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Jedi Fallen Order


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Some very positive reviews coming in so far. I thought single player games were dead according to EA? Nice to see Respawn to the business again although I probably will only get this in the sale or through a one-off sub of Origin Access. £54.99 for a 10 hour game is just a bit too much especially if you can play it over the course of a month for around £12 along with 200 other games. 

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Some very positive reviews coming in so far. I thought single player games were dead according to EA? Nice to see Respawn to the business again although I probably will only get this in the sale or through a one-off sub of Origin Access. £54.99 for a 10 hour game is just a bit too much especially if you can play it over the course of a month for around £12 along with 200 other games. 
It actually looks kind of brilliant from what I've seen, I'll definitely look out for it in a sale, Origin usually do one around Crimbo, plus it's also on Steam [emoji106] Maybe I'll G2A it lol

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I'll watch from the stands for as i'm not a huge Star Wars fan but can't lie that the big review scores coming in have me one eye on the game. Respawn yet again are doing the biz - all the more impressive under EA.

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Remember when EA said single player games were 'dead'?


Jedi Fallen order is currently the fastest selling Star Wars game ever and also EA's best selling Star Wars title at launch beating even the Battlefront games and all of their previous catalogue. It will probably be their biggest selling game of the year too. 



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Remember when EA said single player games were 'dead'?
Jedi Fallen order is currently the fastest selling Star Wars game ever and also EA's best selling Star Wars title at launch beating even the Battlefront games and all of their previous catalogue. It will probably be their biggest selling game of the year too. 
Jim Sterling did a video on that. He suspects they'll probably still tell shareholders that sales were disappointing [emoji28]

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Star Wars sells well in mostly anything it has its logo on so i'm just relieved to see it also has positive reviews as well. I always watched some younger family peeps play KOTOR and was impressed by it all because the story sucks you in if you sit and watch it for a bit. I think I may punt for this as a Crimbo present just to push my boundaries of no Star Wars in the bungalow.

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I just finished this game (and platinum trophy) and it’s a hell of a ride.  The gameplay is very souls like but not as brutal in my opinion.  Story was excellent and the locations, lore and creatures were all well done.

*The opinions of Riff Machine do not reflect those of Forever Gaming ;)*

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On 6/7/2020 at 2:01 AM, Riff Machine said:

I just finished this game (and platinum trophy) and it’s a hell of a ride.  The gameplay is very souls like but not as brutal in my opinion.  Story was excellent and the locations, lore and creatures were all well done.


Good to hear it Chad. Didn't think the platinum would come that quick though as you've only been playing it for a little bit haven't you?


I've played a short while on it but the mechanics are very different to how i've played other games. It does feel a little like the 'parry / attack' style game but sometimes i just want to go ham on the enemies with my lightsaber. Story is very engaging, even for a non-Star Wars fan like me.

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