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westboro Baptists v R Brand


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i am glad i do not believe in things which do not exist.the amount of hatred, destruction, death, and suffering that exists in the world BECAUSE of religion is dispicable.

WBB are a bunch of fucking morons.its not even worth giving a platform to them. Whether you hate him or not, Russel is alot , ALOT cleverer than he seems. i suspect he was fooling around more as its a US show. If anything he just showed how much of a bunch of idiots they are. no need to attack them in anyway, quite simple to render them without a leg to stand on just by extending a hand to them so to speak







Chookes said:

I absoloutely prefer it this way. You have overall more control. You can finish one guy off first, or all ten


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I think Russell is an idiot, but I can appreciate his way of doing things. Whereas this interview could've turned into a massive argument and potential fight, he managed to keep it light and humorous, which is about all you could hope to achieve with the WBC - they're a bunch of nutters. 


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WBC are a bunch of fucking arseholes! Cant stand them, everything I hear about them is absolutely disgraceful.


I used to hate Russell Brand too but im liking him more and more with each interview I see him in. He seems like an idiot at first but is actually quite clever and has some decent views.

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i am glad i do not believe in things which do not exist.the amount of hatred, destruction, death, and suffering that exists in the world BECAUSE of religion is dispicable.


I started typng out a long response to the above, but I think I'll just erase it all and say this-  I am seeing more and more why some of the more mature/older guys like Doc, Jaysin and a few others left this place. I believe I will join them as well because I've seen too many times where people's beliefs are just shit on by others like yourself here and I really don't care to deal with it any longer.


Goodbye and take care all.


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I started typng out a long response to the above, but I think I'll just erase it all and say this- I am seeing more and more why some of the more mature/older guys like Doc, Jaysin and a few others left this place. I believe I will join them as well because I've seen too many times where people's beliefs are just shit on by others like yourself here and I really don't care to deal with it any longer.

Goodbye and take care all.

Come on man its just a difference of opinion surely we're allowed that?

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I'm keeping an eye on this thread. I would've thought that Adam could've been a bit more subtle with his argument, and I would've thought that Steve could've approached this differently as well. There is also an announcement at the top of this very board letting people know to use the report feature. If a post upsets you or you feel its offensive in any way, then hit that button and let us staff deal with it.


I'm leaving this as it is for now, I simply don't have the time or energy to go chasing after people every time they leave because someone said something, and they don't want to use the very well signposted features of this forum.


Adam> I suggest you learn some people skills. You have the decorum of a paperweight.


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i am glad i do not believe in things which do not exist.the amount of hatred, destruction, death, and suffering that exists in the world BECAUSE of religion is dispicable.




Well that's your point of view. However what it does neglect is all the good the religious organizations and people have also done.


- The catholic church for instance is one of the largest charitable organizations in the world if not the largest. 

- It feeds the hungry in many places that need the help

- It educates people who otherwise could not

- It provides hospital and medical services in many places 

- It takes care of the homeless 

- It takes care of drug addicts

- It takes care of the abused

- It gives some people something to believe in 

- Don't know about the rest of religions exactly but many do the same type of work


I'll be the first to admit it's also not without it's problems, but what I mentioned above also exists because of religion. 

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Come on Steve, you can't talk about 'more mature/older guys' but then spit your dummy out when you hear something that goes against your views.


Ironic that religion should teach tolerance but on the internet, in my experience, it's the religious guys who seem to lack this.

This isn't a dig at you Steve, just commenting on the situation. You shouldn't let comments like this get your back up. Be content in your own beliefs. Who gives a shit what others believe.


On topic - Russell Brand is a bell end and Westboro Baptists are twats.


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I started typng out a long response to the above, but I think I'll just erase it all and say this-  I am seeing more and more why some of the more mature/older guys like Doc, Jaysin and a few others left this place. I believe I will join them as well because I've seen too many times where people's beliefs are just shit on by others like yourself here and I really don't care to deal with it any longer.


Goodbye and take care all.

Welcome to the internet where other people do not agree with you!

I am allowed to express my opinion. how does that equate to "shitting on your beliefs " ? isnt the whole point of believing that no matter what other people say you still have faith ? . why the hell do you can what i think about your beliefs ? how can i shit on them when i have no idea who goes to church or not ? I couldnt careless whether someone believes in anything or not. i am still going to put my opinion forward. i am not going to dress it up and pussyfoot around trying not to offend anyone.

you yourself have quite often called out other people on this forum for saying things that you do not agree with. you have never held back on saying what you think so why should i.  and "people like me"...i would be glad to hear "who i am like" as i dont have a clue who you are refering me. you do not know what i am like in the slightest. you have no idea what someone is like without meeting them in real life.

if you want to leave the forum because i dont agree with something you believe in, thats your choice. again, i just dont know why it would even bother you in the first place....

Cyberninja...the things in that list are just as regularly carried out by non religious people and organisations.

religion does not do those things. Religious people are the ones that do them.dont forget that there are just as many people who do those things who dont believe in anything.








Chookes said:

I absoloutely prefer it this way. You have overall more control. You can finish one guy off first, or all ten


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Welcome to the internet where other people do not agree with you!

I am allowed to express my opinion. how does that equate to "shitting on your beliefs " ? isnt the whole point of believing that no matter what other people say you still have faith ? . why the hell do you can what i think about your beliefs ? how can i shit on them when i have no idea who goes to church or not ? I couldnt careless whether someone believes in anything or not. i am still going to put my opinion forward. i am not going to dress it up and pussyfoot around trying not to offend anyone.

you yourself have quite often called out other people on this forum for saying things that you do not agree with. you have never held back on saying what you think so why should i.  and "people like me"...i would be glad to hear "who i am like" as i dont have a clue who you are refering me. you do not know what i am like in the slightest. you have no idea what someone is like without meeting them in real life.

if you want to leave the forum because i dont agree with something you believe in, thats your choice. again, i just dont know why it would even bother you in the first place....

Cyberninja...the things in that list are just as regularly carried out by non religious people and organisations.

religion does not do those things. Religious people are the ones that do them.dont forget that there are just as many people who do those things who dont believe in anything.




Actually religious organizations do. They have large groups totally dedicated to those which are part of the ministry. Just like  hatred, destruction, death, and suffering are accomplished by people without any religeous conviction at all. Religion was certainly first to undertake those activities. I don't know about the UK, but around here the vast majority of organizations have Saint something infront of their name for a reason (hospitals, schools, homeless shelters ...). 

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Welcome to the internet where other people do not agree with you!

I am allowed to express my opinion. how does that equate to "shitting on your beliefs " ? isnt the whole point of believing that no matter what other people say you still have faith ? . why the hell do you can what i think about your beliefs ? how can i shit on them when i have no idea who goes to church or not ? I couldnt careless whether someone believes in anything or not. i am still going to put my opinion forward. i am not going to dress it up and pussyfoot around trying not to offend anyone.


I'm with you 100% on being able to fully express your views w/o having to water down your posts.  However, you don't think you could have said the same exact thing in a more tasteful manner?  You could have easily done it, you're an intelligent guy.  I do the same thing all the time.  I'm passionate about what I believe, think people to too thin skinned overall, and sometimes can be pretty blunt.  No one is asking you or anyone else to "dress up" any of their posts.  No one needs to pussyfoot about anything, but in life it's always good to try to be respectful.  It's something I need to work on more myself.  




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