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Headed to London Mid April

OTC Mike

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Alright gents, I'll most likely be headed to London for a week in Mid April (week of the 14th) for work. I'll be tied up all day from breakfast through dinner, although I may arrive the Friday before and bring my wife along.

Anybody near London want to meet up and have a few beers? I'm not exactly sure of my schedule yet, but just wanted to see if there was any interest.

I know there's another London meet up page, but to be honest, I'm not scrolling through 30 pages of posts.



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Thanks guys, sounds like there is a fair bit of interest. I will keep you all posted once dates/times are figured out on my end. 

I'm there and I've got your pint in, might be a bit flat by the time you get here though ;)


but seriously i'm in, i can work around you dude so when ever you can make it :)


Haha. You go ahead and drink that one. I'll get the next one.

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Can someone take charge of arranging a meet in April then please?


It gives Tam, Euan, and whoever else a bit more time to save up for tickets or whatever.


Obviously I'm all over this but it'd be nice if we could turn it into a proper meet. Mike have you got any dates yet?


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Mike, would I be right in saying that obviously you'll be bringing your wife to the meet as well?


How do people feel about about meeting up for, say an Italian meal early evening, finding a decent pub for a few drinks then those that want to carry on and get trolleyed can do so and Mike and his missus can decide if they want to go down that route as well or retire gracefully for the evening?


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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I love haggis or hajizz as i call it, hmmm that tasty taste.


Can you bring down a Scotish pizza as well? :D Me love you long time!


I think we should take Mike for a proper fish n chips....do they have that in America?



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My meetings are scheduled for Monday, April 14th through Wednesday the 16th. I'm not sure if I'll be coming the weekend before, or staying the weekend after, but will let you know when plans are finalized.

And yes, most likely the wife will be joining me. And doesn't really matter where we meet up. I'm sure I'll get a few good lunch/dinners on the company dollar. We're not known for being frugal when it comes to meals (or anything else for that matter)

You may have heard of my company...It's name is emblazened across the chest of one of your beloved football clubs you may be familiar with...Manchester United. ;)

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