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Back when I was your age
Plumbers Crack and 3 others reacted to Docwagon for a topic
Inspired by Drifter's "Get off my lawn" thread. Back when I was your age, we all knew sluts got famous by being sluts. Madonna's cone bras and bustiers, Cher using her hair as a bra, that whole basically topless except for the things coming off my Egyptian hat thingy, it was how you got "discovered." Nobody debated on WHY they were being sluts, they were being sluts because that's a tried and true formula to fame for female celebrities. Miley is not breaking new ground here, she's following a very worn and proven path. She's just had to up the game a bit because what sluts used to wear (say, Kelly Bundy on Married with Children) is now less slutty than what Disney girls wear. Plus, you know, sex tapes and whatnot. You just have to keep out-slutting the last generation to get the media attention. On a side note, we used to use the word "sluts". The Japanese were taking over the whole damned world. They were this efficient little super race slowly eating us alive with the ever widening trade deficit. Wal-mart would proudly hang signs over a toaster or pair of socks that would read "this item produced 15 jobs in Chickenfuck, TN" or where-ever. Oh, and Wal-mart used to close for the night! Hell, just before that there wasn't even a Wal-mart in most towns. Yeah, I know. China made plastic party favor shit and most people figured they were still using rickshaws and wearing pointy straw hats in their rice fields for the most part. Let's see, what other catastrophes were going to kill us all. Well, the Cold War until the Berlin Wall thing. Yeah, the Russians were the bad guys back then. Smokey Bear was telling us not to burn the damned woods down, and did it so well that apparently we didn't let the woods burn quite as often as we should have. Sorry about that. Alar on apples was poisoning us. I guess that shook out ok. Drunk driving was WIDELY accepted in society. Then MADD came along and the pendulum swung way way way the other way. To this day, we don't do checkpoints for any other misdemeanor, how many TV commercials have you seen about not doing some other misdemeanor crime? Yes, kids, drinking and driving is bad, but holy crap to we emphasize enforcement of that (along with seat belt laws) way out of proportion to its actual damage to society. On a side note, seat belts were optional. Not just use, but installation. Older folks had new cars with no seat belts at all. I had two that had lap belts but no shoulder belts. We didn't know we wanted more cowbell.4 points -
Drifters "Get off my lawn" thread
BO7H B4RRELS and 3 others reacted to Drifter for a topic
Whaaat? that directed toward me?...thats it, you ..."remain from the vicinity of my property"... too. damn purple wall punks.4 points -
Back when I was your age
BO7H B4RRELS and 2 others reacted to Dattebayo for a topic
Back in your guy's days, I was a sperm.3 points -
How to Be a Man
BO7H B4RRELS and 2 others reacted to Drifter for a topic
Good topic brother. Being a man to me... Keep your word. If you say you are going to do something, do it. Be there for your family. Me personally, I have foregone things I want so I could buy/loan/give money to my family. Do what you need to do for family no matter what IMO even if it hurts you personally, and never let them know it hurt you IMO. Admit when your wrong. I know many guys that will never admit they are wrong. My opinion, if I am wrong, I will admit it. A man will always admit when he is wrong. Help people, don't be smug or holier than thou. Lastly...just try to help people. Trust me I am NOT a people person lol. Every test I take tells me I am an "introvert" and I honestly do not like people. All my hobbies prove that (Bonsai, fish keeping, fly tying, rod building) all solitarie hobbies,yet, if someone needs help/advice, no matter what I will be there to help them, just ask guys here. I could add more but I think that covers most IMO. Oh...and a beard!3 points -
3 points
I happen to think that some of the problems we currently face is a lack of real Masculine Role Models. Drifter's "Get off my lawn" thread highlights problems with family that probably have roots in "single mother" homes and lack of father's. 50% divorce rates, etc. So what does Being a Man mean to you? Share your thoughts, passages from books, how to videos, famous quotes, etc. I'll start with a passage from a book I'm currently reading entitled The Art of Manliness on Self-Reliance Every Man Should be able to Save his own Life from Endurance, 1926 by Earle Liederman Every man should be able to save his own life. He should be able to swim far enough, run fast and long enough to save his life in case of emergency and necessity. He also should be able to chin himself a reasonable number of times, as well as to dip a number of times and he should be able to jump a reasonable height and distance. If he is of the fat, porpose type, naturally he cannot do all, if any, of these things; he has nobody to blame but himself, and his way of living that has brought his body into its condition of obesity. Suppose - and it has happend many times - there should be a fire at sea or on a lake or river; should one be half a mile or more from the shore, he would be mighty thankful to realize, were he compelled to jump for his life from the fire, that he could swim that distance and reach the shore in safety. Suppose one were in a burning building and he had to lower himself hand under hand down a rope or down an improvised rope of bedclothing tied together to reach the ground in safety; he again would be thankful a thousand times that he possessed the strength and endurance in his arms and coordinate muscles that would enable him to save himself. Such things never may happen, and let us hope they do not, but what has happend always is possible to occur again - and, in fact, is always happening to someone. I do not believe in everyone striving to be a long distance swimmer, a long distance runner, or any kind of endurance athlete. But he should be able to swim at least half a mile or more; he should be able to run at top speed two hundred yards or more; he should be able to jump over obstacles higher than his waist; and he should be in condition to pull his body weight upward by the strength of his arms, until his chin touches his hands, at least fifteen to twenty times; and as for pushing ability, he should be able to dip between parallel bars or between two chairs at least twenty-five times or more. If he can accomplish these things he need have no fear concerning the safety of his life should he be forced into an emergency from which he alone may be able to save himself.2 points
2 points
How to Be a Man
TigerBurge and one other reacted to tronic44 for a topic
To be a true man you must beat at least 5 things a day, can be anything, from your penis to your neighbour. but seriously, i like what you guys have put down so far. I completely agree with everything that has been said. I'll try and write a bit more once the footies finished because i'm not really concentrating. BTW the bit at the tops a joke, just thought i should mention that.2 points -
Drifters "Get off my lawn" thread
TigerBurge and one other reacted to BO7H B4RRELS for a topic
I've worked with juveniles for the past 7 years in group homes, detention centers, intake facilities, and as a therapist. There's without a doubt a difference in the level of respect this younger generation generally shows toward their elders (and their peers) than previous generations. The pendulum has swung too far in the wrong direction. Kids used to get it pretty hard. Maybe, some could argue, too hard if you go back in history far enough. Now we are all about protecting our children, which is great, but that can even be taken too far. It's hard for parents to raise their children how they were raised because it's not the same world, not even close. This generation has been tossed into a global society (largely because of the internet) which has to have some major implications, but I don't know what just yet. Everything they've been raised around is instant gratification. Instant messages, programmable tv, microwave dinners, porn, etc., they're constantly in a stop-watch world where things are moving so fast. I'm sure they're more stressed in some ways because of the knowledge they have of the world that many of us probably never did. I grew up playing army/guns in the back yard. Playing kickball. Riding dirt bikes. Doing kid shit. These kids grow up watching people get beheaded online. We can't comprehend what it's like to be them, and they can't understand where we came from either. We're growing rapidly right now. We are living in a special technological era. Times are changing fast and I don't think kids are ready for it. They're back-lashing because they're scared and confused. .022 points -
How to Be a Man
BO7H B4RRELS and one other reacted to Dattebayo for a topic
On top of what Driftor said? Be a gentleman. Keep doors open for random strangers, return a "Good morning", things of that ilk. Sacrifice. If eating less or nothing at all of the food you make will keep your family not-hungry, do so with a smile. And not getting too caught up in proving your own manliness is a big one.2 points -
Robocop 2014
BO7H B4RRELS and one other reacted to Drifter for a topic
God no, really? thay are gonna wreak another classic movie....uhg! Sorry, guess you know my thoughts2 points -
Back when I was your age
BO7H B4RRELS and one other reacted to TigerBurge for a topic
Awesome post! I got one to add, cartoons that we grew up on we're actually good. Not this shit they have today or even the past ten years. What happened to the Saturday morning cartoons? G.I. Joe,Transformers and Thudercats. We had He-Man,youth today has crap. Not one of today's cartoons can come close to Scooby Doo or Looney Tunes.2 points -
Drifters "Get off my lawn" thread
BO7H B4RRELS reacted to Drifter for a topic
This thread has been long coming lol. I'm gonna update/post here...about all you damn punk kids and why I hate you all Be warned, I will not have a language filter here in this post lol... Let's start out with this. #1 thing that pisses me off today.. Now that my Niece is back in school (shes 16 now) she comes here everyday before her mom picks her up, long story short....I love her to death, she's been "my girl" since the day she was born.....BUT...she's 16 and has Zero respect for any people older than her. When the fuck did this happen in society?? I blame my sister and brother in law for raising her this way IMO. She calls her mom "Tracy' and her dad "Bill"...okay, when the hell did kids start calling Mom & Dad by their first names?? if I did that when I was a kid my parents would have went off on my like no ones business.1 point -
1 point
Mike's PC
cyberninja2601 reacted to Diddums for a topic
Fixxored. Wrong drivers. Well, that's Mike gone for a while. Oh, as it happens, I'm at work for a night shift. I also happen to have my rig in the boot of my car. huehuehue.1 point -
London Meet Up 2014 (former Eurogamer Thread) - pg 29
Plumbers Crack reacted to Chookes for a topic
My liver hurts already.1 point -
The Official Call of Duty: Ghosts Multiplayer Thread
BO7H B4RRELS reacted to Noct for a topic
Not MP, but here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SumIZb6qMJw1 point -
How to Be a Man
spectre reacted to BO7H B4RRELS for a topic
I'll reply more later, but I really like what you guys have said so far. I'll just add for now that if you're a real man, you don't need to advertise it to everyone. I've run across so many kids in the juvenile system that feel the need to tell me, "I'm a man, you can't tell me what to do." Right... because a man needs to announce that he's a man, lol. A man takes care of his family first and foremost. A man doesn't crumble under pressure. A man can set his pride aside to work a job he hates, have a tea party w/ his daughter, and play peek-a-boo in public w/ his son.1 point -
BF4 PC specs
Commander_Undies reacted to Sennex for a topic
A wired Xbox controller (USB) is about 20-30$ on Newegg. I can apparently run this half way between Required and Recommended. http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri has been updated with BF4 specs, so go there to see how you do (If you don't already know)1 point -
How to Be a Man
BO7H B4RRELS reacted to Plumbers Crack for a topic
You don't have to be macho to be a man1 point -
Back when I was your age
Plumbers Crack reacted to Chookes for a topic
Back in my day there was no Sky+, just normal Sky. You had to actually watch shows by their schedule, shocking. WWF was good. Channel 5 had Friday night softcore porn.1 point -
...................You're old.1 point
Just seeing this Tommy. Okay, well. Hard to just link without saying why, but I'll try. I had a low point in my life back in my mid 20's, I drank a lot and had a hard time with life, this song was one I listened to every night because I was in such a low state and my girlfrind back then hated this song because of that. Now a days I like it, because it when I hear it it shows me how I have changed so much. No other songs has as much meaning for me now.1 point
Back when I was your age
Plumbers Crack reacted to uberwarrior for a topic
Lol, the latter day Tom & Jerry cartoons are just so crap compared to the Fred Quimby one's. I remember going to the cinema every Saturday morning, and getting excited about there being a Godzilla movie being the main feature. Yeah, man in a rubber monster's outfit ripping up a model city, stuff of legend. Thunderbirds was awesome and Captain Scarlett was slated for being too realistic. Football (soccer) players didn't know the meaning of rolling around the floor for 30 minutes if they were tackled heavily. You'd have to have had a broken leg to come off injured. Ron Harris and Norman Hunter anyone?? Kevin Keegan and Billy Bremner going at it during the Charity Shield.1 point -
spectre reacted to uberwarrior for a topic
I can sort of empathise with your "friend" in a way Steve. Not saying what he's done is right, wrong or indifferent but I can maybe understand some of what he's gone through having lost a wife myself. During her illness we had friends a plenty, both as a couple and individually. They supported us both through my late wife's illness and made life so much more bearable with having 2 young daughters to try and look after also. Ultimately after Jayne died, our, mine and her friends gradually got back to their own lives and we (now me only) became less of a focal point for their friendship, and slowly but surely that circle of friends diminished greatly, I couldn't always socialise because not being to find a sitter for the girls. This went on to the point where I eventually lost contact with my best friend. I also moved out of the area in which we all lived, (just couldn't live in the house any longer) his business didn't allow him as much time as it was really taking off. We'd pick up with each other less and less, especially as I had had to give up fishing, and it is now some 6 years since we last spoke. I tried calling him recently and even went round to his house, only to discover that he had moved away. Was it my fault, was it his or did that friendship just drift apart because of circumstance? I've asked myself all these questions and I guess it a bit of all of these. I miss my friend, but I also understand that some things change even if you don't want them to. Your friend may well still be grieving and doing what he's doing is his coping mechanism. Maybe spending time with him just reminds him of the times with his late wife and brings on sad thoughts? I don't know, but try not to get annoyed by what he is doing, he may not even be able to see it.1 point -
How to Be a Man
BO7H B4RRELS reacted to spectre for a topic
"A man does what needs to be done, whether he wants to do it or not."1 point -
Drifters "Get off my lawn" thread
Plumbers Crack reacted to uberwarrior for a topic
So this is the grumpy old men section?? Seriously, got to say that I completely agree with most of what has already been said. I was a bit wayward in my youth (yes I can still remember it before anyone says anything), but one thing I was told by my parents was. "You get yourself into trouble, you deal with it"!! This ultimately led to me being able to draw the line before I crossed it. Being a father of 4 (one of each ) has meant dealing with a variety of child personalities. They have all had their moments when my patience has been tried to the limit, and I have sometimes been accused of being quick to come down on them. However, is that not better than not coming down on them at all? Ultimately, my 2 daughters have grown into responsible, caring, respectful, hard working adults which I am massively proud of. Was it all down to me? Of course not, but I would like to think that some of the values I have in life, have and will be taken on board and passed on to their kids when they have a family. My boys are younger and in many ways my parenting style is more relaxed with them, possibly because of experience and the fact that they don't live with me. But, the one thing I will not do, is spoil them with material items. Time and love by the bucket load, but I do not want them turning into spoilt brats as a result of a marriage breakdown, by getting everything they want. They will taught the values of hard work and respect for others the same as their sisters. Hopefully that formula will rub off on them also. As for the driving thing Steve. Well, I'm in China right now and over here they cannot drive for shit. No road etiquette whatsoever, no adherence to the rules of the road. How the hell there are not more traffic accidents is beyond me, but the one thing I have yet to witness is road rage. They're all as bad as each other so nobody actually gets wound up about being cut up, lane hopping, driving down the road the wrong way etc......! I'm usually pretty relieved to have made it my destination every time I get in car here, and I'm not driving. The amount of times my colleague and I have just sat in the car when we're here, simply saying, if that driver did that back home he'd be dead by now, because someone would've got out of their car and beaten living shit out of him, is untrue.1 point -
1 point
BO7H B4RRELS reacted to spectre for a topic
I feel you man, I have lost several friends because they became so self absorbed with their own lives. There is a lyric from a NIN song that always struck me about this situation. "Everyone I know....goes away.....in the end." It's a great song, but Johnny Cash's rendition of it is heartbreaking/legendary1 point -
#3---been my life long idol man. I seriously cried when that guy died. Was the only time I cried since my dad died in 1996. He was the reason I actually grew my beard 5 years ago man, no BS.1 point
What are you listening to right now?
Docwagon reacted to BO7H B4RRELS for a topic
^ That last song was incredible, Doc. Nice. Here's on of my personal favorite musicians of all time now that you've brought up country music. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdUrg2Cqxdw1 point -
Left 4 Dead 2
tronic44 reacted to TigerBurge for a topic
I think I have it Rich. I'll have to see. Its packed up somewhere1 point -
What are you listening to right now?
BO7H B4RRELS reacted to Docwagon for a topic
Western swing/Texas swing is a genre of classic country, influenced by big band swing, polka, and jazz, it incorporates horns, accordians, and typically has larger bands than traditional country. Bob Wills is probably the most famous, and the name that is most likely to be recognized today. Spade Cooley http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAPLc52PnQo and a more modern interpretation (starts at 0:28, Junior Brown doesn't break between his songs, he just flows from one into the next)1 point -
Show Off Your Emblems....again
Plumbers Crack reacted to Chookes for a topic
What I think Dr Diamond looks like:1 point -
Drifters "Get off my lawn" thread
Commander_Undies reacted to deterioration for a topic
^ WORD! On the way back from lunch I saw a dude totally blow through a red light like it wasn't there. Then had an old break happy fuck face fart slam on his breaks, accelerate, slam on his breaks, accelerate and then slam on his breaks. All to stop at a red light. His window was down so I got close and asked him who taught him to drive and called him a fucking retard. He pretended not to notice. My favorite now is people who will blow past me on a two lane road to either get a light, be bunched up with slower traffic or to make a turn shortly after they speed past!? 2 times on Saturday it happened to me. People love to try and race when I'm in my WRX. I don't, I know I'm faster, so I always have idiots speeding past in their slower cars. My favorite thing to yell out of the sun roof when I catch up to them at a light is "IT'S A RACE TO THE RED LIGHT!!!" in a British accent. I'm going to miss summer and people with their windows down O also people who turn into the lane they aren't in, or just go down the middle of two lanes before deciding where they are going. I'm asking for a GoPro camera for Christmas I'll get some supporting videos1 point -
BO7H B4RRELS reacted to Cassidy for a topic
So many good champions.. It's gonna be really hard to pick just 5. 1. Vi - She was pretty much my first champion I ever played. And now, when I get put into games as her, I absolutely wreck people. The fact that she has 2 gap closers (Q and R), makes her even better IMO. 2. Darius - Kind of for the same reason as Tommy said. He has the AD of Master Yi, but can be built a lot tankier, which I like. That, and his passive is OP. 3. Kassadin - I don't even think I need to put a reason why Kassadin is on this list. He's mobile after 6, and he's just amazing. 4. Nami - Favorite support ever. It was really hard for me to get used to her bubble trap.. But once you get the hang of it, it's honestly almost as good as Blitzcrank's pull. That, and her ult is AoE. 5. Ezreal - Favorite ADC of all time. He's mobile and has a pretty good poke. And his Pulsefire Ezreal skin is pretty sick. Even though I'd never pay 25+ for a skin1 point -
Fantasy Football- American Style
BO7H B4RRELS reacted to Jason for a topic
Yeah, that was ridiculous. I have Desomethingis Thomas is my league, needless to say I'm happy.1 point -
Awesome movie scenes
Uncle Dangle reacted to JsinOwl for a topic
Clint is the mannest man's man of all time.1 point