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Campaign Gameplay


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I've played quite a few missions so far and it's pretty good - first one looks absolutely remarkable especially with ray tracing enabled. It feels like a traditional Modern Warfare campaign which is great although it's still a bit linear and as Phil said in another thread; somewhat on rails. A few missions are a bit short too whilst others drag. The cutscenes are superb too and I really like the tone. Probably closer to COD 4 and MW2 in terms of feel and there seems to be a good variety of missions to with some tributes paid to the other old games. 

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I've heard it's quite edgy which helps to make it a more engaging campaign. For once, I'm really looking forward to a night to pick it up and give it a go.
Can it be played offline btw?
Pretty sure it can

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Without spoiling it, I really like the storey and cut scenes, plays like a film almost as well as a video game. Really well thought out


But, I can't help but feel a little underwhelmed when it was over, felt very short and cut off at the end. I played on Hardened too, so missions took longer than usual and still was quite short imo.


I know it carries over in spec ops though so will have to give that a try next time I'm on.



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2 hours ago, Dan94 said:

But, I can't help but feel a little underwhelmed when it was over, felt very short and cut off at the end. I played on Hardened too, so missions took longer than usual and still was quite short imo.


I know it carries over in spec ops though so will have to give that a try next time I'm on.

The ending was a bit abrupt and underwhelming as a finale as was the mission itself although it was pretty challenging. I did find a few of them to be too much trial and error on veteran though.


Sadly Spec Ops is a bit of a scam as it doesn't bare any real relation to the campaign - it's just 4 generic operations with bland objectives plus a classic spec ops mode with one poxy mission. Really not what I was expecting. I was under the impression it was extended co-op missions based on the campaign and then the 3 star/time based missions like in MW2 but it's not the case. 

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