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PS4 vs PC


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I am just wondering if some of you have had to chance to play BF4 on a decent PC and a PS4. 


How does it compare?


I'm still playing on the PS3, the team size are too small in many cases. The graphics are rather lacking so I'm thinking of upgrading. My biggest issue with the PS4 is the startup costs. I already have a pretty darn good PC 

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I have the PC version and it's the dogs bollards now most of the issues have been ironed out. I've also played the PS4 version which is also of a very high standard. If you're toying about which version to get; it depends if you prefer FPS games on PC or on console. Either way it's a brilliant experience :)

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I got it early on the PC and returned it because it didn't work. 




I toying with the idea of not spending over $500 to get it on a PS4 (since I do not have a PS4) and playing on a PC for about $35.


If cost was no issue I probably would go PS4 since most people here are using that platform.



I played BF3 on PS3 and PC. I had more fun on the PS3 because I was better with the controls. The games is much nicer on the PC

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Just as a general rule for all FPS games


PC > All Else


I don't type this with the intent of being all "PC Master Race" but it is really true.


Consoles will never compare with what you can do on a PC.


There are exceptions to this, and the key is to look at what the actual game designers designed for. Games like Bioshock were designed for a console, sure it looks better on PC, but the controls break down when actually playing on a PC. Yes, you can deal with it, lord knows I did, I flippin love Bioshock 1.


Borderlands is another example of a Console game that had a horrible "port" to PC. They corrected this with Borderlands 2, and there is really zero comparison between what PC offers and what Console delivers.


As far as BF4 though.


Hands down, PC wins. Just in terms of what the game can bring graphically. The player count is nothing. I actually dislike 32v32 maps. It feels way to much like CoD.


Not really sure if this helped or answered your question but yea.



I played BF3 on PS3 and PC. I had more fun on the PS3 because I was better with the controls. The games is much nicer on the PC



I own BF3 for every system (PC, Xbox, Ps3), and I have to agree with your assessment here.

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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PC is the better option, just not the most popular. Graphics are great on PS4 but they're simply stunning on a high end PC. PC wins in all aspects for me apart from sheer number of players and who is playing (guys from here are very few on PC).

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Do you find running to a squad mate, reviving, drop a med pack switch to your gun and start firing easier? I couldn't do it. Too many different keys. I tried programming my gaming mouse to do it and it wasn't any better.


W, 3, M1, M2 , 4 , M1, M2,  W,  1, M1, M2 while moving the mouse around is just much for me.

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PS4/PS3 and 360 pads are compatible with BF4 on PC although there was an issue with the sprint button - on the console you press down on L3 to click which enables sprint but when you do this on PC; you actually have to hold down the sprint button all the time which can hurt your thumb, damage the controller and seriously piss you off! I don't know if it has been patched though.


I'd highly recommend getting this on PC as many of the issues have been fixed and the only other outstanding niggles are prevalent on all systems. I would think twice about picking up a PS4 at this time also as there isn't much in the way of games at this present time. I picked up mine a couple of weeks ago and whilst I love FIFA; having BF4 and Ghosts on PC; there isn't much else on the console that interests me yet.


BF4 also has the biggest community and some excellent ranked servers on offer and the overall experience is pretty great now.  

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aiming was slightly easier for me on Ps3, but I could play a pussy assed recon all day on PC, and be good at it.


That being said, I play all PC games with one of these:



It is very easy to set up your keys so that you can run, Revive, and drop a medpack all while dodging wrenches and balls


It might help though that I have had one of these for well over 10 years now. Hell I even have my original, from belkin, but one key broke on me, and I just bought a whole new one.

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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That's a Raze Nostromo in case anyone's wondering. I have one too, presumably for the same reason Bart has / had his - for loads of spells in WoW. never thought of using it for BF4, might hafta give it a gozer. Thanks for reminding me you filthy old man.


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That's a Raze Nostromo in case anyone's wondering. I have one too, presumably for the same reason Bart has / had his - for loads of spells in WoW. never thought of using it for BF4, might hafta give it a gozer. Thanks for reminding me you filthy old man.

It took me about a month to get used to using mine back in my Pre-WOW Days. Once I sorted it out though, I use it incessantly. Hell I code with it.


The software will load profiles based on what program you have running, so you can have different button configs for every game.


Now that I think about it though, this is left over from the Belkin days of making these,e and I think the Razer removes that, luckily the drivers are the same, so the button software didn't change for me


For me, the buttun directly above the directional pad is my knife button, then the one below the D-pad is jump

I then use WASD arrows ( you can see them there)

05 is reload,

03 is grenade,

10 is equipment slot 1,

06 is equpiment slot 2

13 is crouch/ prone

and 11 is Run


Mouse controls shooting, zoom, and weapon select

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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