GazzaGarratt 11,126 Posted April 26, 2021 Share Posted April 26, 2021 Who's gonna win this year? Titans won last year but I sense it'll be Hunters this time out unless there is a last ditch bid from Warlocks. Ah, I'm still Titan though as I'm sticking to my roots 😎  Here's the breakdown on how it works - info directly from Bungie website:   Guardian Games is a limited-time live event in Destiny 2 which celebrates Guardians and the spirit of competition. Guardian Games begins on April 20, 2021, and ends at the weekly reset on May 11, 2021.  Guardian Games is an event for all Destiny 2 players to celebrate their favorite class as they compete against one another to see whose class reigns supreme. The winning team will have bragging rights, as well as a commemorative statue on display in the Tower for the entire year. Participation Requirements While all players are invited to participate in Guardian Games, new players must first meet the following requirements: Escape the Cosmodrome to unlock the Tower. Once new players have met the above requirements, they will unlock a Milestone telling them to speak with Eva Levante in the Tower Courtyard.  Class-Based Competition Earn Medals from completing activities and turn them in to the Tower Podium to earn points for your class's team.  Laurels Pick up Laurels dropped by other players during Guardian Games to purchase Bounties, Contender Cards, and rewards from Eva. Laurels will drop in all activities except for Gambit and Crucible, where they will be awarded after a match has ended. PLEASE NOTE! Players must wear their Guardian Games class item to generate Laurels and progress any Guardian Game bounties. Previous Guardian Games class items (the Cunning Rivalry Cloak, Mighty Rivalry Mark, and Sage Rivalry Bond) will not generate Laurels or progress any Guardian Games bounties. Laurels do not drop on the ground in Gambit or Crucible, and are instead rewarded directly to players. Unrecovered laurels do not go to a player's Postmaster and must be picked up to count towards their total.  Medals Players can earn medals from Triumphs, Contender Cards, and activity completions. Medals are stored in the Medal Case found in the Quest inventory. Turning completed Medals in to the Tower Podium will increase your team's score. PLEASE NOTE! - If the Medal Case is full, Medals earned through claiming Triumphs will be lost.  Medal Case - See Quest Tab for more info  Contender Cards Players can purchase Contender Cards from Eva. Completing the Trials or Nightfall Contender Cards will award a Platinum Medal. Completing the Strikes, Gambit, or Crucible Contender Card will award a Gold Medal. Platinum Cards: Trials Platinum Cards: Nightfalls Contender Cards: Strikes Contender Cards: Gambit Contender Cards: Crucible       Rewards The three exotic Guardian Games ghost shells can be purchased with Laurels from Eva. The Color of Speed exotic Sparrow can be earned through collecting class points and completing Triumphs. The Heir Apparent exotic Machine Gun can be acquired through a Quest if players do not already own it, and the Heir Apparent catalyst has a chance to drop from banking Gold or Platinum Medals if players already own the gun. Additionally, there is a new Legendary class item for each class, as well as two emblems and two shaders that players can earn by completing Triumphs.      Bounties Eva offers three different Guardian Games Bounties which will reward players for completing them: Weekly Bounties will reward XP, Bright Dust, Glimmer, and Laurels, Daily Bounties will reward XP, and Additional Bounties will reward XP and Bright Dust. Weekly Bounty Daily Bounty Repeatable Bounty     Tower Podium and Ceremony event  During Guardian Games, the Towers Guardian Games Podium will change daily to reflect the current status of the leading team. Class flags will update throughout the day to show which team is leading, and there will also be a calendar showing the winner for each day throughout the event. On the Friday of each week, the Ceremony event will become live in the Tower. Points accumulated by players during the week will determine the winner of each week's Ceremony event. Players will receive rewards and a glow that is active when in the Tower, which will remain until the next Ceremony event or until Guardian Games ends. Additionally, player's class items will also change colors to show their current standing after the Ceremony event, being gold, silver, or bronze.  Known Issues Listed below are known issues that players should know when participating in Guardian Games. Several Quest items, such as the Medal Case and Contender Cards, will not be removed from player inventories after Guardian Games has ended. If the Medal Case is full, Medals earned through claiming Triumphs will be lost. Class items acquired from Zavala are awarded at 1250 Power Level instead of at 1300 Power Level, which can be acquired from Eva. Players will not be able to deposit Medals if they were acquired in the Tower after players have already deposited Medals of the same rarity. Players can return to Orbit and head back to the Tower to deposit those Medals. The Laurel acquisition step of Heir Apparent Exotic Quest only counts laurels picked up off of the ground. Non-masterworked Guardian Games ghosts purchased from Eva display a 'Completed' objective. Certain shaders may erroneously remove the glow from the Eververse Warlock Guardian Games Universal Ornament set. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GazzaGarratt 11,126 Posted April 26, 2021 Author Share Posted April 26, 2021 I'm just popping on here and there to do a few bounties. You should be able to do this around a few things that you all may be ticking off as the season comes to a close over these next few weeks. Nice little addition to add a Strike playlist in the Tower map to find same class guardians to help speed up some Laurel hunting. Just remember to go to the triangle thingy on your class to deposit your medals every so often.  As I don't own Heir Apparent i'm going to grab that at the very least, its an awesome Machine Gun and love the Arc shield that comes with it. I suggest anyone that doesn't have it, try and go for it as its a reasonably easy and quick way to obtain an Exotic Machine Gun.  I don't even wanna mention who wins as I think us Titan's will be blown away this year... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Riff Machine 2,108 Posted April 27, 2021 Share Posted April 27, 2021 Better break down..  Skip it.   Yet another pointless bounty grind for something that literally means nothing.  There’s better things to do. techno and GazzaGarratt 2 *The opinions of Riff Machine do not reflect those of Forever Gaming ;)* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Baabcat 1,646 Posted April 27, 2021 Share Posted April 27, 2021 It is pretty pointless - to the extent that medals I'm earning on my titan end up getting deposited by my hunter, because you can !!  I'm doing it for triumph points essentially - slightly frustratingly the last real triumph i have to do is earn bronze metals - as all I'm doing is nightfalls and competitive crucible,  which drop silver medals, I'm struggling with the participation trophy even though I'm participating in end game content - bad design forcing me to run probably 50 vanguard strikes or crucible just to do that.  Still get the HA catalyst so not all bad GazzaGarratt 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GazzaGarratt 11,126 Posted April 27, 2021 Author Share Posted April 27, 2021 Yeah, i'm not going to puposefully go and spend all my time on it, this event really is more so just if you want some of the cosmetic stuff thats on offer - what I would say is even if you don't decide to do it, you really should grab some of the bounties that offer bright dust. Always try and do these whenever you see them as you'd much rather have the dust than use silver on something you really see you like in Eververse.  19 minutes ago, Baabcat said: Still get the HA catalyst so not all bad  There is this too. Hopefully though after a few strikes and whatnot it will drop for the people that have it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Baabcat 1,646 Posted April 27, 2021 Share Posted April 27, 2021 I think you earn the catalyst quest by depositing medals then do a short quest to unlock it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GazzaGarratt 11,126 Posted April 27, 2021 Author Share Posted April 27, 2021 4 minutes ago, Baabcat said: I think you earn the catalyst quest by depositing medals then do a short quest to unlock it.  It seems to be based on RNG related to Gold and Platinum medals. 👇 Didn't expect a quest after it though.  22 hours ago, GazzaGarratt said: The Heir Apparent exotic Machine Gun can be acquired through a Quest if players do not already own it, and the Heir Apparent catalyst has a chance to drop from banking Gold or Platinum Medals if players already own the gun.  Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Baabcat 1,646 Posted April 27, 2021 Share Posted April 27, 2021 Ah ok I obv mis-remembered ! GazzaGarratt 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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