People bitch about two things. When things change and when they stay the same.
Video games are WAY THE FUCK BETTER than they were for the original NES, yet they cost pretty much the same. A premium NES title was $50-$59, basically what one runs now. How much content did you get in those "complete" games vs today's "incomplete" games? You can get a lot of those games for free now on your phone, and when I was a kid you'd have shit your pants for free access to Tetris and the like.
If the market doesn't like the model, it'll die. Easy enough. For me, its like getting the game at a discount, though, and then if I enjoy it I can put more money in. If I don't, I can exit with only sunk costs and move on to something else. I bought all the DLC for Skyrim because it was awesome. I bought none of the DLC for The Last of Us, because I don't care enough to spend the cash. Neither game was unfinished, both were very enjoyable in their original state. I could just get more for the one I liked.