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Happy Father's Day!

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I hope you all had a great day! Did you get a break or spend the day with your kids? What did you get up to? 


I received a lovely home made card but have spent the day being a Dad. Cleaning the room, vaccing, countless washing, caring for my youngest daughter who's got sickness and runny poos... fun day.  Looks like it's a call to the Doctors in the morning as she just isn't improving. 


Anyway, hope you all had a great day (not just Dad's!). 

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Hope the little ones ok @Spacedeck


I saw my dad early this morning, went round some garden centres this morning (had lunch at one of them. Added to my Dahlia collection, pottered about the garden n tried to show my daughter how to care for tomato plants. 

Shes off to sleep now so rest of the evening will be gaming 🙂




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Happy Father's Day for yesterday all! It was my wife's birthday yesterday too, so I made sure it was about her more so having a break myself! Although it was still a chilled day which was nice. I even got a Blackburn Rovers training t-shirt and shorts which was a bonus that I wasn't expecting 😄


@Spacedeck , I'm hoping she feels better today pal, its horrible when your child is poorly as there's not much any of us can do, other than get to the qualified people to help, which you are.❤️


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