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  1. Drifter



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  2. Palle



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  3. L_C_Scipio



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/05/2014 in all areas

  1. 3 points
  2. 2 points
  3. L_C_Scipio

    Bound by Flame

    http://blog.us.playstation.com/2014/05/05/bound-by-flame-out-this-week-on-ps4-ps3/#sf2823301 Out today on PS4. I hadn't really heard of it until now but sounds interesting. I know some of you guys are waiting for a good RPG.
    1 point
  4. I play with Zake occasionally on GTA. I'll throw him a message with the site URL in case I haven't already
    1 point
  5. Well hello noobs, I've now switched over to Grim Batol So the one and only little mage Bluemarlin is back http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/grim-batol/Bluemarlin/advanced ilvl 544 and not one single piece of decent raid gear. I not played him much, so got my fingers in a right mess, when ganked by a warlock 20 seconds after arriving at Timeless. That never happened on Frostwhisper. I'm upto this quest now http://www.wowdb.com/quests/33343-the-archiereus-of-flame if anyone wants to help! Cya online
    1 point
  6. But you are looking forward to Destiny. It's a SIFI shooter
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. Or we could start getting all worked up about it when we have no clue what it will be like.
    1 point
  9. J4MES OX4D

    Jeremy Clarkson

    Well said Drifter. I hate racism. I hate the language and I dislike anyone that uses it whether it be maliciously directed at someone, spoken out of anger online, trolling or just used as a word/phrase for no reason. The element that needs to be eradicated is primarily in the music industry. I don't care if the N word is used in a song made by a black person to a black person or as part of a collective group of fans; I just don't think it needs to be used at all. I find it more offensive than swearing and it gives out a horrible impression. The terminology is loosely banded around in the music industry and nobody gives a fuck but if someone did that in the street to someone; it's an arrestable offence leading to a criminal conviction. Promoting and glorifying such language also makes it seem that it can be banded around willy-nilly without people especially youngsters realising the consequences of such actions. The double-standard pisses me off the most. It should either be illegal for all to use, or such language should then be made part of the norm as it is widely used in music, TV and movies. I don't favor this language at all so I'd happily see such words or phases being banned regardless of the race of the speaker. I've been called 'white shite' before but if I retaliated; I'd be nicked. I used to absolutely love RnB back in the day but half the songs I hear nowadays just contain racist lingo or horribly offensive lyrics. Use those in public; you'll be stuck in a cell. The impact it's having on society and the divide is just sickening.
    1 point
  10. Drifter

    Jeremy Clarkson

    Know what really pisses me off. All you hear about are white people being raciest, the owner of the LA clippers being raciest and using racial slurs. Yet did anyone see Snoop Dogg's little video tirade he made against the owner of the clippers? Snoop dogg said the guy was a (and I quote) "A White breed redneck mother fucker". Okay....White breed redneck? Where the fuck is the outrage over that comment Snoop dogg made? If a white person had said someone was a Black breed thug mother fucker then the white person would be ran out of the music business and shamed into oblivion. Personally I'm sick to death of the hypocrytical double standard in society today where people think the only people that can be racist are white. Makes me sick to my stomach to even be associated with today's society. People/media need to get their heads out of their asses and realize racism comes in many colors and stop allowing one certain race to use racial slurs as common practice, while chastising another race for doing the same thing.
    1 point
  11. Look. Everyone here (and I mean EVERYONE) has complained at least twice in their lifetime that CoD needs some new direction and that it's the SSDD. You know what this futuristic setting is? A new direction. While you may not exactly like that it's treason on new, unexplored ground, hey...It's kind of your fault. Maybe lasers and exoskeletons are what the series needs to become "fresh" again. Remember, people were hesitant to embrace the modern warfare setting, sayin "it wasn't CoD"...and it launched and entire genre. It kind of looks like the G38C from Mw3
    1 point
  12. Sennex

    In a thread: Success

    Two stories! Story One: Story #2
    1 point
  13. Sennex

    Random Pictures

    For my Irish homies:
    1 point
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