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  1. Drifter



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  3. J4MES OX4D

    J4MES OX4D


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/19/2014 in all areas

  1. Drifter

    3 Year anniversary!

    Today (Good Friday) marks 3 years since I went cold turkey from one & a half packs a day smoker to Zero. One of the best decisions I ever made in my life. My average Blood pressure use to be about 150/100 with a heart rate of around 110bpm. These days it is normally 110/65 with a heart rate of about 70bpm. Not to mention I've probably saved around $8000 or more in the past three years of not smoking.
    2 points
  2. Unbelievable! A Liverpool loanee wins it for Sunderland and possibly gives his parent club the title Fuck off Jose
    2 points
  3. Drifter

    3 Year anniversary!

    Tommy I wish I did have but the truth is the only tip that works is the honest decision to make a change in your life. I tried many times to quit doing things that supposedly helped like nicotine inhaler, the patch, certain foods, changing when or where I smoked, trying brands I didn't like the taste of or just cutting down slowly. Honestly the only way to really quit is to know in your mind that one day smoking will be the cause of what kills you. Once a person honestly realizes that to be true and then makes the decision that they want to live as long and healthy a life as they can then quitting actually becomes much much easier. It's all about getting your mind right and simply being ready to put it down because you want to live. I know that's not really a "tip" but it's the honest truth.
    2 points
  4. Just been on this for the first time and wtf... There's games being streamed yes, then there's people streaming playing the playroom, but nit actually playing anything, just using it like a webcam... Been on it 5 mins and I've seen some fat guys smoking weed, a guy getting tattooed, and 2 Japanese girls jumping on the bed. Other than that it's a decent addition to playstation, a couple of streams I clicked on were decent, I'm sure it will get bigger as time goes on too...
    1 point
  5. Jason

    Youtube Stuff

    Must be a dive bar around the corner. Lol
    1 point

    Youtube Stuff

    1 point
  7. There are a couple of other important but unexplained points about mods. 1. Polarity: every mod has a symbol in the upper right corner, which is that mod's polarity. Some weapons and frames have mod slots with polarity symbols as well. If you install a mod into a slot with the same polarity, it only costs half as much to use that mod. For example, I know that Excalibur has polarity slots that correspond to its abilities (Slash Dash, Radial Blind, Super Jump, and Radial Javelin). 2. Upgrading mods, called Fusion. In the Armory, there's a section called Mods. In Mods, it shows all the mods you have, and there's an option called Fusion which lets you combine mods to make them more powerful. You can combine duplicates, or you can fuse mods with Fusion Cores, which are special mods just for that purpose. You've probably got a mod called Vitality, which adds 40% health to your frame. I had a bunchload of them, so I fused them and now it adds 160% health. The downside is that it also costs more points to install, so just keep in mind that if you start using a new frame or weapon you'll still want low level mods available to put on it.
    1 point
  8. Docwagon

    Doc's firearms thread

    Mine, mine, all mine!!!! Range review to follow.
    1 point
  9. I don't even have words for this shit.
    1 point
  10. techno

    3 Year anniversary!

    Nice one mayday Monday will be 2 years for me.
    1 point
  11. Jason


    So close, yet so far...
    1 point
  12. Don't ever give up just because you fail at something the first (or 50th) time. The will power I have comes from determination to keep trying rather than some great will power to be able to quit the very first time. Meaning for example quitting smoking...I bet I "quit" at least 50-60 times till I finally managed to beat it for good. Same with the weight, even though I've lost around 140-150lbs total I tried to lose weight for probably 10 years till I finally managed to actually stick with it and make a lifestyle change. Same goes with how I quit drinking as well. So in other words will power isn't just being able to quit something immediately right off the bat, it's just having the determination to keep trying again and again even after you fail. So if you're having trouble sticking to doing something in your own life, just keep trying, you eventually will overcome it.
    1 point
  13. As someone who struggles with his own will power, I just love reading your threads. Weight loss, muscle gain, quitting smoking, I find it amazing.
    1 point
  14. Dr Diamond


    Cos this is how we have let the standards of society slip in the western world astronauts, scientists, doctors, generals, dare i say it, politicians, teachers..firemen, policemen, explorers, athletes, lawyers, dentists, surgeons...these are the things kids used to want to grow up and be now it seems everyone wants to grow up to be a fucking moron
    1 point
  15. peacekeeper is a machine in hardcore (yes i know its not a proper AR) the fal with full auto is also a complete beast in hardcore
    1 point
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