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What team are you? New Concept Armour Sets!


Which concept armour would you want?  

4 members have voted

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In the This Week At Bungie (TWAB) post this week, they've explained within the next Festival of the Lost event coming up soon, they get the chance to offer one concept armour via Eververse (so real money)...so, which one are you?! Lets see which wins a poll here!


#TeamDino or #TeamMonster ?!


Both sets look incredible if you ask me! Lets hope its one of those things to spin up some PR and we get both! Can't deny I'm team dino, but the more I look at them, the more I prefer the monster versions!





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On 4/5/2021 at 3:53 PM, RenFengge said:

Why are these so generally ugly? Why?


At least the Monster ones look... decent?


The Dino armor is giving me some serious Chrono Trigger vibes for some reason lol.


I think they both look cool tbh and don't go too far in terms of changing Destiny into really silly cosmetic bollocks like what happens to CoD and Rainbow 6 in a way.

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