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Trials of Osiris Returns


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Returning in season 10, now that the huge community challenge is complete, will be Trials of Osiris.


Heres the trailer/small vi-Doc they released when it happened.



One quick note to make that's different than in the video is that the Artifact was going to enabled fully so people wouldve been able to grind more Power and use their higher numbers in the mode. However, as it was a huge one drive which I've never seen this one sided, Luke Smith then tweeted this.



So it's back. 3v3 comp styled games, some if the best armour comes back into the game.


Removing Trials of the Nine for Osiris looks as if it will be welcomed by the large majority of players - I'm not sure that'll help me ever get to the Lighthouse for 9 straight wins though 😭


I think it's a decent addition - i'll firstly we've all got to get passed the 'it's old content argument' too. Just because it's old doesnt mean it was reworked and brought up to date is easy/lazy development and we shouldn't have it in D2. Also, I think the reveals keep getting ruined by massive datamining efforts and stupid unnecessary hype.


I'm still more looking forward to what they are going to do in PvE wise and with the overall game world.


However, I want to give this a go though. With people that have the patience that are gonna get smashed every so often (I mean could be everytime but who's counting, eh?). I want to get to that damn Lighthouse!!!


What's your thoughts? You fancy a stab at it for shiz and giggles?

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Trials let me think....nope , no thanks like I need that sweatfest in my life normal crucible is enough of a rage inducing fuck mess and I like PvP but d1 was way way better. Good luck if you do try.

Im also wondering if trials is going to dish out some new op weapon to some of the best PvP players just to make normal crucible even worse 🤣

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Lol, I didn't expect many FGers to want to play this mode based on what we all seen to play these days.


I just don't take sweatiness to heart, plus if it's another gamemode with decent loot then why not give it a go? You haven't got a clue yet how far you'll get.


If you lose, you lose. No biggie, move on to the next match.

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