered-for-ps4-xbox-one-ps3-xbox-360-and-pc The original Resident Evil is being remastered for PS4, XB1, PC, 360 and PS3 and will arrive sometime in 2015 as a digital download. Sweet Love them to do 2+3 and Code Veronica also. Not a fan of the new ones as they are more of an action movie now and have lost the tension and atmosphere that made the originals so good. Great news!
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. J4MES OX4D

    Gaystation 4

    Ah I see
    1 point
  6. deterioration

    Gaystation 4

    Not that jammy. They aren't the big breasted angelic beauty pageant lesbians you'd like to think about.
    1 point
  7. Haha same! I remember on the original I stupidly used up a ink ribbon soon after saving prior and then had to play for about an hour and a half whilst battling lots of zombies and solving a couple of puzzles along with collecting lots of items and I kept dying. I must have reloaded my memory card so many times trying to get through that part all for the sake of my careless pacing. Eventually did it about a week later but it really altered the way I played those games after that. Ink ribbons were gold dust in that game!
    1 point
  8. This! I enjoyed the game so much because it was difficult. I remember running around with only a bullet or two and trying to figure out how in the hell I was going to survive. That's what I miss about it. I felt like I had to try to survive. Not just reach the next checkpoint.
    1 point
  9. I had the original for the PS1 along with Resident Evil 2 and 3: Nemesis. Didn't get Resident Evil Survivor which was of the 'Time Crisis and House of the Dead' era. Then went on to Code Veronica on Dreamcast before finishing up with the Remake for the Gamecube plus Resident Evil Zero also on the console. Loved the original and its remake so I'm delighted about this. The second one was the best in the series though for me. The save system with type writers and needing ink ribbons made the game really challenging on how and when you save your progress. I'm sick of all these 'checkpoint' based games these days as all you do is move forwards and repeating sequences until the AI is depleted and you've reached a specific point that the level determines.
    1 point
  10. BO7H B4RRELS

    Site issues

    No idea what the problem is, but here's a *bump*
    1 point
  11. The only R.E. game that I truly loved was the first one, so I'm really excited about this. I'll definitely be playing it.
    1 point
  12. Wow and mind controlled exoskeleton for disabled people, this is incredible! http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn23640-mindcontrolled-exoskeleton-lets-paralysed-people-walk.html#.U-Csc_ldV14 TWO years ago, Antonio Melillo was in a car crash that completely severed his spinal cord. He has not been able to move or feel his legs since. And yet here I am, in a lab at the Santa Lucia Foundation hospital in Rome, Italy, watching him walk. Melillo is one of the first people with lower limb paralysis to try outMindWalker – the world's first exoskeleton that aims to enable paralysed and locked-in people to walk using only their mind. Five people have been involved in the clinical trial of MindWalker over the past eight weeks. The trial culminates this week with a review by the European Commission, which funded the work; the project has been carried out by a consortium of several major universities and companies. It's the end of a three-year development period for the project, which has three main elements. There is the exoskeleton itself, a contraption that holds a person's body weight and moves their legs when instructed. People learn how to use it in the second element: a virtual-reality environment. And then there's the mind-reading component. Over in the corner of the lab, Thomas Hoellinger of the Free University of Brussels (ULB) in Belgium is wearing an EEG cap, which measures electrical activity at various points across his scalp. There are several ways he can use it to control the exoskeleton through thought alone – at the moment, the most promising involves wearing a pair of glasses with flickering diodes attached to each lens. Each set of diodes flashes at a different frequency in the wearer's peripheral vision. The light is processed by an area of the brain called the occipital cortex. Measurements from this part of the brain can detect whether Hoellinger is concentrating on the left diode or the right. He shows me how concentrating on the left starts the exoskeleton walking, while concentrating on the right stops it. All this happens in under a second. Melillo isn't wearing the cap right now, because the team has hit a snag. When the exoskeleton moves, its motors induce electrical noise in the EEG signal, making the readings unreliable. So instead of mind control, Melillo is walking by moving his upper body. As he leans left, a pressure sensor just above his buttock registers the movement and moves the opposite leg of the exoskeleton. He repeats the process on the other side to begin walking. "It's great, such an amazing sensation," he says. "Not just walking but even being able to stand upright." Two days after my visit, the team identified flickering frequencies that are less affected by the mechanical noise and filmed a researcher controlling the exoskeleton with his mind alone. The team plans to spend another five years refining MindWalker with an eye towards building a commercial product. "We're going to make it more lightweight and smooth out the movements," says Jeremi Gancet of Space Application Services in Zaventem, Belgium, a deputy coordinator on the project, "and possibly even incorporate it all into a pair of pants to make it a little less 'Robocop'." They also want to ditch the glasses with the flashing diodes. A team led byGuy Chéron at ULB has identified the brain activity that corresponds with the intention of walking. This activity occurs about a second before you actually move and can be identified by EEG signals from the motor cortex. The team can even distinguish between the intention to walk quickly or slowly. The creation of an algorithm that can recognise these signals reliably opens up the tantalising possibility that much more intuitive walking control could be given both to people who are paralysed and to those who are completely locked-in, unable to move even their eyes. After some tentative first steps, Melillo is looking more confident. He won't be swapping his wheelchair for a MindWalker just yet, but hopefully one day. "It's great finally being able to look people in the eye," he says.
    1 point
  13. https://twitter.com/theposhdotcom/status/496288638284890112
    1 point
  14. Looks like Jack Rodwell is off to Sunderland for £10m. A few injuries and he's really fallen out of favor at Man City. Probably a good deal all round.
    1 point
  15. Chookes

    Site issues

    I was trying to ban you. I'm a fucking failure.
    1 point
  16. deterioration

    Site issues

    Just popping in to report the forum has been logging me out and I either do not register or show up as a guest in the "# user(s) are reading this" when logged in. Thank you.
    1 point
  17. Docwagon

    Gaystation 4

    Rainbow colored dildos and men dressed like peacocks and fairies grinding each other would have fed the stereotype. Rainbows and a video game style heart seems to be pretty routine.
    1 point
  18. Madjonny

    Gaystation 4

    If it wasn't for the heart and the price, I wouldn't mind it, it looks great! As if it's actually called a gaystation...
    1 point
  19. JsinOwl

    Gaystation 4

    That's awesome. I don't find it offensive at all. If you're going to call it the GayStation 4, it should be over the top to match the ridiculousness of the name.
    1 point
  20. Well looking forward to the Utd vs Liverpool game, i think we've played really well so far preseason and we've used a fair few youngsters in our games so far which has been nice to see. Utd players will find out this week if they have a spot in the side or if they'll do an Ashley Cole and get shoved to the side This is relating to the NYFC thread but though it should go in here instead.....Although football probably has grown slightly in America the one thing that this does show is what's really going on in the background. Two words, Man City. Over the next few years we'll be hearing about these new clubs more and more, and whilst i agree with sister clubs i don't agree with them being used to get around the financial fair play system which has been put on you because you fucked up the season before. There's no way Lampard would have been able to go from Chelsea to City but shocking he signed for their sister club and even more shockingly will then be loaned out to City for half the season. This is blatant dodging! City hope to have another 2-3 clubs in the next season or so, this is the list so far Manchester City's affiliated clubs New York City - from 2013 (partnership with New York Yankees) Melbourne City - from 2014 (partnership with rugby league team Melbourne Storm) Yokohama F Marinos - from 2014 (partnership with car maker Nissan) Ha i was looking for the teams above and found this atricle where Wenger is saying the same thing For once i agree with you Wenger http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/28635053 I have no issue if teams have sister or brother clubs but not if they're going to be used to side step the rules.
    1 point
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