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What to expect?


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My thoughts on DayZ standalone currently.


It’s still fairly basic and so:


No vehicles yet

Not place to store items/loot yet

No hunting yet

There aren’t a lot of zombies at the moment and once they die they do not seem to respawn until a server restart

There’s a lot more attention to food and particularly water if you’re running a lot, which you will be

As loot (like Zeds) only spawns once, scavenging is a lot more important

The map has new features and building and most of the buildings are now enterable

New features like handcuffing people, needing certain items to open cans of food


Towerblocks are cool, as is the abandoned ship…


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Also I may add that loot only spawns after server restarts usually every 4 hours so you see quite a few people 'server hopping' whoring items. It's best to select a low populated servers and focus on niche areas to pick up decent items for your inventory. So many players find a good area, scavenge everything and then find a different server, spawn in at the same place and resupply the same items. They really need to address the loot spawns and a server-hopping prevention method. Some players get their character wiped through this but others can build a good amount of items from this exploit.


Also a fair few people of the community are a bunch of fucking wankers - more immature than the COD lot

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Also I may add that loot only spawns after server restarts usually every 4 hours so you see quite a few people 'server hopping' whoring items. It's best to select a low populated servers and focus on niche areas to pick up decent items for your inventory. So many players find a good area, scavenge everything and then find a different server, spawn in at the same place and resupply the same items. They really need to address the loot spawns and a server-hopping prevention method. Some players get their character wiped through this but others can build a good amount of items from this exploit.


Also a fair few people of the community are a bunch of fucking wankers - more immature than the COD lot


Agreed wholeheartedly.


The server hopping I had never really noticed in the Mod but it appears to be endemic in the SA right now.


Don't trust anyone. I've only been KoS'd once in the SA but that was a server hopper while I wwas looting a barracks.


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Wow, this is pretty damn good!



Running with everything maxed out, it looks really sweet. I love that many buildings are enterable, and the atmosphere really takes the DayZ franchise to a whole new level. I find the scarcity of food and supplies a bit concerning, I'd say a priority for Rocket is to get resources to respawn without the need of a server restart. Some ambient sounds freaked me the fuck out at first. There's a sound which sounds like a rusty gate which had me cowering behind a bar for a few minutes until it repeated itself enough times for me to establish that it was in fact an ambient sound and not a player. 


Zombies are rarer than hen's teeth, yet to see one. I also miss the location announcement when I log in, so I literally have no clue where I am, and I can't find a sign to give me an indicator (it's also been a while since I've been in Chernarus so fuck knows). I'm currently sitting in a block of flats somewhere overlooking a small town, in the dark, dying of thirst and unable to find anything. 


I have a pink beanie and a working flashlight, that's it. 


Time will tell where this adventure takes me...


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Mkay, server got dark and I got hungry so I left the game to chow. Killed myself 'cos I was nowhere useful and logged back in on a server which must've just restarted and it was daytime. I literally spawned in looking at a dude with a motorcycle helmet on and an M4 in his hands. I did the usual left-right sway to indicate friendly, he did the same, and buggered off. That's my first player encounter, and he didn't even try to kill me, despite having the means (unless he was ammoless, but I'm having faith). 


Went on my way, and later on bumped in to another two fresh spawns, who also seemed to want to do their thing without any bloodshed. Wthin 5 minutes I bumped into a chap named Ben from Denmark, nice enough fellow and we went hunting for an elusive drink. Seriously, how hard is it to find sustenance?


Eventually I found a bottle of sterilizing fluid and drank it (I'd be fucking shit in a real zombie apocalypse, drinking stuff to ease boredom). Queezy, feeling shit, etc etc. I'm now hiding in a toilet shed and about to log in again. 


I might just kill myself and try again, I can't see myself getting fixed up any time soon, what with food and drink made of unicorn's horn dust. 


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Also for Diddums


If you find any second shirts or bandanas, right-click and turn them into rags, will be very useful and will be a lifeline if you start bleeding

The best place to get water for me is usually one of the many lakes. A lot safer than raiding a city.

People are dicks, don't necessarily trust them




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Cheers Jordie, I'll give it a proper go next time I'm near a lake / pond.



A few more observations:


I was hungry and thirsty, and I found a can of "spite" (lulz). Cured my hunger, not my thirst. Dean could get rich off that. 


Zeds are a bastard to lose. I had a few tracking me for ages, lost them eventually but bloody hell, they're like sniffer dogs!


The inventory system is very clever, and that alone is worth upgrading from the mod. I love that different garments have different amounts of pockets and whatnot, very good. 


The combat... oh dear. If you've ever fought a zed, you'll know exactly what I mean. 


The game at present feels like a case of wait for server restart, rush rush rush to get stuff, then... erm... nothing. no vehicles, no tents, nothing to try and achieve. Once you're all gunned up and have decent kit, the only form of entertainment I can think of is hunting players, which might explain some of the KOS mentality some of you guys are experiencing (and I'll no doubt experience at some point too). 


The game feels like the basis of something very good, something excellent, and a game which will probably suck me in for hours and hours on end, but as it is now, it's lacking content. I maintain my opinion that Dean needs to focus on getting stuff to respawn inbetween restarts. Once that's sorted I'd start looking in to storage, the lack of ability to hoard stuff is brilliant for a lone wolf like myself, but I still think it's an awesome goal to work towards. And vehicles. We need vehicles, badly. 


Excellent game, needs improvement. Yes, it's an Alpha, I know this, but I felt like blabbering so meh. 


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Avoid ladders when possible as many people have glitched and died randomly! 


Yeah the KOS mentality is pretty prominent at the minute to avoid turning DayZ into some sort of hiking/jogging simulator.  


Once more features are added along with the much-needed survival elements such as more frigging zombies; I think the community may mature and change the way they play.

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One thing I've done is start to memorize the places I find water pumps, I then drink until it tells me I'm stuffed (lol). Seems to allow me to turbo sprint for ages before getting thirsty again.


Also remember, eating food like rice, while curing your hunger, will actually dehydrate you.


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Does anyone still play this? I've wanted to get this game for a while now. Watched quite a few videos by Frankieonpc and theRadBrad (wow this guy is horrible) and I just really want to play this game. Don't know if my computer can run it, but I'm planning on figuring that out. Also heard you can change the ingame settings so you can run it on a decent and not just on a computer for 5000$... If this is true, please let me know,

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