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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/27/2013 in all areas

  1. If my son was at that stage I'd smack him across the head and say "did you know I was going to do that you little shit!"
    5 points
  2. I'm not going to pull any punches here, so I'll apologise in advance if I put a nose or two out of joint. In my past I have lost several people extremely close to me, the hardest one to deal with was the passing of my first wife to cancer when she was at the tender age of 31. She used to get so angry at people even contemplating suicide, seeing as she was literally fighting for her life during a long and protracted illness. She DIDN'T want to die, but to live and grow old. See her daughters grow up and do all the things that most of us take for granted. I have the same philosophy on life. Depression is difficult to overcome I fully understand that, I've been there myself. Ultimately, the individual is the only person that can actually make the choice to get themselves out of that rut. I just wish people would see past the bad things that they perceive to be taking over their lives and look at all the good that is around them. You get to wake up every morning with your physical health very much in tact. You do not have the very black cloud of terminal illness hanging over you. You have a full life to look forwards to, LIVE IT!! The only time that I think suicide is justified is if illness or impairment are so bad, that you cannot function in any way as the person you were. I watched my step father go through all the awful processes of motor neurons disease, which completely takes away every aspect of your bodies functionality, even to the point of breathing on your own. He suffered beyond what I could possibly imagine and I watched the life literally drain out of him. I am so thankful to have the gift of life and health, we ALL should be. There are so many people in the world who simply survive on a day to day basis. We, in the Western world don't have a clue how that must be, yet we over complicate our lives to such an extent that we can't see the wood for the trees. I truly wish that people would take a leaf out of Mike's book. He has more to deal with on a daily basis than many of us would see in a lifetime and yet always seems to look on the brighter side of life. We all have bad days, granted. BUT that is all it should be, a bad DAY! We have one shot at this life and we are lucky to live where we do. I have seen poverty and hardship when I travel for work, and I am always thankful that my life by comparison is so much easier.
    4 points
  3. Probably worth mentioning that our clan has been placed in the top 'platinum' division for clan wars. Given our performance last night we should enjoy this lofty position while it lasts
    3 points
  4. I'm sure someone is going to type up something that is worth the read. I'm not really good at advise on life. I feel like I haven't experienced life yet. But i'll tell you what I do know, and that is that you're not alone. Everyone on this forum has been depressed at one point or another. Some of us, we are just depressed more then others, and that's okay. But when you start thinking about these suicidal thoughts, that's not. Suicide is a selfish act. You have a new nephew coming and you want to be there for him, correct? You have a twin brother, that probably wouldn't be able to look at himself in the mirror without thinking about you, trust me, I know. That alone should be enough for you to stop thinking about those horrible thoughts. You know what you want to do with your body, you just need motivation to do it. I suggest using this forum as motivation. Use your PPR as a workout diary. Take some notes on what you have done, post some weekly improvement photos and/or get involved on one of Spectre's threads on working out. I find that when I'm trying to work out my body, I tell people and if they are noticing me not doing it, it embarrasses me. That is my motivation, not letting others down, while continuing to improve myself. I'm here for you, as always. You have my number and you know where my inbox is.
    2 points
  5. kylebees

    U.S. Meet Up

    So after having brief discussions with Mike and Chris, I have decided to post here to see if there would be any interest in a meet up here in the US??? I know that we cover a lot more area here than they do across the pond but if we can decide on a centralized location, then I believe we could get a good group of us together for a fun extended weekend. I would like to gauge the interest before trying to find a place to have this. In my talk with Chris, I thought somewhere like Washington DC might work or even Pittsburgh. Again, until we know who's interested, we can really decide on a place. I'm most certainly willing to travel to meet up with you guys. I truly believe this could be a blast!! Let's try to make this happen. Post if you're interested and where you're from and if we get enough responses, then we'll try to figure out a place. Hope this works!!
    1 point
  6. why would you actively go out of your way to make someone lose their job when they are just having a laugh ? all they did was find what they thought to be a funny excuse for not tipping, and share it with people , without making it obvious who the customer was.
    1 point
  7. Ohhhh my wallet says no but my heart says yes!!
    1 point
  8. J4MES OX4D

    PC Game Deals/Giveaways

    Autumn Sale: Bioshock Infinite £12.49 Skyrim £3.74 Left 4 Dead 2 £3.74 The Walking Dead £5.24 Sleeping Dogs £3.99 Outlast £5.09 Counterstrike GO £5.99 Garrys Mod £2.99 State of Decay £10.09 Skyrim Legendary £10.19 Civilization 5 Gold £14.99 The Stanley Parable £7.49 Borderlands 2 £9.99 Dark Souls £6.79 Far Cry 3 £9.99 Assassins Creed II £4.99 Valve Complete Collection (25 games) £25!
    1 point
  9. Looks like I don't leave until tomorrow, so I'll online tonight. Yeah stonehaven and the rainy big map are sniper heaven so they get voted for a lot
    1 point
  10. You should never try to fit into society, because it's society that is sick. It's the pressure of this sickness that is forcing you to go against your own personality. You should turn the eye inward, not outward. When you know yourself, discover yourself, you'll realize that there is nothing wrong with you. The problem is the juxtaposition of your feelings of trying to fit in colliding with your feelings of being yourself. I know this, because I went through the very same thing when I was in my early 20's. I almost went to see a psychologist about it. But there isn't anything wrong with me. I accepted that. Yes, you're not a teenager right now, but you are still maturing. Men mature all their lives. (you are a Man right?) Watch what happens when you turn 30. You'll realize how immature you were for that 20 something decade. Your true personality will start to solidify itself later on. For me, it was 31 when I noticed that I didn't care about society anymore. What's more important? How many friends you have on facebook or happiness? I'm projecting here, as I am not saying you care about that stuff, but a lot of people do; and they shouldn't. Technology has further advanced this sickness that is going on. The only healthy thing to do is to get back to things our ancestors knew to be healthy. Diet, exercise, meditation. etc. I think about how lucky you are though, technology is a double edged sword; can be used for good/evil. Luckily you have a community here of a vast array of people and their experiences to request advice from. I didn't have that. Lastly, do something every single day, to further and better your position. Even if its only doing 10 pushups. Do 11 the next day. Do something more, each and every day. Drink less, etc.
    1 point
  11. 11/27/13 Multiple fans are reporting that a new patch for Call of Duty: Ghosts has been released on the PC, PS3, and PS4. The patch on PC is around 203MB for Multiplayer, the patch for PS3 is 174MB, and the PS4 patch comes in at around 748MB. PC players are reporting that this new patch has improved the game’s overall performance and stability. Title Update: PC Performance -Improved framerate performance when traversing moving platforms. -Improved latency for AMD graphics cards. -Improved performance issues caused by spamming. -Improved shader warming and level load performance. Stability -Fixed crash in CODeSports play. -Fixed spawn crash for specific maps/modes. -Improved usability of broadcaster HUD. -Additional animations added for broadcaster mode. -Improved steam friends functionality. -Fixed smoke flickering and graphical corruption within blurred area of dual render scope. -Re-enabled fur and smoke DLLs from nVidia. Additional Fixes -Fixed a variety of map specific spawn issues . -Fixed lobby migration closing the create a class screen. -Fixed not showing attachments and weapon camo for players while in private match lobby. -Fixed dog’s extended kill not showing properly in final killcam. -Fixed loadouts appearing restricted if a restricted perk was selected in specialist strike package even though specialist wasn’t equipped. -Fixed split screen UI issue that could potentially leave player in a bad state. -Fixed issue when selecting store from squads. -Fix to remember spectator team when switching to freecam in broadcaster mode. -Fixed issue with loading into specific maps with ghost mask equipped. ___________________________________________________________________ Title Update: PS3 Performance -Improved performance issues caused by spamming. Stability -Fixed crash in CODeSports play. -Fixed spawn crash for specific maps/modes. Additional Fixes -Fixed a variety of map specific spawn issues . -Fixed lobby migration closing the create a class screen. -Fixed not showing attachments and weapon camo for players while in private match lobby. -Fixed dog’s extended kill not showing properly in final killcam. -Fixed loadouts appearing restricted if a restricted perk was selected in specialist strike package even though specialist wasn’t equipped. -Fixed split screen UI issue that could potentially leave player in a bad state. -Fixed issue when selecting store from squads. -Fix to remember spectator team when switching to freecam in broadcaster mode. -Fixed issue with loading into specific maps with ghost mask equipped Fixed a few map specific spawn issues. ___________________________________________________________________ Title Update: PS4 Performance -Improved performance issues caused by spamming. Stability -Fixed crash in CODeSports play. -Fixed spawn crash for specific maps/modes. Additional Fixes -Fixed a variety of map specific spawn issues . -Fixed lobby migration closing the create a class screen. -Fixed not showing attachments and weapon camo for players while in private match lobby. -Fixed dog’s extended kill not showing properly in final killcam. -Fixed loadouts appearing restricted if a restricted perk was selected in specialist strike package even though specialist wasn’t equipped. -Fixed split screen UI issue that could potentially leave player in a bad state. -Fixed issue when selecting store from squads. -Fix to remember spectator team when switching to freecam in broadcaster mode. -Fixed issue with loading into specific maps with ghost mask equipped. Source
    1 point
  12. deterioration

    U.S. Meet Up

    ^Should we make up vacationers tees that read "Here for the gang rape!"
    1 point
  13. kylebees

    U.S. Meet Up

    Nice!! This looks like it may be coming together quite nicely!! Let's see who else would be interested. While NYC would be ideal, I think it would be expensive and harder for most to get here. If you're interested in joining us out in Ohio, let us know. Awesome!! Would really be great to finally put some faces to all these names!! Suck it up bitch and get in the car!! You know you need some Tommy lovin' anyway!! Small miracles!! I kid!! Book a flight> I volunteer to buy the first night for any Euro that attends, with the exception of Diddums!! I might have to mortgage my house if he came!! That would be ideal Pat!! I'm really hoping this works. I think we will have a blast, plus I want to get Chris drunk enough that I can....oh never mind.
    1 point
  14. cyberninja2601

    U.S. Meet Up

    Swim I thought the Scottish were resilient people
    1 point
  15. Good thread. I just posted a video here that I recently did out of boredom. It's been a while since I made a video, so I'm happy I made one.
    1 point
  16. That's good because I know a few of the PS4 guys really like it anyway.
    1 point
  17. spectre

    Ghost Game Modes

    That's what I mean dude, exactly. The game modes that ARE offered are all but ruined by the people that play this game. I'm running into way more campers than I have seen since Black Ops. Sitting in corners, laying on the ground facing doorways. They are in every game it seems.
    1 point
  18. burnfitbillyboy

    U.S. Meet Up

    Just shove your cock in her mouth, that's how I usually shut my girlfriend up.
    1 point
  19. BO7H B4RRELS

    U.S. Meet Up

    Indiana here. Ohio is definitely do-able.
    1 point
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