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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/19/2013 in all areas

  1. EVERYTHING grinds my gears because I'm a grumpy old bastard!!
    4 points
  2. We're just regular people, and like any other occupation some of us are better at it than others. I bet if you did a ride along program for a week you'd have a totally different perspective. Its a challenging job, and few make it through their entire career unscathed physically and emotionally, but its one that I never have to wonder if I'm making a difference in. That said, while I'd prefer to have your support I don't require it. If I needed universal love and acceptance, I'd be a firefighter.
    4 points
  3. Anyone, but especially politicians, who constantly make EVERYTHING about race. Me: I just bought some tacos. That guy: Did any black people buy tacos? DId they have equal access to the tacos? Were they given preferential rankings in the line to get tacos? We need diversity in the taco eating community! Me (about a rude waiter): (good mood version): That guy's having a rough day. (bad mood version): That guy's a total jackass. That guy (about a rude waiter): He's racist. He wouldn't treat me like that if I wasn't (insert minority here). The only thing that possibly annoys me more is when people in positions of privilege and social acceptance try to play the "I'm so downtrodden" card. Me: Looks like some kids got in trouble for praying instead of taking a math test. That guy: There's a war on Christians! If a Muslim group they'd let them pray in school! Yup, if you ignore the multitude of clubs like the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, the multitude of Christian schools, media outlets, celebrities, books, musical acts, and the tiny fact every town in America has a plethora of churches, it's pretty obvious Christianity is being stomped out and driven underground by modern American society.
    4 points
  4. I agree. Thinking too much about this can probably make you go crazy. have absolutely no doubt anymore that there is life elsewhere in the universe. Many times I have been thinking that maybe when you die, you just kind of "wake up" as a being in another part of the universe. Much like most of us do here on earth, thinking "Where am I? Who am I? Why am I?". Kind of re-incarnation but not really. We were born into where we are now, but before that it is completely blank right? We can't recall anything before being born. Imagine just that happening "again" another place. I say "again" because really it is the first time living in that place, but with the consciousness you have right now (in another medium). Like a soul. You would still be you but at the same time not, because everything would be blank like before you were born here in our world (probably, anyway) just that your body is a different one in a different place. Perhaps we would think the exact same thoughts about it as we do now. I have also been wondering why you end up as person you are now. Why am I me and not some rich dude on a beach in the Caribbeans drinking a beer right now. I am not talking about life experience or success but rather why you are placed in the body you have right now. Why is this my body? Why am I me and not you? Why the hell am I not a dolphin or an eagle? lol. I hope this makes at least some sense, really difficult putting what I am thinking into words...
    3 points
  5. So how about a thread where we can post short funnies of GTA? They can be yours or they can be clips you've seen on YouTube, just post and be happy
    2 points
  6. I went ahead and started a crew for any xbox guys interested. Crew name is des7ruction inc Friend me (sheasley66)or Chris (TigerBurge) on the gta social club so we can invite you or ask to join the crew directly. It's invite only. I hope to see some of you guys join up, it would be great too get a large group of us together and cause some mayhem.
    2 points
  7. Palle, I'd love to hangout with you sometime man. You, me, and Lee need to take a trip sometime.
    2 points
  8. I love the dudes around here holding help me signs while smoking cigarettes. Help yourself by not wasting $11.00 a pack on smokes. You could get bananas, peanut butter and water for that $11.00 and eat for at least 3 days off of it. Stop asking for cigarette money you scumbag!
    2 points
  9. It wasn't aimed directly at you,it was generally speaking. Three times in the past month I have been approached by people wanting a hand out. I was also told that "this is what's wrong with america" by a guy standing at a stop light panhandeling when I didn't have any money to give him. I understand people have it rough. I wasn't raised to look for a handout either. I grew up working on my grandpas farm. Understanding what hard work and responsibility was. I have what I have in life because of hard work as do most people. It wasn't given to me.
    2 points
  10. Always buy the items that build into the larger items. So in your example, yeah, buy the ruby. I don't think it saves you any money really, it just subtracts the cost of the ruby from the spirit visage. You don't get the benefits of each individual item at the end, just the final one, which is usually better than any of the previous ones. But, you get the little benefits of the smaller items as you build into the bigger items. You don't have to buy the smaller items to get the bigger one. It's just a way to have some of the smaller benefits while you're saving up gold to get the bigger one. But it's not required. Be sure to check which items have passive abilities and active abilities. You'll need to hit the designated number key to activate the ones with active abilities. I'm not real good at explaining things, so ask again if I didn't make that any clearer.
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. Jason

    GTA V | Short clips

    Man, that deer jumped right out in front of you. No way to avoid that one.
    1 point
  13. Part them out, a kidney here a liver there. It really adds up quick.
    1 point
  14. Not really. I already traded in most of my older games. I've got a couple of kids. I'm not sure what I could get for them though.
    1 point
  15. Trade everything,go sell sperm,give hand jobs at a truck stop. Do you really need two kids? Pick you favorite and sell the other on Craig's List! It will be worth it
    1 point
  16. BO7H B4RRELS


    I'll PM it to you.
    1 point
  17. Chookes

    I've Given Up...

    Yeah I'm kidding .
    1 point
  18. Chookes

    I've Given Up...

    On train home, left GTA at work.
    1 point
  19. I hate when people do that. My brother always stare at his fucking phone when I'm trying to be social, just can't put it away. I ask him a question and it takes 3 tries everytime for him to respond. When he responds he says "wait a minute". Thanks for the link by the way, I could need ne of those!
    1 point
  20. I will also try to get on Skype tonight lads
    1 point
  21. Chookes


    Ok, I'll stick with Skype.
    1 point
  22. Chookes


    Just to confirm, are you on Teamspeak Diddums, yeah?
    1 point
  23. Diddums


    Teamspeak has doors that are always open. There's no adding people to calls, no worrying if people are online, no having to call people, no adding people to your list, nothing. Download TS, get the IP adress, type it in and voila. Jump in. Think of it as a chatroom with voice. It's also much better for larger parties, and is easier to record.
    1 point
  24. kylebees

    I've Given Up...

    Ok that's it!! Now that Euan has a copy, I will now go and purchase this tonight. Euan, I was holding out until I knew you had a copy. Solidarity my brother, solidarity!! By the way..............................................................SKYPE!!!!!
    1 point
  25. Chookes

    I've Given Up...

    Yeah I did, but at the same time I'm not looking forward to trying to get my 50 quid back from PSN. Some guy in front of me was buying Black Ops 2, was so wanting to stop him .
    1 point
  26. Chookes

    I've Given Up...

    Yeah, went out and bought it at lunch. Was going to do it after work but forgot car is going in for an MOT so might be in garage overnight. Home around half 5, will install it then. Will ask for special permission from wifey to play it all night long!
    1 point
  27. Just Cal

    I've Given Up...

    So you have it right now? Install it as soon as you can you knob!!!!
    1 point
  28. Chookes

    I've Given Up...

    Bought GTA5 from Game.
    1 point
  29. Racist Giraffe

    GTA useful tips

    If you get a gold medal on all the shooting range challenges, you'll get 25% off everything in Ammunition! If you go on your lifeinvader account and 'stalk' pages, you can get a bunch of deals and discounts. There's also a bunch of stuff going on at the side of the road which can get you money. Usually only a few hundred/a thousand, but i got $250,000 once..
    1 point
  30. deterioration

    Pimp yo ride!

    I totally did
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. Diddums

    I've Given Up...

    Yes you cock.
    1 point
  33. Chookes

    I've Given Up...

    It wasn't poor, CD is a disc, not a disk. I'm going to fucking to kill you Rich.
    1 point
  34. Just Cal

    I've Given Up...

    I have Now 3 at home. Old skool pop xD EDIT: Had. That bitch got it in the divorce. EDIT of my EDIT: Twas hers anyway.
    1 point
  35. Diddums

    I've Given Up...

    Euan it's a game. It's not a fucking child, a job, or a source of income. Man the fuck up, stop whining, and wait until the dust settles. At least you get the game, it's not even coming out on PC.
    1 point
  36. Lol, I'm probably cooler online. BB, we patrol because that's how you stop issues before they start. Reactive policing will always be the majority of what we do, but proactive policing can definitely stop crime before it starts. You don't catch people breaking into cars sitting at a station and waiting for a call, you gotta be at the right place at the right time, and that's done by learning your beat and patrolling. Traffic enforcement has a revenue component, but it also has a safety component. How else are you supposed to enforce petty crimes? No one thinks jail time is reasonable, but there have to be enforceable rules of the road if driving is to remain relatively safe. Having lived in countries that didn't enforce any traffic laws, I see the difference. Seeing the statistics for high crash intersections in our county when half are assigned a traffic unit for 4 hours a day on random days and the others aren't, I see the difference. Yes, paying a fine sucks. Its supposed to in order to deter the behavior. I know a lot of cops that don't like to run traffic. They consider it petty. I usually just point out that statistically if you aren't a criminal yourself, aren't involved in gangs or the drug trade, you are much more likely to suffer injury or property loss from a traffic crash than from a violent felony. Any individual ticket may be petty, but the cumulative effect is a safer community. I used to write 30-60 tickets a month, when the average district car writes maybe 10. Few people outside of Traffic wrote more than I did. I saw direct results in reduced crashes. Google "6400 Binford Blvd Indianapolis IN" and zoom in until you can see the street markings. I used to have about 4 crashes a week there because people would try to use that middle "turn only" area to go straight across. After just a few weeks of writing tickets there, crashes dropped to 2 a week. After a few months, almost none, and I could focus on other areas. As long as I hit that intersection once a week or so, people knew I was still there (I'm sure the people who worked in the office building there cursed me daily) and for the most part they stopped cutting across. I'm sure a lot of the folks I ticketed didn't get why it was a big deal and that I was being petty. A reduction in traffic crashes of over 90% seems to me that it made a positive impact in that area. I'm an official True Believer when it comes to traffic enforcement. Of course now I don't even have a ticket book in my car. I'm too busy to run traffic, and state law prohibits me from writing them anyway (you have to either be in uniform or in a marked car to write a traffic ticket in Indiana).
    1 point
  37. JsinOwl

    Forum Cookbook

    I'll kick it off: I own pancakes. Been perfecting them for over 12 years. My pumpkin pancakes are particularly devastating. Base recipe: 2 cups milk 2 Tablespoons lemon juice 10 oz flour 1 Tablespoon sugar 1/2 tsp salt 1 tsp baking soda 2 tsp baking powder 3 Tablespoons butter 1/2 tsp vanilla extract 1 egg Mix the lemon juice and milk together first and set it aside. The acid in the lemon juice "sours" the milk, making it more like buttermilk. Then whisk together the dry goods in a mixing bowl. Never measure flour with a cup, or I'll find you and cut you. Get a cheap digital scale; your life will improve 10,000 fold. Melt the butter in a separate bowl. Don't get it ripping hot, just melted, otherwise it will start to scramble the egg. Add the vanilla and egg to the butter and whisk together. Now, nuke the milk/lemon mixture in the micro for a minute, just to warm it up. If it hits the butter cold it will cause the butter to solidify which leads to an icky mess. Add the warm milk/lemon to the butter, egg, and vanilla and whisk it all together. You're griddle is ready right? Don't add liquid to the dry unless your griddle is hot and ready to receive. Dump the liquids into the dry and whisk them together, no more than 10 stirs, count 'em. Whatever lumps are left leave 'em. Over mixing leads to chewy pancakes, we want light and fluffy. Use a measuring cup or laddle to scoop batter onto your griddle and you should be able to handle the rest. Now, for variations to the base. 1 apple, diced, I like to spread the fruit evenly on top of the batter once I've finished my ten stirs. I like this a little better than stirring the fruit into the batter. 1/2 tsp cinammon added in with dry goods additional 1/4 tsp of vanilla is optional One banana, diced, spread evenly on top of batter fist full of walnuts, chopped, spread evenly on top of batter with bananas 1/8 tsp ground cloves added with the dry goods (clove + banana = win) 1 cup blueberries or diced strawberries spread evenly on top of batter 1/4 tsp extra vanilla 1/2 cup pumpkin puree, wrapped in 6 or so paper towels to dry it out some, add this to the butter, vanilla, egg mixture. 3/4 tsp cinnamon 3/4 tsp ginger 1/2 tsp nutmeg 1/4 tsp cloves 1/4 tsp allspice spices added to the dry goods Adjustments: If the batter is a little too thin (I like it pretty damn thick) reduce the milk by 1 once (2 Tablespoons). Have at it.
    1 point
  38. Sennex, I agree 100%. People that sit on their phones when they're with others. Fuck all of you. Stick the phone up your ass. Quit being rude. My brother does that shit all the time. I tell him it's rude. He gets extremely defensive and tries to flip it on me... "What's so rude about sending a text?" Not a damned thing, but starring at your phone the entire hour we're hanging out when we only see each other once a month is rude as fuck. Blow me ass hole. I need to punch something. I'm in a shitty mood.
    1 point
  39. My wife wants one of these for when my mother comes to visit. http://www.signaljammerblockers.com/ Basically because all she (My mother) does is sit there and talk on her phone, post to facebook, or text her friends. She never really talks or interacts with us; so why the hell would you come over?
    1 point
  40. Chookes

    l feel for you Euan

    I'm a photoshop God...
    1 point
  41. Chookes

    GTA V

    1 point
  42. Chookes

    Forum Cookbook

    Not so much a recipe but some advice on cooking a steak, something that people get wrong so often! Cooking the perfect steak by Gordon Ramsay.
    1 point
  43. Chookes

    l feel for you Euan

    Minesweeper works for me.
    1 point
  44. tommy290

    Site plans

    Although I'm the new guy, I thought I'd add a couple things. These are only my opinions, so do with them what you will. Regarding YouTube, I wouldn't count on earning any money from it (at least not for awhile). I believe it's ridiculously hard to get enough views to drive a check from YT. One of my gaming friends has three times the viewers I have, way more hits, and hasn't seen a penny. Certainly, I wouldn't discourage YT. In fact, I really want to boost my channel and get it active again. YT and videos are way fun. I'm just saying that it probably won't earn income. The ads might work (never had a site with Adsense, but it sounds a lot easier to earn money than with YT), but to drive legit clicks you'd need to bring people here with content. Content is king. I like the blog idea. It gives content, it would be constantly changing (hopefully), and I don't think they take a ton of programming to set up. Seems like there's lots of software to do it, and I know PowerBoard has their own module for it. For my money, I think the server idea would be the best way to get people here. Certainly, I'm looking for a BF4 server. Seems logical that lots of people will also want to find a good server and not just use random ones. If you have a server, people will also want to go to the forums to meet others on the server. Presto - new people becoming members and contributing. However, I know servers cost $$$. You may want to think about a donation page/button. Maybe some of the dedicated members can pitch in a few bucks each month. May not cover all your costs, but it would help. Ultimately, and this is just my opinion, I wouldn't do anything that you can't afford to do on your own. I'd figure out how much you're willing to spend each month just because you want to do it. That way, you're not going to be upset if the money doesn't start coming in. If there's anything I can do to help, let me know.
    1 point
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