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  1. JsinOwl



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  3. Diddums



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/11/2013 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. Go watch "Little Miss Sunshine", totally takes the piss out of these things, brilliant movie to boot!!
    2 points
  3. http://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/51565/grand-theft-auto-online-half-a-million-gta-stimulus-package-this.html
    1 point
  4. You can always rely on the gaming community to act like a bunch of 5 year olds and exploit every cheap tactic in the game to get kills. These are almost always the same people that will literally watch their team lose but not move from their spot in case they get killed. These are the ones who sit on rooftops, prone, aimed at elevators. The ones who also sit on rooftops with noobtubes and spam the hell outta them. I realise that we all have our moments, but when you spend about 10 games in a lobby and the same people are on the roof, every single time, you're just a dick. There are also those who choose to use aimbots, I've seen these in action myself and have researched them - you can get them for $20 a month. Unbelievable. The game hasn't even been released yet, but gamers have found a way to fuck it all up for others. Given the intelligence level displayed by these people, I can only imagine that their most used phrase in life is "mommy can I have more milk?" or "would you like fries with that?", which is what gives me hope. This game ain't cheap, so I'm hoping that once the paid release comes out, that we lose some of these idiots who display every single kind of bad sportsmanship purely to get that extra kill or deliberately try and irritate people. On the flipside though, if they managed to get a PC that can run this, then odds are they can afford the game... we'll just have to wait and see.
    1 point
  5. Diddums


    Be less ginger.
    1 point
  6. As a lazy cunt, who hasn't read the article properly, I wNt free money now to buy stuff bevy straw is rather troll than1⃣domiaaisonx. Oh fuckkkkkkkkkk it.
    1 point
  7. I actually started a couple months ago doing what you suggested Mike, not getting feeds from certain people in my status feeds line. The problem with that though is if I stopped getting updates from all the people that post stupid shit then I'd just have a blank page lol. Seriously, people no matter how good a person will at some point and time post some stupid thing just for attention, and when you have 50-100 "friends" then even if that person only posts some attention seeking crap once or twice per week then spread out over 50-100 people then your still just bombarded by it all day with it. If people would just use it as a means to stay in touch or to share things worth sharing then it would be good. What gets me though is the constant BS that is always posted such as someone posting a picture of a beer and saying "mmmmmm beeeeer" or a picture of a cup of coffee in the morning and saying "I need coffee"....WTF? do these people think others need to know that you need coffe or that you are eating a meal, uhg. It just got to the point where I felt like I was doing nothing but wasting my time sorting through all the garbage on there so I decided to kick it out of my daily online checks. You are right though that age does have a bit to do with it. Those of us that are middle age like certain things. To me and probably others my age there's something to be said for sitting down on the front porch with a coffee and reading the newspaper, or sitting down at the end of the day to watch the 11 O'clock news to see what is going on with the world. Younger peope are use to the instant gratification of twitter feeds and social media to get their news and other info. Not that one way is better than the other, just a difference in the way we each go about it I guess. So anyway I have dropkicked FB to the curb for now, maybe even for good I think. Also cutting way back on visiting internet forums. I still am coming here and to my fishing forums I run, but even these I won't be on daily anymore. Just deciding to spend some time enjoying real life more rather than online life
    1 point
  8. I'm happy with this only cuz i don't have a chance to play at all but in reality i'd be the same as Mike, i'd rather earn my p's
    1 point
  9. I like earning things, not being given things. That's just me though.
    1 point
  10. Yeah, it's stupid. I can understand 50K or something like that, but this much? Shit. So much for doing anymore missions!
    1 point
  11. Sweet! That's awesome for me but I can't help but feel a little guilty. I mean i've had 2 nights online with little to no issues and I get the same reward as somone like Cal who has suffered alot of issues. And I basically get given the nuts of an apartment without having work at it. Don't get me wrong it's an awesome gesture on their part and i'll take what they give me
    1 point
  12. You should be viewing pron when you lay down in bed.
    1 point
  13. Commander_Undies


    I actually absolutely hate cats. Only reason I have Butterball is because my mom's one cat gave birth, which completely disgusted me. I saw the liter and held Butterball and it was love at first meow. I think that cat put a spell on me. I hate every other cat, love mine though. Even though he's a little terrorist.
    1 point
  14. Conduit F3 There are those who deal in lead. Then, there are those that prefer alternative forms of punishment for their opponents. If a mass-driver doesn’t suit you, a weapon like the Conduit F3 may be more your style. With new tech, however, comes fresh risk. This new breed of munitions is evidence of an adaptive society. Jonathan Goff, an expert on Guardian militaria, tells a story about turning the weapons of one's enemies against them. “Advancements in directed energy disbursement were gained through dissection of hostile tech gathered in the field. The first implementation of this new technology comes in the form of Fusion Rifles.” Fortune favors the brave, we’re told. Bravery, it turns out, is requisite for anyone fortunate enough to wield a Fusion Rifle. “One of the first working prototypes was deemed too unstable for mass production,” recalls Goff. “Despite the concerns over faulty radiation shielding, the weapon's incredible power has made it a favorite of daring weapons collectors.” Newer generations of Fusion Rifles have solved some of these problems through slow and painful innovation. “The barrel configuration on this model dampens the wattage use needed to power the inertial chamber,” observes Art Lead Tom Doyle. The technical jargon translates to brute force that any Guardian would value. “Its over-penetrating burst fire is ideal for taking out multiple targets at once.” The Conduit F3 is next generation hardware for killing the bad guys who deserve it. Charge it up, and let it off the chain. Disclaimer: Destiny is a work in progress!
    1 point
  15. Just Cal

    kids "beauty" pageants

    Everything that has been said, I agree with. I catch my daughter watching shit like this and I just turn it off. I'm running the risk of her not wanting to come down to me on the weekends though (the 11 year old) but I just bribe her with horror films...... I wanna see Diddums come back here.
    1 point
  16. So from $15 to $13140 in a few missions. Not half bad . I'm still a long way from you feckers but getting there. It was deadly
    1 point
  17. Everyone involved should be punched in the crotch. The parents, the organizers, everyone. Punch. In. The. Crotch.
    1 point
  18. JsinOwl


    All cats plot evil, it's totally normal.
    1 point
  19. Palle


    My cat Kenzo creepily staring at me while playing GTA. I think he's secretly plotting something evil against me.
    1 point
  20. I leave the room when my wife watches honey boo boo. I can't stand it. That whole family is the poster family for everything that's wrong with society. I'm not done yet though, I'll return to this later.
    1 point
  21. What started as a joke is surprisngly accurate for most all of twitter and FAcebook. Its a shame that folks dont' realize that they are no longer Anonymous, and that that shit is archived and searchable
    1 point
  22. My wife ended real friendships with people because of facebook. She couldn't believe how stupid some of these people were so I can understand. Seems like a lot of people want to be mini celebrities no matter what the cost to their dignity. Also if something frustrates the hell out of you, why do it.
    1 point
  23. Been a bit since I updated this, but here is my latest. I'm sick of people that just "need": attention. And social media just feeds these attention whores IMO. So here is a copy&paste from what I just posted on my facebook account 2 mins ago., because I'm tired of social media, people that feel the need to tell me WTF they just ate or drank, or that "they need coffee" in the morning, and all that bullshit. I could care less that you are eating a pancake, or drinking a coffee, or the picture of your damn dinner you are about to eat. Just tired of all the attention seekers and plastic people is all so I just signed off of facebook for good. Just me and my opinion........
    1 point
  24. JsinOwl


    Owl family photo taken a few years ago, the rat and greyhound on the left have passed on, may they RIP.
    1 point
  25. Harrison


    There needs to be a like all button, this thread is too much
    1 point
  26. Silver Dollar MK.35 A shotgun is more than a weapon. It’s an icon. In a place made strange by the passage of time, the Silver Dollar is as relatable as a lucky coin. The age-old claim to “ride shotgun” calls out to us from a long-forgotten frontier. These time-honored holdout weapons are quite common, and known for their reliability, but that doesn’t mean you can’t take one and make it your own. That sturdy frame can accommodate all of your favorite attachments and accessories. “This custom build is equipped with a catcher and 4 cartridge sidecar,” explains Art Lead Tom Doyle. Adding this weapon to your inventory is just the first step in a long and healthy relationship. Your shotgun won’t just save your life. It will tell people your story, suggesting where you’ve been and what sort of danger you favor. “The paint scheme implies it has seen action near the evacuation site for the last colony ships that escaped the collapse,” Doyle reminisces. For all the ways to defeat your enemies and reclaim our lost frontiers in Destiny, there will still be encounters that beg for nothing more elegant than a trusty pump-action scatter gun. New technology may come and go, but the Silver Dollar boasts a timeless heritage, and a close range kick that will scatter your enemies to the wind. Disclaimer: Destiny is a work in progress!
    1 point
  27. JsinOwl

    Forum Cookbook

    I'll kick it off: I own pancakes. Been perfecting them for over 12 years. My pumpkin pancakes are particularly devastating. Base recipe: 2 cups milk 2 Tablespoons lemon juice 10 oz flour 1 Tablespoon sugar 1/2 tsp salt 1 tsp baking soda 2 tsp baking powder 3 Tablespoons butter 1/2 tsp vanilla extract 1 egg Mix the lemon juice and milk together first and set it aside. The acid in the lemon juice "sours" the milk, making it more like buttermilk. Then whisk together the dry goods in a mixing bowl. Never measure flour with a cup, or I'll find you and cut you. Get a cheap digital scale; your life will improve 10,000 fold. Melt the butter in a separate bowl. Don't get it ripping hot, just melted, otherwise it will start to scramble the egg. Add the vanilla and egg to the butter and whisk together. Now, nuke the milk/lemon mixture in the micro for a minute, just to warm it up. If it hits the butter cold it will cause the butter to solidify which leads to an icky mess. Add the warm milk/lemon to the butter, egg, and vanilla and whisk it all together. You're griddle is ready right? Don't add liquid to the dry unless your griddle is hot and ready to receive. Dump the liquids into the dry and whisk them together, no more than 10 stirs, count 'em. Whatever lumps are left leave 'em. Over mixing leads to chewy pancakes, we want light and fluffy. Use a measuring cup or laddle to scoop batter onto your griddle and you should be able to handle the rest. Now, for variations to the base. 1 apple, diced, I like to spread the fruit evenly on top of the batter once I've finished my ten stirs. I like this a little better than stirring the fruit into the batter. 1/2 tsp cinammon added in with dry goods additional 1/4 tsp of vanilla is optional One banana, diced, spread evenly on top of batter fist full of walnuts, chopped, spread evenly on top of batter with bananas 1/8 tsp ground cloves added with the dry goods (clove + banana = win) 1 cup blueberries or diced strawberries spread evenly on top of batter 1/4 tsp extra vanilla 1/2 cup pumpkin puree, wrapped in 6 or so paper towels to dry it out some, add this to the butter, vanilla, egg mixture. 3/4 tsp cinnamon 3/4 tsp ginger 1/2 tsp nutmeg 1/4 tsp cloves 1/4 tsp allspice spices added to the dry goods Adjustments: If the batter is a little too thin (I like it pretty damn thick) reduce the milk by 1 once (2 Tablespoons). Have at it.
    1 point
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