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  4. J4MES OX4D

    J4MES OX4D


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/22/2013 in all areas

  1. Call of Duty: Ghosts for me is a great game but at present I have been feeling less motivated to play it to the extent I feel my personal interest in the franchise is diminished to a new low. I don't envisage picking it up anytime soon either. I have been playing COD since the original but Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare was the ultimate multiplayer experience that kicked off my love-affair of the games for years to come. It's been a bumpy ride mostly with issues ranging from the technical side to gameplay aspects and the general hit and miss booming community that they game has attained over the years but through the highs and lows I have always participated in each annual title with a significant level of interest and throughout the duration of the game. Despite Ghosts's hiccups on PC since release; I still think it's a fine game and this would have been excellent a couple of years ago but I just feel that franchise doesn't wow me any more. I wasn't overly excited through the build up and despite the final product ticking most of the boxes; I don't think the concept grabs me as much as it used to which leaves me feeling ultimately tired of Call of Duty it seems. Spectre posted a breakdown list of what was new and what was essentially recycled in Ghosts and I was taken aback by the sheer lack of innovation on show and how many things had been rehashed but presented in a deceptive way to seem new and original. So much that Treyarch offered in Black Ops 2 was also not taken forward into Ghosts which disappointed me as well. This did make me see the game differently and the more I played since; the less interested I felt with the game. I didn't think Ghosts looked quite the advance that I was expecting perhaps still being tied to what is now the old generation of consoles but even a next-gen only Call of Duty would struggle to grab me which leaves me a bored with the typical Call of Duty design and multiplayer architecture. I've even found more time to play Brokenfield 4 which is extremely worrying! As we move onwards and upwards with the new consoles; I am focusing on the future titles such as Watch Dogs, Destiny, The Division, Titanfall and the likes of MGSV. Ambition, scale and large MP titles have me intrigued as to what is just around the corner. Call of Duty seems to be from a bygone era in my opinion that I can't see me playing in the future with massive MMO-styled titles of an exceptional quality like The Division or Destiny offer. For COD to come into the generation side by side such games; it will have to offer a complete overhaul of everything along with clear ambition and a radical new overview. The heart of me doesn't want them to drift too far away from the familiar concept but my head wants a massive and scaleable change to keep up with other unique titles on show. What are your general thoughts about the series now when compared to years ago? A welcome break from the game is perhaps what I need but not even the future DLC may be enough to keep me inspired. We shall see..
    2 points
  2. It sucks less than BF4. Seriously that's how I feel about it which isn't saying much. If they were to stop making CoD, I would not be upset at all. The franchise has run it's course and there are so many better games out there. Unfortunately most do not have the multiplayer capabilities CoD has which is it's only saving grace. For example a squad in BF is pretty small which really limits the team experience.
    2 points
  3. As for this, when we all meet up next year we should come up with something.
    2 points
  4. As always you are a wealth of information Sir. Good stuff. Not sure how you feel about Les Stroud, but he has a good survival book. My wife is sleeping or I'd go get it and tell you the name. Just figured I'd tell you some stuff I've personally used. Knife (I have a LOT) but for survival situations I really recommend the Gerber Lmf2. You really can't beat it for the price. I have a Leatherman multi-tool that has help me out more times than I can count. They make quality tools, though they can get pricy. As far a firearms go, don't underestimate the power of a decent air rifle to take game. I have killed Possum, racoon, squirrel and chipmunk with mine. It's a Gamo silent cat.
    2 points
  5. BARTERING Don’t underestimate the value of those skills for barter. If the grid goes down, people may be left with no access to medical care, serious gaps in their knowledge or the inability to repair vital items. If you possess those abilities, your skills will be in high demand. In the situation of economic collapse, there will be a revival of the barter system. To barter means to exchange your goods or services for someone else’s goods or services. To complete a satisfactory barter transaction, each person must desire something from the other party. Despite the potential of desperation, it’s morally imperative to be fair to the party that is most in need. Remember that one day, that person who is most in need may be you. Right now, if something breaks, the replacement is only as far away as the closest Wal-Mart. However, in the event of an economic collapse or a disaster that causes the trucks to stop running, it won’t be easy to replace broken items. The ability to repair broken items will be in very high demand. It will be a rare skill, because we live in a world of planned obsolescence. Few people actually know how to repair an item in a sturdy and long-lasting way. Brandon Smith of Alt-Market calls this about bringing back the American Tradesman: “If you wish to survive after the destruction of the mainstream system that has babied us for so long,” he says, “you must be able to either make a necessary product, repair a necessary product, or teach a necessary skill. A limited few have the capital required to stockpile enough barter goods or gold and silver to live indefinitely. The American Tradesman must return in full force, not only for the sake of self preservation, but also for the sake of our heritage at large.” SKILLS TO BARTER WITH ITEMS TO BARTER WITH SAFETY TIPS
    2 points
  6. I am playing it minimally as to not get burned out. I just don't enjoy them as much as I used to. Mw2 was top dog for me, all have fell short since for me. I enjoy a good rpg more than fps games anymore. I hope destiny is a good mix for me.
    1 point
  7. J4MES OX4D

    Mod or Pre-Alpha?

    Thanks. Sounds like I'll have to play pretty damn cautiously then!
    1 point
  8. jordie1892

    Mod or Pre-Alpha?

    I'd highly recommend FrankieOnPC's DayZ videos. Not only will you learn stuff but he makes the videos as if he is telling a story.
    1 point
  9. Dylanimo

    Mod or Pre-Alpha?

    Hi, my name is Dylan if u want i can go on team speak any help you out the the basics
    1 point
  10. Dude I love this thread, lots of good info!
    1 point
  11. I'm a bit burnt out on the franchise to be honest. I still enjoy playing it from time to time, but I'm not hooked like I used to be. Back with CoD:4, W@W, MW2, and BO1 I played obsessively. I even played CoD:2 and 3 a good amount online. But, now... not so much. I have to force myself to play. I only play it because I enjoy playing with friends. It has become stale. It just feels like a grind with no end goal. I get tired of the lame tactics people use. I get tired of the connection issues. I'm kind of over the whole thing. I'm sure if I was new to gaming or CoD or even FPS games, I'd be hooked on Ghosts. It's a fine game, but it just feels like the same game I've been playing the past 5-6 years. I've been branching out and trying different types of games since getting a gaming PC. It's really opened my eyes. I'm no longer obsessed with FPS games. There's a wide world of games out there that are every bit as competative, fun, and interesting.
    1 point
  12. How to make bread from scratch and Grain Grinders added to Food Preparation http://forevergaming.co.uk/index.php/topic/760-prepping-101-shtf-scenario-preparation/?p=20212
    1 point
  13. GARDENING Seeds Worm Castings Pest Control
    1 point
  14. Thanks dude. It's also nice having all the things I've read about linked in one place for easy access later. Plus I'm finding more stuff that I hadn't thought of before while researching for this thread.
    1 point
  15. On topic, this game mode sounds all kinds of shit.
    1 point
  16. FOOD STORAGE If you are new to prepping, this is probably the best place to start for its ease of acquiring materials and price. The Basics Feed a family of 4 for 1 year, for less than $300 YEAR SUPPLY OF GRAINS Multi-Vitamins more to be updated in this section...
    1 point
  17. I use gamo pellets, .177 caliber.
    1 point
  18. Oh, and ya. I got on Amazon, save money buying there.
    1 point
  19. It's a break barrel, meaning you grab the barrel and back of gun and almost fold it in to. One pump and your good 2 go.
    1 point
  20. PERSONAL SANITATION What to do with your human waste? Here are some ideas to get you started. Personal Hygiene - List Feminine Hygiene The Humanure Handbook: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0964... The Composting Toilet System Book: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0966... Off-Grid Homesteading: Sanitation - Handling Human Waste VIDEO - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBqlyHM93p0 Solar Composting Toilet by SolarCabin VIDEO - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6jsMx9yGnw
    1 point
  21. WATER STORAGE AND SANITATION You can only survive for 3 days without water. There are many ways to make water safe for drinking. Even if you think the area is safe or the river is clean, you should always prepare your water. There are very few truly safe places to drink straight from nature. And you never know, an animal could have died upstream from your location which could lead to Giardia and other parasites presence. Never take shortcuts when it comes to water. Product Recommendation Berkey Water Filter BIO SAND FILTER BOTTLED WATER - STORAGE WATER BOB POOL SHOCK - MUST HAVE "CALCIUM HYPOCHLORITE" AS INGREDIENT WATER BRICKS
    1 point
  22. That last episode was insane. I don't remember ever watching any episode of any tv show that had that effect on me. I had to stop it like twice and say 'holy crap'. I reckon next season will wrap everything up and end the series. Jax will probably be arrested at first, but it's clear he didn't kill Tara or Eli so he'll get off. It'll probably end up with a Juice/Gemma/Nero/Unser v Jax & Sam Crow situation. Add in all the Mayan/Chinese/Pope dispute, and next season is going to be bloody. A sequel would be incredible. Might be difficult to implement though. The actors who play Gemma/Clay/Piney would need to be in it, and they're not getting any younger. Maybe a sequel of Chibs in Ireland? Or another charter? Ahh there's so many possibilites. Hopefully they do something. We've already lost Dexter/Breaking Bad recently, we can't lose Sons of Anarchy.
    1 point
  23. Looks like it! Arsenal/City/Chelsea could all win, but Liverpool/Everton are playing well enough to win it aswell. United/Spurs might even pick up form later in the season and have a chance at it. The leagues definitely more exciting than last year anyways!
    1 point
  24. 100 Items that Disappear First 1. Generators (Good ones cost dearly. Gas storage, risky. Noisy…target of thieves; maintenance etc.) 2. Water 3. Water filters and purifiers 4. Portable toilets 5. Seasoned firewood. Wood takes about 6 – 12 months to become dried, for home use. 6. Lamp oil, wicks, and lamps (First choice: Buy CLEAR oil. If scarce, stockpile ANY!) 7. Coleman fuel (Impossible to stockpile too much) 8. Guns, ammunition, pepper spray, knives, clubs, bats or slingshots 9. Hand-can openers, hand egg beaters, whisks 10. Honey, syrups, white and brown sugar 11. Rice – beans – wheat 12. Vegetable oil (for cooking) Without it food burns/must be boiled etc.,) 13. Charcoal, lighter fluid (will become scarce suddenly) 14. Water Containers of any size. Small: HARD CLEAR PLASTIC ONLY – note – food grade if for drinking. 15. Propane cylinders (Urgent: definite shortages will occur) 16. Survival Guide book 17. Mantles: Aladdin, Coleman, etc. (without this item, longer-term lighting is difficult.) 18. Baby supplies: diapers, formula, ointments, aspirin, etc. 19. Washboards, mop bucket with wringer (for laundry) 20. Cook stoves (propane, Coleman and kerosene) 21. Vitamins 22. Propane cylinder handle-holder (urgent: Small canister use is dangerous without this item) 23. Feminine hygiene, hair care, skin products 24. Thermal underwear (tops and bottoms) 25. Bow saws, axes and hatchets, wedges (also, honing oil) 26. Aluminum foil regular and heavy duty (great for cooking and bartering item) 27. Gasoline containers (plastic and metal) 28. Garbage bags (impossible to have too many) 29. Toilet paper, Kleenex, paper towels 30. Milk – powdered, condensed (Shake Liquid every 3 to 4 months) 31. Garden seeds (Non-Hybrid) (A MUST) 32. Clothes pins, line, hangers (A MUST) 33. Coleman’s pump repair kit 34. Tuna fish (in oil) 35. Fire extinguishers (or large box of baking soda in every room) 36. First aid kits 37. Batteries (all sizes…buy furthest-out for expiration dates) 38. Garlic, spices, vinegar, baking supplies 39. Dog food 40. Flour, yeast, salt 41. Matches (“Strike Anywhere” preferred) Boxed, wooden matches will go first 42. Writing paper, pads, pencils, solar calculators 43. Insulated ice chests (good for keeping items from freezing in wintertime.) 44. Work boots, belts, blue jeans, durable shirts 45. Flashlights, light sticks, torches, “No. 76 Dietz” lanterns 46. Journals, diaries, scrapbooks (jot down ideas, feelings, experience; historic times) 47. Plastic garbage cans (great for storage, water, transporting – if with wheels) 48. Men’s Hygiene: shampoo, toothbrush, paste, mouthwash, floss, nail clippers, etc. 49. Cast iron cookware (sturdy, efficient) 50. Fishing supplies, tools 51. Mosquito coils, repellent, sprays, creams 52. Duct tape 53. Tarps, stakes, twine, nails, rope, spikes 54. Candles 55. Laundry detergent (liquid) 56. Backpacks, duffel bags 57. Garden tools, supplies 58. Scissors, fabrics, sewing supplies 59. Canned goods: fruits, veggies, soups, stews, etc. 60. Bleach (plain, not scented: 4 to 6% sodium hypochlorite) 61. Canning supplies 62. Knives, sharpening tools: files, stones, steel 63. Bicycles and parts: tires, tubes, pumps, chains, etc. 64. Sleeping bags, blankets, pillows, mats 65. Carbon monoxide alarm (battery powered) 66. Board games, cards, dice 67. d-con Rat poison, MOUSE PRUFE II, roach killer 68. Mousetraps, ant traps, cockroach magnets 69. Paper plates/cups/utensils (stock up, folks) 70. Baby wipes, oils, waterless, antibacterial soap (saves a lot of water) 71. Rain gear, rubberized boots, etc. 72. Shaving supplies (razors, creams, talc, after shave) 73. Hand pumps & siphons (for water and for fuels) 74. Soy sauce, vinegar, bullions, gravy, soup base 75. Reading glasses 76. Chocolate, cocoa, tang, punch (water enhancers) 77. “Survival-in-a-Can” 78. Woolen clothing, scarves, ear-muffs, mittens 79. Boy Scout handbook, and/or Leaders catalog 80. Roll-on window insulation kit (MANCO) 81. Graham crackers, saltines, pretzels, trail mix, jerky 82. Popcorn, peanut butter, nuts 83. Socks, underwear, t-shirts, etc. (extras) 84. Lumber (all types) 85. Wagons, carts (for transport to and from) 86. Cots, inflatable mattresses 87. Gloves for work, warming, gardening, etc. 88. Lantern hangers 89. Screen patches, glue, 90. Hardware – nails, screws, nuts and bolts 91. Teas 92. Coffee 93. Cigarettes 94. Wine, liquors (for bribes, medicinal, etc.) 95. Paraffin wax 96. Glue, nails, nuts, bolts, screws, etc. 97. Chewing gum, candies 98. Atomizers (for cooling, bathing) 99. Hats, cotton neckerchiefs, seasonal clothing needs 100. Livestock – goats, chickens, etc.
    1 point
  25. Harrison


    Went with Aatrox, I like him Already got Darius, he's really strong.
    1 point
  26. I enjoyed morrowind for the most part, but I couldn't stand the combat. I hate swinging a sword and wiffing 5 times in a row.
    1 point
  27. I would but honestly I have way to many games to play, I don't need to buy anything for at least a year haha. Plus I still need to finish oblivion one day
    1 point
  28. Docwagon

    I'm buying guns

    If you're new to guns, don't start out with two different systems. There is no reason to buy a Sig and Glocks. Pick one. The grip angle is different, the sights are different, the trigger is completely different, maintenance is different, breakdown is different, etc. etc. Why learn two systems to do the same thing? Learn one system. Then there's logisitics. Sig magazines don't fit in a Glock and vice versa. If you stick with one, parts interchange, magazine interchange, you only need one holster, etc. etc. Hardware is about 20% of the equation. The shooter is the other 80%. Don't get so wrapped up in the toys that you don't budget for training, practice, and more training and practice. If at all possible, go to a rental range, take a basic handgun course, and then rent several different styles of handguns. See what fits your hand. See what fits your wife's hand. See what's instinctive to point. See what type of trigger system you prefer, etc. I had a pretty detailed thread on selecting a firearm, ammunition, etc on the old forum. I think Jsin salvaged most of it. http://forevergaming.co.uk/index.php/topic/122-docs-firearms-thread/
    1 point
  29. Jason

    I'm buying guns

    I didn't have time to read all the replys, so if I repeat someone's post, I apologize. If you are going to buy three I would suggest 1 be a revolver. They are much easier to maintain. Perhaps for your wife. Springfield xd line is very good for the money. Sigs are awesome but pricy. You can't beat a shotgun for home defense, ease of use and you don't have to be all that accurate with a scatter gun. Lol I have a mossberg 12g and it works great. They are cheap and perform well. That's my 2 cents.
    1 point
  30. spectre

    I'm buying guns

    Hey, just in time, I was actually going to put together a Prepping thread to include everything I've learned over the past 5 years. I have discovered a lot of things, some useful, some in the "cool" category and also figured out what is worthless. I'll be working on it tomorrow so look out for that. As for guns, I recommend getting a handgun that is the same caliber as what your police force uses. Reason being, if SHTF, there will be plenty of ammunition that you can scavenge to use. You definitley need a shotgun. You should probably have a short close quarters barrel for home invasions and a hunting barrel. Ammo is expensive. When I bought mine, it was $1 per round. So worth it in my opinion. You're gonna need an "Assault Rifle", my choice is a AK-47. It works in the dirt and its cheap. More than one is always nice. I recommend buying bulk ammo by wolf 7.62. Last time I checked, it was $250 per 1000. Who knows what it is now. When I first started prepping it was only $99 per 1000. The good 'ol days are gone on that front. Glad I stocked up. Also, a .22 hunting rifle. If you want to get small game, you can, but also, pointing it at someone, the person isn't going to know what it is and even then, at least you still have that "show of force". Ammo is cheap as hell too. Buy in bulk, 10K rounds. That leads me into getting an Airsoft Rifle for also hunting small game and birds. They are strong enough to kill them, cheap and quiet. This pretty much rounds out the majority of situations you might have to encounter in a SHTF scenario.
    1 point
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