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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/16/2013 in all areas

  1. 6 points
  2. 4 points
  3. USS Enterprise encounters Miley Cyrus
    3 points
  4. I'm back... Here's some advice, do with it as you will. There are a shit-ton of short (non-combat) missions available on the Citadel. You should complete ALL of these. It's an easy way to boost your level and get more upgrade points to spend. Along the same lines, once you start exploring the galaxy (and assuming you're not averse to a little grinding) thoroughly explore each planet you land on, explore all planets and asteroid belts. You're looking for Matriarch writings, minerals, Turian insignias and League of One medallions. Every time you find one nets you XP, and finding 'x' amount of them completes an assignment which gives you another XP bump. These are things you can do without actually fighting. Also, explore every room and make sure to find all the available loot. Hacking containers is easy XP. Don't invest in Pistols or Shotguns. Funnel points into Assault Rifle and Sniper Rifle training. Pistols are pointless in comparison and shotguns are best left to classes with high levels of the Barrier and Immunity powers. Don't invest in FIrst Aid, leave that to your squad members, only one person on the squad needs to have the ability for everyone to get the benefit. As Datte said, you want eventually max out either your Charm or Intimidate, not both. The first things you should upgrade are: Assault Rifles to Rank 8 (unlocks Snipers and Advanced Overkill) Sniper Rifles to Rank 3 (unlocks Assassination) Combat Armor to Rank 7 (unlocks Heavy Armor) Assault Training to Rank 3 (unlocks Adrenaline Burst and Fitness) FItness to Rank 4 (unlocks Immunity) Either Charm or Intimidate Horde everything you find and sell what you don't need. Buy the Spectre Master Gear Assault Rifle as soon as you can, either from the shop in C-Sec or the dude on the Normandy. In addition to pumping up First Aid in one of your squad mates, make sure you have someone with a high Decryption score with you at all times. This will allow you to hack into all the various locked containers you'll come across. SPAM YOUR POWERS. Bring up the power wheel to stop the action and use those powers. You should be using overkill whenever it's available, use shield boost as soon as your shields go down, use Immunity whenever it's available. And when something is recharging but you need to use it, use Adrenaline burst. Use those powers!!!!!!!!!!!!! Make liberal use of cover. Soldiers do not charge into battle. Take advantage of your powerful weapons by attacking from cover and from a distance. When in the Mako, get used to using its 'hop' ability to jump missiles. If you explore a lot and do all the side missions, you'll find the game gets radically easier as you go. By the end you'll be an unstoppable steamroller of destruction.
    2 points
  5. Palle

    Random Pictures

    Fitting sound: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5M58rLQ13H0
    1 point
  6. Dattebayo

    Random Pictures

    Why do I think that one is so funny.xD Your phone was laggy because the OP was commiting crimes against humanity. x)
    1 point
  7. Madjonny

    FIFA 14

    I thought that last year... Still ended up spending loads... Made £120 back via eBay in the last couple months though, that will probably be put straight back in...
    1 point
  8. Not meeting you then. I hear the benches at Victoria station are mighty comfy to sleep on
    1 point
  9. Sennex

    Psychology.... BF3 Style

    I've often felt that on Conquest maps, if a player gets in the AA turret at spawn, they should be able to target and lock on to all aircraft in the sam manner as the Soflam.
    1 point
  10. Dattebayo

    Random Pictures

    I, Obamakwakeyna, present to you the most down voted picture on Know Your Meme:
    1 point
  11. Jason

    Psychology.... BF3 Style

    With their fancy videos and stuff. Lol
    1 point
  12. spectre

    Psychology.... BF3 Style

    I'm not sure why, but you're right, people who play snipers are the biggest assholes, it seems. lol
    1 point
  13. JsinOwl

    Psychology.... BF3 Style

    If I may translate to Bad Company 2: Assault - I like to hurt people Medic - I like to help people Engineer - Fuck people, I like to fix things and break things Recon - Objective? What objective? Some things are universal truths
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. Dattebayo


    Try clearing your hard drive's cache. >Go to System Settings >Select Storage >Highlight your hard drive >Press the Y button >Select Clear System Cache (repeat 3 times) This wont effect anything at all on your hard drive, so dont worry.
    1 point
  16. My first name is: Dikaytikwanayobama
    1 point
  17. Diddums

    Doc's firearms thread

    I love your threads Doc, always well informed and you shed light on things I wouldn't even consider.
    1 point
  18. One of my favorite movies.
    1 point
  19. BO7H B4RRELS

    GTA V

    Starting out the season 0-2 it looks like, lol. I'll be 1-1 after I'm done kicking your ass tonight. Anyway... back to GTA. I hope that the controls are a little better in this game. They've never been bad, but they haven't been that great either. I'd like to see them polish that area of the game.
    1 point
  20. Drifter

    R.I.P Howie

    Sorry for your lose of your friend Huly. It's hard to lose a pet that you are close too, after awhile they aren't "just" a pet, they are family and losing them hurts just like the loss of a close friend. I've got three cats myself, they can be just as good a friend as a dog can IMO. I've also had to put three cats down in the past 10 years. One was 17 and the other two were 18yrs old (indoor cats) and it sucks every time you lose one for whatever reason the loss is. Domestic cats are really at the mercy of their enviornment though when let outside, there's just so much that can happen to them that is beyond our control. Sounds like you really loved Howie though, she certianlly was a pretty Saimese.
    1 point
  21. Jason

    The Beard Thread

    I'm not touching my beard til my wife complains. Even then I still may not. Haha
    1 point
  22. All I can say... HOLY SHIT.
    1 point
  23. Commander_Undies

    Mike's PC

    Ok so I installed the drivers that you told me to and rebooted my computer and my games are working good. I didn't get to play long though. Hopefully it stays this way.
    1 point
  24. BO7H B4RRELS

    GTA V

    That's about all my friends, period. lol That's cool though, I may get it then.
    1 point
  25. TigerBurge

    GTA V

    Me and Jason will have it so that's about all your Xbox friends
    1 point
  26. TigerBurge


    Do you install the games onto your hard drive? I had problems with games freezing but since I started installing I rarely have freezes.
    1 point
  27. Dattebayo

    Three years ago today

    Its what people with improper grammar put their teeth on so someone can help them learn from their mistakes.
    1 point
  28. Jason

    The Beard Thread

    Not really sure. I've always been sort of imposing size wise, so adding the beard may make me more so. Plus I never really smile, not that I'm unhappy, just how I am. So people assume I'm pissed and leave me alone. In other words, I never was really treated poorly by people. Beard or no beard. Maybe people are quicker to listen to what I say. Never gave it much thought. Saw this pic today. Figured I'd share.
    1 point
  29. WTF is a learning curb? That cartoonist probably also thinks it a mute point.
    1 point
  30. JsinOwl

    R.I.P Howie

    I'm sorry to hear this friend. I lost my dog unexpectedly in January, it was brutal. Time is the only cure. Now when I think of him I just smile and remember all the wonderfulness he brought into my life.
    1 point
  31. Racist Giraffe


    Yes! One day.
    1 point
  32. Docwagon

    Doc's firearms thread

    ....must...resist...temptation.... Self-control.....fading.....ARGH!!!!!
    1 point
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