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  1. Commander_Undies

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/08/2013 in all areas

  1. JsinOwl


    When I read this I pictured this:
    5 points
  2. Doctors. Hey asshole, YOU gave ME the appointment time. If you couldn't see me at 9am, wtf did you make the appointment for 9am? I get waiting at the ER. You just showed up, triage, etc. etc. However there's no reason except overbooking for a general practitioner or specialist to be over 15 minutes late. My last SURGERY the asshole was 1.5 HOURS late.
    4 points
  3. 3 points
  4. 2 points
  5. I have a coworker that sent a bill for $25.00 to his Dr for a cancelled appointment. He showed up, waited in the lobby, was never seen. He had called and confirmed his appointment and everything days ahead of time. The Dr office paid it. Now, that being said, I think it was a fluke on the part of the dr's accountant, like maybe they weren't paying attention, just saw a bill, and paid it without thinking. Still though, it makes for an awesome story and bragggn rights
    2 points
  6. I made another emblem for the crew. Hope it will upload after a couple more minutes. Uploaded with ImageShack.us
    2 points
  7. Can we remove Tam from the crew? He kept running me over and shooting me. That's not what the game is about.
    2 points
  8. Diddums


    Datte, we know you're in a tough spot bud, just as you know we're always here for you. This thread isn't even a prime example but there have been a few in the past, the most notable occasion was in the shoutbox when you mentioned looking at steaks and then having to eat cereal and water. It's those that rub people up the wrong way. People see this as using your position as attention seeking, regardless of your intentions. As I'm sure you're aware, once people start getting frustrated with other people, they are much more cynical to what said person does or says, and it appears that's what's happening here. You might have good intentions, just having a laugh and chatting about things, but some people might perceive it as otherwise. Think of it like this: your granddad served in the war and is one of those people who won't keep quiet about it. All his sentences start with "when I was in the war...". You can see how that'd get annoying, right? And eventually it gets to the point where every time he starts speaking, you're thinking "what now old man? ". It's not just that. The same can be said for anything: hobbies, new parents, religion, etc etc. I've also noticed that you mention your situation a lot. Don't get me wrong, I'm always here if you need s chat, as are Tommy and Chris, but we're well aware of it - there's no need to bring it up all the time. Try keep an eye on that dude, it's nothing big, just a part of learning how to deal with other people as you grow up. Of course people could jump all over you, but at the end of the day we're all family here and if you can't rely on us to point you in the right direction every now and then, then you may end up on the wrong side of people who could actually positively affect your life at some point. And don't get angry with Tommy or Chris, as I said we're all family here and a family that never has disputes is dysfunctional. I would like to ask the other participants in this little dispute to please take a moment to think about a way to discuss these things better without it turning into a silly dispute as it has now. Datte - keep that in mind bud. If there's anything you need to talk about, we're here, but review your posts before hitting submit. Everyone else - see above. Now if you can all shake hands and be friends again, that'd be great. Cheers.
    2 points
  9. Well, I recently put this in my PPR, but it made me so excited I want to contribute it to this thread. Background: When I was 16, I got into a bad car accident (not my fault) which in the end made me an epileptic. Because of that, I wasn't able to drive anymore, doctors orders. It gradually got worse and I ended up having a temporal lobectomy done (which was all documented in my PPR on the MW2forum). I had some seizures through the healing process of the surgery, but I haven't had a seizure since. So now onto my happy story! Just this past Friday night, for the first time since I was 16 years old (the night of my accident), I actually got the courage up to drive at night. I drove for about an hour with my relative and it made me really happy. For the first time, I wasn't scared of the lights and even though I was really tense the whole time, it made me feel at peace. Needless to say, I can't wait until my next nighttime outing.
    2 points
  10. The Call of Duty: Ghosts requirements have appeared on Geforce, and a few things stand out. First, the game requires 6 GB of RAM. Second, it is a 50 GB file. And finally, Nvidia recommends a GTX 780 to run it, which is a $700 (£435) graphics card. These requirements are higher than Battlefield 4, and it is generally accepted that Battlefield 3 looks much better than any of the recent Call of Duty games. Source P.S. The top comment from the website this article was found on was the following: ---------------------- This is going to be either A) the prettiest game ever made a poorly optimized piece of shit ---------------------- I'd put my money on B.
    1 point
  11. techno

    Your GTA selfies

    Continuing the parking theme Cals parking Tams parking
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. JsinOwl

    Out of Context

    I should've seen that coming. *face palm*
    1 point
  14. sounds like you did fine. What I read in there is that you said you wanted to do what you are good at and like to do. I would think the like the honesty and prefer to have someone doing something they like rather that than something they are "forced to do"
    1 point
  15. Jason


    Here's a picture of my dog in the "cone of shame" to get this thread back on track.
    1 point
  16. Yeh that makes 3 of us!Strip club it is. I like how the insults are different when I went robbing as a woman he said I looked like a transvestite!
    1 point
  17. You're supposed to get a free 2 car garage for being on social club but I got fuck all
    1 point
  18. techno

    Mt. Chiliad Free for All

    Really? Lol We couldn't lose the cops and I managed to earn the whole $50 by running up in high heels!
    1 point
  19. Me and Cal were reliving the London weekend at Sean's
    1 point
  20. Good time tonight guys. That was fun. Tommy I hope you don't drive that bad in real life
    1 point
  21. TigerBurge


    I maybe could of worded it differently but it still would come out sounding like a dick. I'm fine with that. My point is through out numerous threads he constantly brings up his situation. We all have problems. We are all struggling with things wether it's money,health or something else. We also come on here to talk to each other and bitch about problems. Ask for advice. You may not like the advice you are given but most of us are being honest. Hell go to my PPR it's filled with me complaining about work or life. What you don't see is us doing it in threads spread out on these forums. It's also called tough love. Sometimes you need to be told what you don't want to hear. I don't have a problem with him sharing what's going on but I think there is a place for that.
    1 point
  22. JsinOwl


    Chris and Tommy, I'm this close *holds fingers 1/8 inch apart* to exploding on you to the point it could jeopardize the harmony of the forum. I'm disgusted to be honest with your obvious disdain for Datte. Yes, people need to work hard to succeed, no shit, but not everyone starts life with the same hand of cards. Datte's still young but has already lived through a lifetime's worth of shit, yet he tries to be positive about it, tries to have a sense of humor about it, and is trying to walk the path of the righteous when most in his position would take the easy way out. We are his family, we are his friends, we're the ones he should be able to talk to and get support in return, not the negative comments you two keep throwing at him, like he's messing up your forum by just being honest about his life.
    1 point
  23. It's about fucking time. To be honest I think that the whole dedi servers thing was an ace that Activision was keeping in their sleeve for a rainy day. Dedi servers have always been possible. They'd probably have to have a community funded model like BF, but saying it wasn't possible before this is just flat out wrong. If you ask me, the reason we're seeing this now is because CoD is losing ground. People lost interest in BO2 faster than any other CoD to date. BF4 is bringing the fight right to their door, then there are other titles like Destiny which are also going to want people's cash. If someone only gets one game for Xmas, they'd have to think wisely about what they want. Whereas previous years it could've been CoD right off the bat, there is now too much competition to simply rest on those laurels. This is why we're now seeing dedicated servers. Not because of technological adcances, but because Activision needs to play every single card they have in order to hold their ground, and they know it.
    1 point
  24. Dedicated Servers coming to all current gen, next gen consoles, and PC! Infinity Ward’s Mark Rubin has just giving clarification and confirmation via Twitter that dedicated servers will be coming to all current and next-gen consoles as well as PCs. GHOSTS ONLINE CONNECTIVITY UPDATE: I wanted to give a quick update on some of the work that has been done to improve everyone’s online experience. We’ve already mentioned dedicated servers as part of the overall plan to improve connectivity. Dedicated servers will be used on current gen, next gen and PC with Ghosts. And, in order to make sure that people have the best possible experience regardless of platform, location or connection, Ghosts will be using a hybrid system of dedicated servers and listen servers. So no matter where you are the game will always be trying to give you the best online performance possible. There is also some great new tech in the matchmaking system that will place players in matches that have the best combined overall connectivity performance. Again these are just some of the things that are going into Call of Duty: Ghosts to give players a great online experience. Can’t wait to see you all online. Mark Rubin further clarified that he is not allowed to mention any platform by name (presumbly due to the MSFT/ATVI contract), but that PS3/PS4 will be getting dedicated servers. http://www.charlieintel.com/2013/10/07/ghosts-dedicated-servers-coming-to-all-current-and-next-gen-platforms-and-pc/
    1 point
  25. I can't be the only one who read the thread and thought
    1 point
  26. Yes it is for sure partly a result of the age we live in, but you will also find out when you get older that the more middle age you get the harder it becomes to take weight off as well as to change your lifestyle. Then if you factor in things such as I went through with life problems, or for some people raising a family and not having the time to exercise properly, then being overweight isn't really a "choice" any more than being an alcoholic or drug addict is a choice. Those are all things that Start off as a choice, but over time due to circumstances they shift from choice to something you absolutely hate but it's become so much a part of you that 90% of people can't change it on their own. By no means am I defending that lazy ass woman in the video. I am simply saying to make a broad sweeping statement like Dangle did is can be very wrong for many reasons and as someone that WAS very overweight at one time myself I feel it is wrong to say anyone disgusts you simply because they are overweight.
    1 point
  27. @Drifter - that's what I'm saying man. For most people that are overweight, they can do something about it. And you did something about it. IT takes a lot of time, dedication, energy and personal fortitude to stick to it and kudos for that. This woman IS pure lazy. Which is the point. She is overweight probably by choice (laziness). Those are the type of people that I think Dangle is disgusted with. As I am too. We can't just give a sweeping generalization about obese people that they are ALL lazy, but you have got to agree, that this obesity situation is a product of the current age we live in, not because of some reasons beyond most of their control.
    1 point
  28. That's just plain lazy. She could be 100lbs and I bet she'd still do that because lazy is lazy. To say something like "I am totally disgusted with fat people" is a pretty shitty thing to say dangle. Funny how in this day and age people let anything and everything go and how your not supposed to judge someone no matter what yet Lord forbid they are fat because that somehow gives everyone the right to be holier than thou. Reason I say that is because as you guys know I lost 150lbs over the past 2 years, I was damn near 400lbs...and there's many reasons for that to happen. When I gained the weight is was over the course of 15 years because of some bad shit that happened in my life like losing my dad when he was only 52yrs old, losing my fiancee as well as my job and slipping into a depression and becoming an alcoholic. I was very lucky that I had the inner strength and will power to finally pull myself out of that nose dive but many people just can't overcome it. My sister is someone that needs to lose a lot of weight so it somewhat pisses me off to hear an arrogant statement like "I'm totally disgusted with fat people". Don't judge someone till you have walked a mile in their shoes. What I said above has nothing to do with the video though, that's just plain lazy and she should find another job.
    1 point
  29. I watched Friends back in the day. I needed something to do when I was in the guard shack in Bosnia. Then I got hooked. lol Gay.
    1 point
  30. My stove was making a very loud high-pitched beeping noise, so I punched it really hard and it went back to normal. /swag
    1 point
  31. Docwagon

    In a thread: Success

    To be perfectly honest, I win now because I fucked up so dramatically early on but eventually learned from it. I've worked hard, but I've also had some lucky breaks and God, whatever that may encompass, has smiled on me at some pivotal moments. Tiger's wrong. I did give up. For about three years, give or take. I just didn't stay there. I typed out a bunch of stuff, and then realized that it didn't matter and it didn't fit this thread. So, instead, just let me tell you a story Wayne Carter, a teacher who influenced me greatly in high school, once told me. A traveling salesman approaches an old farmer on his porch. The saleman hears a dog whimpering and moaning, and as he steps on the porch he sees a hound pup laying on the porch near the old farmer's rocking chair. He ignores the pup and starts talking to farmer about his wares, but the dogs moaning and whimpering grow and grow. The farmer never mentions the dog or pays any mind to the sounds, but the salesman has finally had enough. The salesman asks, "what's wrong with your dog, mister?" The farmer replies, "he's laying on a tack." The salesman mulls this over and says, "well, why doesn't he move off of it?" The farmer replies, "I guess he hasn't experienced enough pain yet." That's it. No moral was given. In the brashness of youth I thought the lesson was "stop bitching and moaning, fix the problem." I still think that's part of it. The other part took me some years and experience to truly grasp. How much pain will you put up with because the surroundings are familiar? Because its the status quo, because its the easiest course of action, because its all you know up to that point and you aren't willing to expand your horizons or upset the routine? Probably more than you think. Once you adapt your worldview its no longer about complain or fix it. Its discovering what the tacks are, if they are big enough to make you move, and what moving entails. Some tacks you'll live with. Some you won't. How much pain will it take you to move?
    1 point
  32. The fat bitch at my daughters school. She grinds my gears. Always parks in front of the door where we pick our kids up. Everyone uses the parking lot like we're supposed to. Not her. Lazy bitch parks right in front of the door. She always comes in to pick her kid up on the phone. Ive never seen her without her phone stuck to her fat face. Talks loud as shit while Im trying to talk to my daughters teacher. In general I dont believe in hitting women... but... Id like to punch that gorilla in the mouth.
    1 point
  33. People who walk in the road when there are perfectly cared for sidewalks available. My mom lives in-between two hospitals which are owned by the same mega corp. When I visit her there are always scrubbed nurse dummies walking in the road to the other Hospital. The road has daily side of street parking restrictions. This means when parking is on the right side you have to go into the other lane or stop and wait for traffic to pass in order to progress. I yell at them, they look back in disbelief as I pass by. I expect one needs a moderate to high level of intelligence to be a nurse/technician/etc... and that level of intelligence provides them with forethought, so walking in a high traffic volume road when there are city sidewalks wouldn't be an activity they would participate in.
    1 point
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