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  1. Diddums



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/15/2013 in all areas

  1. Diddums

    Three years ago today

    I made my first post back on MW2Forum. Oh how things have changed since then eh? It's been a long ride full of awesome and interesting people and Auptyk and Tdizzle. And Fallen. Had you asked me back then what future I saw with this community, I would've probably told you that I just wanted to have a chat and move on, yet here we are three years later with a brand new site, loads of cool people and some awesome games coming out in the next few months. Thanks to all of you for being part of this, I consider you all as family and I hope to be making another post like this in three years time again. Bottoms up folks!
    4 points
  2. 3 points
  3. How will you remember this generation of gaming consoles?
    2 points
  4. I remember when you first turned up on MW2f Dave, you were unusually confident and outspoken for a new member. Had a tendency to be involved in 'disagreements' and seemed to tout yourself as a veteran Internet bad-ass, capable of besting anyone in a battle of wits. However, I soon found myself identifying with your posts and enjoyed your rants and good humour. It's a testament to your likeability that pretty much the entire active userbase of FPSHQ joined you on your new venture. Or maybe just testament to how much we all hated that fucking douche Auptyk. Either way, much love .
    2 points
  5. Cassidy


    Serious question now. I've known you since the first black ops.. And you never had your mic in. Will we ever get to hear Frace speak?
    2 points
  6. How will I remember this generation of consoles? - This is the first place that I've found out that my mom has slept with every angry 12 year old gamer in history. On a more serious note though, I think I'll just remember how I basically grew up with the Xbox 360. I've met most of my gaming friends on it.
    2 points
  7. 1 point
  8. Docwagon

    Three years ago today

    Ah, the relationships built in a gaming forum. I like this place.
    1 point
  9. I'm back... Here's some advice, do with it as you will. There are a shit-ton of short (non-combat) missions available on the Citadel. You should complete ALL of these. It's an easy way to boost your level and get more upgrade points to spend. Along the same lines, once you start exploring the galaxy (and assuming you're not averse to a little grinding) thoroughly explore each planet you land on, explore all planets and asteroid belts. You're looking for Matriarch writings, minerals, Turian insignias and League of One medallions. Every time you find one nets you XP, and finding 'x' amount of them completes an assignment which gives you another XP bump. These are things you can do without actually fighting. Also, explore every room and make sure to find all the available loot. Hacking containers is easy XP. Don't invest in Pistols or Shotguns. Funnel points into Assault Rifle and Sniper Rifle training. Pistols are pointless in comparison and shotguns are best left to classes with high levels of the Barrier and Immunity powers. Don't invest in FIrst Aid, leave that to your squad members, only one person on the squad needs to have the ability for everyone to get the benefit. As Datte said, you want eventually max out either your Charm or Intimidate, not both. The first things you should upgrade are: Assault Rifles to Rank 8 (unlocks Snipers and Advanced Overkill) Sniper Rifles to Rank 3 (unlocks Assassination) Combat Armor to Rank 7 (unlocks Heavy Armor) Assault Training to Rank 3 (unlocks Adrenaline Burst and Fitness) FItness to Rank 4 (unlocks Immunity) Either Charm or Intimidate Horde everything you find and sell what you don't need. Buy the Spectre Master Gear Assault Rifle as soon as you can, either from the shop in C-Sec or the dude on the Normandy. In addition to pumping up First Aid in one of your squad mates, make sure you have someone with a high Decryption score with you at all times. This will allow you to hack into all the various locked containers you'll come across. SPAM YOUR POWERS. Bring up the power wheel to stop the action and use those powers. You should be using overkill whenever it's available, use shield boost as soon as your shields go down, use Immunity whenever it's available. And when something is recharging but you need to use it, use Adrenaline burst. Use those powers!!!!!!!!!!!!! Make liberal use of cover. Soldiers do not charge into battle. Take advantage of your powerful weapons by attacking from cover and from a distance. When in the Mako, get used to using its 'hop' ability to jump missiles. If you explore a lot and do all the side missions, you'll find the game gets radically easier as you go. By the end you'll be an unstoppable steamroller of destruction.
    1 point
  10. I like Mass Effect, so I guess it's good that there will be more stories told across the Milky-Way, but I do have concerns. First and foremost, Casey Hudson can rot in hell. Any producer who thinks he himself knows better than the rest of the design team that has poured their hearts and souls into a game is a shithead of highest order. How arrogant is that, thanks for all your help everyone, but I'm going to decide the ending by myself, so fuck off. (oh, and fans be damned) I'm concerned that if it takes place after the events of ME3 that it will be based on a default or "canon" ending of that game. For anyone who didn't choose that ending, BioWare says: Finally, I'm a bit concerned that EA is trying to ram the Frostbite engine down the throats of all their developers. I would think BioWare knows what they're doing, do we really need another Frostbite game? We've already got Battlefield and Battlefront, and probably more that don't I know of. This smells of a corporate mandate to me, though I obviously have no way of knowing. //Datte, I assume that scene was there to imply that Shephard presumably lives, why else would they include it?
    1 point
  11. Online. Like others have said, I have met some wonderful friends. Never did I think I could be good friends with people over the internet but the introduction of accessible online gaming has made it all possible. If it wasn't for it, I wouldn't have even made it to this forum. Here's hoping the next generation can do even better
    1 point
  12. Dattebayo


    You may need an offering of 10 goats and/or a Liverpool FC jersey.
    1 point
  13. Docwagon

    Random Pictures

    I think we're on the border of "I don't know" and "almost hicks". Sounds about right. The further south you go in Indiana, the more hicks you find.
    1 point
  14. Commander_Undies


    Yeah, tonight I was just like you know what... I'm gonna buy some cheap champs instead of saving up for an expensive one. So I bought a nice amount and they're all pretty different so I was happy with my choices. I really like Garen simply because he doesn't use any mana or anything. Sunfire Cape has been a must for me. I appreciate the tips.
    1 point
  15. Commander_Undies

    GTA V

    Have you LOOKED at the trailers? hahaha
    1 point
  16. BO7H B4RRELS

    The Beer Thread

    Reminds me of a joke my grandpa always tells me... "You know what's better than pussy?"
    1 point
  17. Diddums

    The Beer Thread

    I recently discovered this rather ancient, very well known brand of beer which seems to be fairly unspoken. It quenches all my thirst, makes me feel good, and only costs as much as you want to spend. It's called "more beer". Have you heard of it?
    1 point
  18. spectre


    well damn, guess it wasn't as great as usual. Maybe this will make up for it
    1 point
  19. Today I want to talk about a boring but important topic, range safety equipment. I realized I probably should have lead with this, but its so ingrained in me now that I really don't think of it any more than I think of telling people to buy ammunition before going to the range. This is a failing on my part, as this is very important and I shouldn't take it for granted that people know. 1) Ear protection. Your ears can "blink" (seriously, Google it) and a few gunshots won't damage your hearing long term. However their "blinking" mechanism gets tired pretty rapidly, and then repeated exposure to loud noises can start to bend the little hairs inside your ear that you use to hear with. They don't repair themselves. Hearing loss is permanent. WEAR QUALITY HEARING PROTECTION. Basic muffs can be had for under $10. Throw some of those foam inserts into you ear, put a set of $10 muffs on over them, you're good to go. If you're going to be spending a lot of time at the range, want to be able to talk to friends at the range without doffing your muffs, are taking classes where you need to hear the instructor, or are using a shot timer and need to hear the beep, then its time to step up to electronic muffs. E-muffs will automatically shield you from harmful sound levels but will still let you hear normal sound levels, such as conversation. You can adjust how loudly you hear the conversation, etc. These are a great basic pair of electronic muffs: http://www.amazon.com/Howard-Leight-R-01526-Electronic-Earmuff/dp/B001T7QJ9O More expensive versions will have better stereo hearing, better amplification, etc. That's great if you want them for hunting. For range use, mostly irrelevant. For hunting use, you want more realistic amplification so that your own footsteps in the leaves don't sound as loud as a squirrel jumping on a branch. 2) Eye protection Especially when shooting at close distances, fragments from the backstop, bullet, or target can fly back at you. A tiny sliver of lead hitting your t-shirt is no problem. The same sliver hitting your eye can ruin your day. Also, guns are machines and can malfunction. Fragments from a ruptured barrel or breaking slide can blind you. The odds are low, but the stakes are high. Wear your eye protection. I like these: http://www.amazon.com/Pyramex-Unlimited-Shooting-Eyewear-Anti-Fog/dp/B000LVJ2TS/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1379176134&sr=8-1&keywords=duck+dynasty+shooting+glasses They don't fog up very easily, the case lets them be put in your range bag without getting all scratched up, and it the bag doubles as a lens cloth for cleaning. They also adjust easily to fit with ear muffs, a plus over regular sunglasses. The different color shades are nice to have for different lighting levels. If you have eye protection that starts to fog up, use a motorcycle helmet visor treatment on them, such as Fog-X, to restore anti-fog ability. Also, the basics of range safety: 1) Muzzle is always down range, if you slip and fall that's ok but keep your gun barrel pointed down range as best you can while falling and then when standing back up. 2) Finger off the trigger until ready to shoot. 3) Semi-auto handguns CAN fire by simply closing the slide. Its a rare malfunction, but it can happen. Use a sand barrel or at very least point it at the ground or down range when closing the slide. Again, its not the odds as much as the stakes. 4) Follow all range instructor's commands immediately. 5) Everyone is a safety officer. If you see someone down range or something else unsafe, call a cease fire. 6) If shooting with others on a line, realize that you may occasionally get pelted with hot brass. It sucks. Don't dance around like an angry chicken, holster your gun or safety set it down, then get the brass off of you. and of course, the 4 general rules of firearms safety All guns are always loaded. Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy. Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target. Be sure of your target and what is beyond it.
    1 point
  20. Noct

    Tekken Revolution

    T:R Update: The game added Feng, Nina, Kuma and Miguel, and another outfit set
    1 point
  21. spectre

    The Beard Thread

    It's a good show. What I find interesting is that it's so popular. It surpassed Walking Dead with 12 million viewers or something; set a record. There may be hope yet for the next generation, meaning it's not all about sex all the time. It's sort of related, but I watch Swamp People too. Although its starting to get repetitive. Mountain Men is a good one as well.
    1 point
  22. Dattebayo

    Out of Context

    /This is why puncuation is a must, everybody.
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. Diddums

    GTA V

    Oh the suspense is killing me.
    1 point
  26. Hulydooly


    Supernatural has to be one of my favourite shows. Can't wait to see what happens in the next season with all the fallen angels.
    1 point
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