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COD Ghosts Onslaught DLC Leak


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The main problem with COD is the community not the actual product that is produced

I think the way the product is produced has made the community play less effectively. They have eliminated scorestreaks which has had a detrimental effect on the way some players in certain modes play. KC was brilliant in Black Ops 2 with tags counting towards the killstreak ladder. Now they have removed this; it's brought the killwhores out of the woodwork and combine this with some of the poor and oversized maps; the games don't flow as tidily or enjoyably in my opinion. Treyarch introduced gameplay incentives - rewards for playing the objective which expanded on the traditional gunplay elements which was a very welcome addition and helped boost weaker plays also. I am still wracking my brain as to why Infinity Ward didn't take this essential concept forward.  


I enjoyed Ghosts at first but for me; they have omitted too many features and the game hasn't moved on in what was supposed to be a next gen outing. On PC; this game looks as poor as MW2 and worse than BFBC2 from 2009 and it just doesn't have the nice design touches or innovation Treyarch has brought previously.  The removal of gameplay elements has brought this game back into the 'noob' generation which I thought we left behind years ago. 

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This game was very gimmicky.  Character customization, "destructible" environments, and "OMG New game types!" - that aren't really new at all. They are just old game types cut in half (Blitz is half of Capture the Flag for example. I'd rather have CTF).  And nobody even bothers to "blow up" the environment anymore anyway. It's not useful. Character customization is just as silly; useless.


I'll be buying Bf4 on Ps4 when I get my tax check. :)

Keep calm and question nothing.

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This game was very gimmicky. Character customization, "destructible" environments, and "OMG New game types!" - that aren't really new at all. They are just old game types cut in half (Blitz is half of Capture the Flag for example. I'd rather have CTF). And nobody even bothers to "blow up" the environment anymore anyway. It's not useful. Character customization is just as silly; useless.

I'll be buying Bf4 on Ps4 when I get my tax check. :)

You won't regret it. Its the most fun I've had on a game in years. So much to do. I'm sure I'll buy the next CoD but now with Battlefield and all it offers CoD really need to change some things to bring me back to wanting to play it
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This game was very gimmicky.  Character customization, "destructible" environments, and "OMG New game types!" - that aren't really new at all. They are just old game types cut in half (Blitz is half of Capture the Flag for example. I'd rather have CTF).  And nobody even bothers to "blow up" the environment anymore anyway. It's not useful. Character customization is just as silly; useless.


I'll be buying Bf4 on Ps4 when I get my tax check. :)

Agree Spectre. If you lay everything out without being blinded by their official promotional videos or YouTube puppets like Ali-A; you can see that everything 'new' is just a twist on the existing formula or has been renamed to seem 'fresh'. Some players may think the 'create a soldier' is an amazing addition but it's actually just the standard CAC with the option to add a few helmets or clothes. This does not constitute to revolutionary in my book. The destructible environments is incredibly embarrassing compared to the scale of destruction in BF4. I am not one of those wowed when a lamppost falls over or a door gets blown off its hinges. Blitz is just CTF without the flags and is badly implemented with unbalanced maps and favorable spawns. There is also no incentive for the objective so players tend to camp out the defence portal to sacrifice a win for the sake of their K/D. In terms of visuals; this game is not of the standard expected. The campaign which was raved about for months is also just a 4 hour scripted bore which is also extremely pathetic for such a large franchise in this day and age.


It's the stuff that has been eliminated that I find really disappointing for this game. Omitting the likes of Hardpoint was a surprise but not as much as HQ which was a very popular gametype in the series. As mentioned; the removal of scorestreaks is gameplay suicide and I will never understand why they have done this. The lack of a detailed combat record and theater mode is yet another example of a depleted product.


I wish that someone heavily tied to the franchise on YouTube regarding early-access would just be honest instead of painting the game as a groundbreaking next gen title. I know the likes of Ali-A are tools for free advertising for Activision but surely someone has to be man enough to get the publishers hand out of their arse and just deliver a honest and damning preview of the title instead of glorifying false promises and expectations.


I don't know whether the franchise has clouded people's hopes and acceptance of games these days but Ghosts has fallen extremely short for a videogame in today's market and for the franchise as a whole. I for one will not be blinded by gimmicks but it's a shame people on YouTube and IW dressed the game as something that it wasn't.

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It was fun at first, still is sort of ok, but since its the only game I play on xbox, and my membership is about to have to be renewed, I don't feel like paying for another year just to play it.  So I'm not sure what I will do.

Keep calm and question nothing.

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I thought Studio felt bigger for some reason.  I am ok with re-skins (like they did with Dome vs Strikezone) they are two totally different maps. Only the layout is the same.  But with Studio, its more of a Redo of the same map.  Ignition will be the map layout is the same but I'm sure it will feel totally different and if you weren't told it was a reskin, you probably wouldn't have guessed it. I didn't think that of Strikezone either; it didn't make me think of Dome.


But with that being said, the whole purpose of doing this is to save time and money. Nothing more.  Or even to get people to think, hey Scrapyard is coming back, buy the DLC. Again; money.

Keep calm and question nothing.

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I loved scrapyard. Would love to see it come back 'reskined'. I do believe there was a little map called Firing Range that was 'reskined' and it was such a break through! Oh and not to mention the fan favorite, Nuketown!

I didn't mind reskinned maps but at the expense of new ones disappoints me. Black Ops 2 saw Nuketown, Firing Range and Summit reintroduced and the latter two at a price. I think Treyarch's maps in that game weren't of the standard of the likes of WaW or the original Black Ops but bringing back the classics after a massive online campaign from a minority of the community gave them a get out of jail free card. 


I don't really want to see any 'classics' now. It would just be further embarrassing. If they want to delve into the past for nostalgia; just give us the map for free as a gesture to the community instead of replacing potential new map slot and putting a hefty price on the package. I have no interest in Extinction either so that part of the content is worthless for me.


If they reskin any MW maps for Ghosts; it would be ridiculous. 

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Strikezone didn't make me think of Dome. The only time I think of 'Dome' is when i'm in that diner section. But even then it has a kitchen and some extra things. I wouldn't mind a map that's like Scrapyard. I want some more CQC. Not the stupid Free Fall map that we all got. That map is the worst CQC Dom map that i've ever played.


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Strikezone didn't make me think of Dome. The only time I think of 'Dome' is when i'm in that diner section. But even then it has a kitchen and some extra things. I wouldn't mind a map that's like Scrapyard. I want some more CQC. Not the stupid Free Fall map that we all got. That map is the worst CQC Dom map that i've ever played.

That's a thought, iv never even played freefall!


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I like the look of fog but fear its going to be full of thermal scopes and tracker sights, I like the mike myers idea but when on I first heard it I thought Austin powers, never been much of a Halloween fan.

Bay view also reminded me of boardwalk, but on ps4 we will have seen plenty of videos from Xbox one before this pack drops.

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