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COD Ghosts Onslaught DLC Leak


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This could be do or die for COD in my eyes. Haven't touched the game since December 8th and if anything is going to bring me back; it'll have to be the DLC. From this leak; it looks okay with Fog and Bayview looking intriguing. I still have to wait until Feb 28th to get it on PC so I am not going to spend the next 6 weeks drooling over something that could just be a quick cash-in bunch of turd-like crap! We shall see..




Teaser http://www.charlieintel.com/2014/01/12/infinity-ward-posts-a-teaser-for-the-new-extinction-map-coming-with-the-onslaught-dlc/


Preview Trailer

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Just what the game needs, another sniper-rifle. That said, it might be fake as that is more likely a Marksman rifle

Not to mention a map where it`s probably near impossible to see enemies, especially campers in the grass etc. And most likely 3 million places where campers can lie prone ads most of the game.




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Would be good if the dlc had some smaller maps and less cluttered, the game really needs some more maps to replace some of the original maps that I refuse to play when playing solo.

Never known a COD with so many crappy maps at release

Totally agree. I think I only enjoy to some extent 2-3 maps.

And don`t forget campers. Have never seen that many campers on a COD before.




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Brede you need to try different game modes, very few campers on S&R, cranked, and hunted.


TDM, Dom, KC and FFA seem to have the most.

Oh, it`s too many even in Cranked. And I don`t feel that gamemode works very well on these maps.

S&R seems to me best in a party and Hunted doesn`t appeal to me. DOM is pointless unless in a party.




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TDM is the worst for campers. KC is so/so. I've actually been enjoying it.  But it looks like my dog chewed up my usb cord for my HDPVR damn it.



KC is pretty much just as bad as TDM as there isn`t much point in taking tags other that to win the game. Which doesn`t seem to interest that many people anymore.




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Cranked was pretty much the only game mode I really enjoyed and didn't experience too much camping but you are playing on a limited map rotation and eventually it all begins to get a bit tedious. The other game modes have been dreadful and camper-friendly particularly on a host of maps. KC probably being the worst mode and not having scorestreak incentive; it really has gone to shit from the highs of Black Ops 2. 

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Cranked was pretty much the only game mode I really enjoyed and didn't experience too much camping but you are playing on a limited map rotation and eventually it all begins to get a bit tedious. The other game modes have been dreadful and camper-friendly particularly on a host of maps. KC probably being the worst mode and not having scorestreak incentive; it really has gone to shit from the highs of Black Ops 2.

Is it that limited? I think I have played it on Stonehaven even..




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I'm not really sure what to expect from DLC on ghosts, previously after DLC I ussually find the game gets worse, and dlc maps always win the vote over anything, meaning the starter maps are hardly ever seen, and you only ever seem to get matches with the campy players that are too scared to move...

However this is Ghosts, and the game is already the worst it's ever been, so maybe DLC will have an opposite effect this year?


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Well isn't it interesting that they limit the maps on Cranked (because they know they are so big, you'll be running around trying to find someone and run out of cranked time before doing so).  Take a note developers, other game modes aren't fun for the SAME reason!

Well said! 

Is it that limited? I think I have played it on Stonehaven even..

Stonehaven isn't on the rotation along with Siege, Whiteout, Chasm and Freefall. I'm playing on PC though but I believe it's the same on all the systems.

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Well said! 

Stonehaven isn't on the rotation along with Siege, Whiteout, Chasm and Freefall. I'm playing on PC though but I believe it's the same on all the systems.

Hmm.. Guess my memory is fading because I was pretty sure I had palyed it on Siege as well..

Anywho.. I still feel the maps doesn`t fit Cranked.




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Yep plenty of people it would seem.

You just need to know how!

I think it`s the COD with the least players online I have seen.

I have never seen over 300K players online, and I know MW3 had well over 500K players long after the spring.

Can`t remember that well about BO2 but I think it had over 400K players for a long time.

Yeah I know many people have moved over to PS4, but I have never seen more than 30K people online there the few times I have been on that console. (Bear in mind that I said a few times only :))


I wish I knew how to play it! :unsure::wacko:




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I think it`s the COD with the least players online I have seen.

I have never seen over 300K players online, and I know MW3 had well over 500K players long after the spring.

Can`t remember that well about BO2 but I think it had over 400K players for a long time.

Yeah I know many people have moved over to PS4, but I have never seen more than 30K people online there the few times I have been on that console. (Bear in mind that I said a few times only :))

I wish I knew how to play it! :unsure::wacko:

The thing is it gets all this hate, its not a bad game yes it has its faults I would say most if not all games I've played have, nothing is perfect and we have a right to moan but to cone out and call it crap, come on!

Number of people online, I'll take your word for it, its irrelevant to me until there's no lobbies.

Please don't take this as fanboyism, I actually think think blops2 was a better game and for all its faults I've played shit ton of battlefield this weekend now that isn't perfect either, but I found a way to play it...ie have some fun playing it.

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The thing is it gets all this hate, its not a bad game yes it has its faults I would say most if not all games I've played have, nothing is perfect and we have a right to moan but to cone out and call it crap, come on!

One of the best and most sensible posts i've seen relating to COD and current state of play.

The main problem with COD is the community not the actual product that is produced

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